Purpose & Identity

  • How God Sees You

    How God Sees You

    Have you ever thought about or embraced the incredible truth that you are a child of God? You probably have no problem accepting that Jesus died on the cross so your sins are forgiven, that God answers your prayers or that one day you will go to heaven. But have you ever taken your relationship

  • You Are Here for a Purpose

    You Are Here for a Purpose

    In recent months, I have spent a lot of time meditating on and praying about the meaning and the mystery of life. None of us asked to be born or created, yet with every fiber of our being, we want to live. And most of us have a strong desire to reproduce as well—to bring

  • What a ’65 Thunderbird Taught Me About True Transformation

    What a ’65 Thunderbird Taught Me About True Transformation

    Ever since I was 13 years old, I have wanted a 1965 Thunderbird convertible. Actually, the truth is that ever since I was 13, I wanted a 1965 Thunderbird convertible as a project car. The reason I have wanted that particular automobile for nearly 50 years is because I watched a family friend restore one. 

  • Discover the Impact of Jesus on Culture Through the Eyes of ‘The Chosen’ Star in ‘Jonathan & Jesus’

    Discover the Impact of Jesus on Culture Through the Eyes of ‘The Chosen’ Star in ‘Jonathan & Jesus’

    In a revealing exploration of faith and life’s challenges, Amazon Prime’s new docuseries, “Jonathan & Jesus,” takes viewers on a journey through the life and spiritual evolution of actor Jonathan Roumie, renowned for his portrayal of Jesus Christ in “The Chosen.” Comprising four episodes, the series captures the actor’s travels across the United States and

  • Thanksgiving: From a ‘Pilgrim’s’ Perspective

    Thanksgiving: From a ‘Pilgrim’s’ Perspective

    Twice in the Bible believers are referred to as “pilgrims.” The apostle Peter wrote, “Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul” (1 Peter 2:11). The author of Hebrews also used this term to describe the Patriarchs: “These all died in faith, not having received the

  • Will You Allow God to Commission You Into His Army in 2024?

    Will You Allow God to Commission You Into His Army in 2024?

    God is raising up people as missionaries, cultural warriors and prophets to mainstream media, politics, entertainment, education, every sphere of authority. How will we know who is being sent? They won’t come first with arguments, condemnation, protests, but with solutions, love and projects that help to bring the opposite into the mix.  God is going

  • At Thanksgiving, Are We Truly Blessing God?

    At Thanksgiving, Are We Truly Blessing God?

    As we pause this week to give thanks, are we remembering to give thanks to our Creator and Sustainer of life? We sit at the Thanksgiving table and are thankful for our family, friends, jobs and whatever else is on your list, but do you really stop to give thanks for your Heavenly Father?  I’m

  • Why Are So Many Christians Unwilling to Forgive?

    Why Are So Many Christians Unwilling to Forgive?

    When some Christians hear the words “forgive” or “forgiveness,” it might bring up feelings of grief, painful memories or bitterness and resentment toward others. Yet, other believers feel warmth in their hearts, followed by relief and the joy of reconciliation. But the one thing believers who cannot find it in their hearts to forgive those

  • Getting to Know the All-Powerful, Omnipotent Creator

    Getting to Know the All-Powerful, Omnipotent Creator

    Believers must live and move in a spirit of faith. Faith comes from hearing the Word of God, knowing God and growing in our understanding of who He is, His power, His abilities, His motives, His heart and His values. The way to love God is to know God. As you come to know Him,

  • Filling the Hole in Your Soul

    Filling the Hole in Your Soul

    I remember in 1980 a song was released by John Lennon after years of anguish and reclusion in his personal life. The song was called “Starting Over,” and it captured the readiness in his heart to embrace a fresh start both personally and professionally and move on with life. Sadly, however, Lennon was shot dead

  • This Is Your Most Important Asset in God’s Eyes

    This Is Your Most Important Asset in God’s Eyes

    God’s Word is timeless, eternal and cannot return void. Marilyn Hickey, in one of her classic teachings, explains why your most important asset is your attitude. Attitude is more important than facts. Your attitude is more important than your past, your education, your money, your circumstances, your failures, your successes and it’s more important that

  • Do We Have A Chosen Time To Die?

    Do We Have A Chosen Time To Die?

    Do we all have an appointed or chosen time to die? Does God control the timing of death, and when it happens is it always His will? We have all heard it said, “You never know when it’s your time” or “God took him home.” When a baby dies they say that God must have

  • With Their Freedoms Teetering, American Christians Must Take This Responsibility

    With Their Freedoms Teetering, American Christians Must Take This Responsibility

    Religion in the Netherlands was historically dominated by Christianity between the 10th and 20th centuries. In the late 19th century, roughly 60% of the population was Calvinist and 35% was Catholic. That was before its dalliance with secularism. Now, a mere 100 years later, most Dutch people are in the firm grip of secular ideology

  • The Rising Influence of This Powerful Group May Save America’s Godly Values

    The Rising Influence of This Powerful Group May Save America’s Godly Values

    Amidst a record level of Hispanic involvement in American politics, conservative activists and leaders from various faith-based organizations are highlighting the significant role that the Hispanic community is poised to play in preserving godly, conservative values in America. The recent panel discussion at the Family Research Council’s Pray Vote Stand Summit shed light on “The

  • Rabbi Kirt Schneider: Connecting These 2 Things Will Bring You Godly Fulfillment

    Rabbi Kirt Schneider: Connecting These 2 Things Will Bring You Godly Fulfillment

    I want us to grasp this: The only reason we are a child of God is because of the fact that the Father sovereignly brought us to Himself. “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day” (John 6:44). Sometimes,

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