Israel & Jewish Roots

  • Ancient Fort Found in Jerusalem, Unraveling 3,000-Year-Old Enigma

    Ancient Fort Found in Jerusalem, Unraveling 3,000-Year-Old Enigma

    Archaeologists have unearthed a massive fortification in Jerusalem, believed to have protected the city’s biblical kings some 3,000 years ago. This discovery, hailed as “monumental” and “dramatic,” resolves a long-standing mystery regarding the City of David’s ancient defenses. The excavation, ongoing since 2007 near the Givati Parking Lot—the largest active archaeological site in Jerusalem—has revealed

  • Ben Gvir Declares Jewish prayer on Temple Mount to be Allowed – Contrary to Status Quo

    Ben Gvir Declares Jewish prayer on Temple Mount to be Allowed – Contrary to Status Quo

    National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Wednesday surprisingly declared a change to the long-standing status quo on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount prohibiting non-Muslims from praying at the holy site. “I was on the Temple Mount last week. I prayed on the Temple Mount and we pray on the Temple Mount. I am the political echelon,

  • Netanyahu Addresses Joint Session of Congress with 10,000 Angry, Hostile, Anti-Israel Protestors Outside

    Netanyahu Addresses Joint Session of Congress with 10,000 Angry, Hostile, Anti-Israel Protestors Outside

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today is delivering an historic, high-stakes address to a Joint Session of Congress. There is a massive security presence here as the Secret Service, the Capitol Police, and other federal, state, and local police agencies are deployed in a wide perimeter around the Capitol grounds. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to

  • ‘Cave of Skulls’ Yields Significant Biblical Discovery

    ‘Cave of Skulls’ Yields Significant Biblical Discovery

    JERUSALEM, Israel – A small 3,800-year-old textile colored with an expensive dye known as “scarlet worm” (Tola’at Hashani) in the Bible, used for costly fabrics in the Jewish Tabernacle and garments of the Levitical priests, has been identified by researchers after its discovery eight years ago in the Judean Desert. After the textile, (just two

  • New Study Shows Adherence to Evangelical Beliefs and Practices Most Reliable Indicator of Support for Israel Among Christians

    New Study Shows Adherence to Evangelical Beliefs and Practices Most Reliable Indicator of Support for Israel Among Christians

    The Messianic Jewish organization Chosen People Ministries released results of a survey conducted earlier this year that measured the impact of the Gaza War on Christian views of Israel and the Jews. The survey was conducted between March 8-14, 2024 and included 2,033 self-identified Christian adults with a ±2.2 margin of error. Chosen People was

  • Iranian Plot to Assassinate Trump Uncovered by US Intelligence, No Apparent Connection to Pennsylvania Shooting

    Iranian Plot to Assassinate Trump Uncovered by US Intelligence, No Apparent Connection to Pennsylvania Shooting

    The United States recently obtained intelligence related to an Iranian plot to assassinate former President Donald Trump in the lead-up to the November elections, according to a report by CNN on Tuesday. The Iranian plot is believed to be in retaliation for Trump’s order to kill the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

  • The Insidious Resurfacing of ‘Christian’ Antisemitism

    The Insidious Resurfacing of ‘Christian’ Antisemitism

    A Christian social media influencer with a large platform recently texted me after reading my 2021 book “Christian Antisemitism: Confronting the Lies in Today’s Church.” He was burdened and grieved by the contents of the book, saying to me, “This needs to be updated!” I responded, “That’s the problem. The book was an update to

  • Is America Heading for a Second Civil War? Sen. Tim Scott Warns that Democrats Leading Nation Toward Socialism & Chaos

    Is America Heading for a Second Civil War? Sen. Tim Scott Warns that Democrats Leading Nation Toward Socialism & Chaos

    DENVER, COLORADO – Is America heading for a second Civil War? It’s a sobering question but one that needs to be asked. As I’ve been traveling across the U.S. to speak about the war in Israel and how Christians can be praying and helping Israelis and Palestinians, I’ve been struck afresh by how deeply and

  • Yael Eckstein: ‘Jewish-Christian relations are mainstream nowadays thanks to the effort and sacrifice of people like my father’

    Yael Eckstein: ‘Jewish-Christian relations are mainstream nowadays thanks to the effort and sacrifice of people like my father’

    How did an Orthodox Jewish family create a $200 million-a-year humanitarian relief organization, primarily funded by Christians, to bless Israel’s poor and victims of terror? Yael Eckstein, the president and CEO of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) stated that her father recognized the importance and benefits of building strong relations between Christians

  • Israel and Eschatology: Evangelicals Amid Gaza Turmoil

    Israel and Eschatology: Evangelicals Amid Gaza Turmoil

    Evangelical support for Israel has remained unchanged amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, according to a recent survey. Researchers found the belief that “God’s covenant with the Jewish people remains intact today,” serves as the greatest impact on support for the Jewish state. “If a respondent professes this belief, the likelihood that this person

  • Largest Attack in 7 Months: PIJ in Gaza Launches 20 Rockets at Southern Israel

    Largest Attack in 7 Months: PIJ in Gaza Launches 20 Rockets at Southern Israel

    Islamist terrorists in Gaza launched around 20 rockets at Israeli communities bordering the Gaza Strip on Monday, Israel Defense Forces reported. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror group claimed responsibility for the attack, the largest barrage launched from Gaza in approximately seven months. The Iron Dome air defense system intercepted some rockets, while others fell

  • Old Testament Origins Undergird Our New Testament Faith

    Old Testament Origins Undergird Our New Testament Faith

    This is part one of a two-part article. Watch for part two, coming soon to Beloved, there should be no separation in our thinking between the writings of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and those of the New Testament, called Brit Chadashah in Hebrew, which means New Covenant. The Lord never intended for us

  • Deepest Late Bronze Age Shipwreck Ever Found in Mediterranean Off the Israeli Coast

    Deepest Late Bronze Age Shipwreck Ever Found in Mediterranean Off the Israeli Coast

    During an exploration of natural gas, a 3,300-year-old ship’s cargo was found some 90 kilometers off the northern coast of Israel, at an extraordinary depth of 1.8 kilometers below the surface, on the Mediterranean Sea floor. This shipwreck, dated to the Late Bronze Age, or the Late Canaanite period in Israel, is the oldest ever

  • Hezbollah Chief Warns of Unrestricted War if Israel Attacks

    Hezbollah Chief Warns of Unrestricted War if Israel Attacks

    JERUSALEM, Israel–If Israel gets into a major war with Hezbollah, the terrorist group threatens to fight without rules and without a ceiling; and a spat between the Biden administration and Israel over the U.S. withholding weapons may be over. Diplomatic efforts by an American envoy sent to head off an all-out war between Hezbollah and

  • Radical Muslim Who Converted to Judaism: 1 Man’s Insights

    Radical Muslim Who Converted to Judaism: 1 Man’s Insights

    On June 12, the Jerusalem Post published an article by Ohad Merlin titled, “Gaza mosques to Jerusalem synagogues: A radical Islamist’s journey to Judaism.” It tells the story of Yaron Avraham, raised in Gaza as a radical Muslim but now a religious Jew who runs a restaurant in Israel. “The 12th child in a household

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