James Lasher

  • Ancient Fort Found in Jerusalem, Unraveling 3,000-Year-Old Enigma

    Ancient Fort Found in Jerusalem, Unraveling 3,000-Year-Old Enigma

    Archaeologists have unearthed a massive fortification in Jerusalem, believed to have protected the city’s biblical kings some 3,000 years ago. This discovery, hailed as “monumental” and “dramatic,” resolves a long-standing mystery regarding the City of David’s ancient defenses. The excavation, ongoing since 2007 near the Givati Parking Lot—the largest active archaeological site in Jerusalem—has revealed

  • Glenn Beck Warns of Chaos for Kamala Harris at the DNC

    Glenn Beck Warns of Chaos for Kamala Harris at the DNC

    How crazy are the days we are living in according to conservative commentator Glenn Beck? “If I was to sum it up in just a few words, I would say it would have to be ‘Jesus is coming,'” Beck explains to host Allie Beth Stuckey. These are certainly wild times, especially when it comes to

  • 5 Key Signs to Identifying a Christian Narcissist

    5 Key Signs to Identifying a Christian Narcissist

    Narcissism can be challenging to identify, especially when cloaked in Christian language and behaviors. Kris Reece, a Christian life coach and author, recently shared insights into identifying “Christian narcissists,” individuals who use their faith to manipulate and control others. In one of her recent videos, Reece outlines five key traits to watch for, offering guidance

  • Was A Kamala Harris Presidency Foretold by an 81-Year-Old Prophecy?

    Was A Kamala Harris Presidency Foretold by an 81-Year-Old Prophecy?

    In a three-year-old video that recently went viral, evangelist Perry Stone discussed a 1933 vision by the late William Branham, an evangelist known for his prophetic insights. According to Stone, Branham foresaw several significant events, including a prediction that a woman would hold high power in the United States, potentially as president. This has led

  • GOP Lawmaker Warns of Civil War If Trump Isn’t Reelected

    GOP Lawmaker Warns of Civil War If Trump Isn’t Reelected

    Ohio state Sen. George Lang (R) sure fired up the anti-Trump crowd recently when he introduced Republican vice presidential candidate and U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) at a rally on Monday. Seemingly out of nowhere Lang announced, “Trump and Butler County’s JD Vance are the last chance to save our country politically. I’m afraid if

  • Perry Stone: Could God Be Changing Donald Trump?

    Perry Stone: Could God Be Changing Donald Trump?

    In a recent video on his YouTube channel, evangelist Perry Stone presented a prophetic message drawing parallels between former President Donald Trump and the biblical figure King Nebuchadnezzar. Stone claims that Trump’s experiences and potential future mirror the ancient king’s journey, emphasizing God’s divine plan at work. The key comparison revolves around Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of

  • Kimberly Cheatle Resigns as Secret Service Director

    Kimberly Cheatle Resigns as Secret Service Director

    It took 10 days before the head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, made the decision to resign from her position over what some are calling the greatest lapse in Secret Service history. Following her grilling from congressional members in front of the House Oversight Committee over the failures that led to former President Donald

  • Warning: The Rise of Cyber Attacks, AI, and the Antichrist System

    Warning: The Rise of Cyber Attacks, AI, and the Antichrist System

    In a recent broadcast, prophetic voice Joseph Z detailed alarming cyber disruptions and linked them to a larger narrative involving artificial intelligence and the Antichrist system. A live incident at Milwaukee Airport saw Microsoft systems worldwide crash, displaying the “blue screen of death” and causing widespread outages. Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, alongside Microsoft, has been working

  • Transforming Evangelism: The Role of Social Media

    Transforming Evangelism: The Role of Social Media

    In a recent interview with Charisma Media, evangelist Brian Barcelona highlighted the transformative impact of social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube on modern evangelism. Barcelona emphasized the need to capture attention with bold messages to effectively convey the gospel in a digital age. “It was a way that we got the attention of people

  • Inside the Secret Service Failures and Trump’s Miraculous Survival

    Inside the Secret Service Failures and Trump’s Miraculous Survival

    The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump during a campaign stop in Butler, Pennsylvania, has sparked intense criticism over Secret Service failures and highlighted the deep political and cultural divides in the country. The shooter, identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, managed to fire at Trump from an unguarded rooftop, revealing critical lapses

  • Pastor Billy Crone Reveals Secret Agendas of Freemasonry

    Pastor Billy Crone Reveals Secret Agendas of Freemasonry

    In a revealing interview, Pastor Billy Crone shed light on the secretive world the Freemasons, highlighting its pervasive influence and hidden agendas. Crone’s extensive research and firsthand accounts aim to expose the organization’s practices and their implications for society and the church. Crone discussed the significance of the footage obtained from a Masonic ritual, emphasizing

  • JD Vance Discusses His Journey of Christian Faith

    JD Vance Discusses His Journey of Christian Faith

    Senator J.D. Vance, recently announced as candidate for vice president, passionately spoke about his Christian faith and its transformative power at the “God and Country” breakfast on Thursday, July 18. In a heartfelt speech, Vance detailed his spiritual journey and the significant role his faith plays in his personal and political life. Raised by his

  • Crisis Looms Over America’s 911 Emergency System

    Crisis Looms Over America’s 911 Emergency System

    State after state is having outages and operations issues with the 911 emergency line. The most recent was Massachusetts on July 18. State leaders had a fire lit beneath them when they realized there was a statewide outage of the entire system, while they and emergency services tried to figure out ways to get the

  • Marvel Faces Backlash for Altering Jewish Superhero’s Origin Story

    Marvel Faces Backlash for Altering Jewish Superhero’s Origin Story

    Another day, another example of how Disney/Marvel caves to the insanity of the far-Left. When the news broke that the character Ruth Bat-Seraph, aka Sebra, a Mossad agent, would make her Marvel debut in the upcoming Captain America: Brave New World movie, the anti-Israel crowd was not having it. As reported by the Times of

  • A Defining Event for Our Times: What Happens Now?

    A Defining Event for Our Times: What Happens Now?

    The United States is still reeling from the near assassination of Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump. Prophetic voices have been warning of such an event for years now, and when it finally came to pass, the question on many peoples minds was: what do we do now? Joseph Z sat down with

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