Shawn Akers

  • Jenny Weaver Prophesies Against ‘Bad Mom’ Curse

    Jenny Weaver Prophesies Against ‘Bad Mom’ Curse

    As a mother herself, revivalist, worship leader and author Jenny Weaver wants every mother to know she is not a “bad mom.” She is not a failure as a parent in the eyes of Jesus. In this interview with John Matarazzo of Charisma News, Weaver prophesies to women in the body of Christ that they are “soaring”

  • Benny Tate: Watch the Holy Spirit Work, When You Let Him In

    Benny Tate: Watch the Holy Spirit Work, When You Let Him In

    Pastor Benny Tate knows that the enemy can keep us busy to the point where the priority of serving God sometimes becomes an afterthought. Our culture has opened its doors wide for that attitude, especially in America. But then Tate, who has served for more than 30 years as senior pastor of Rock Springs Church

  • Controversial Pentecostal Bishop Carlton Pearson Dies at 70

    Controversial Pentecostal Bishop Carlton Pearson Dies at 70

    Pentecostal Bishop Carlton Pearson, once the pastor of the one of the largest churches in Tulsa, Oklahoma, died at 70 on Sunday, Nov. 19, after a long battle with prostate cancer. He had been under hospice care since early November. During the 1990s, Pearson’s church in Tulsa, Higher Dimensions Church, reached an average attendance of

  • Michael Brown: The ‘Flares’ of Asbury Continue Stoking Global Revival

    Michael Brown: The ‘Flares’ of Asbury Continue Stoking Global Revival

    Dr. Michael Brown knows all about revival and how to recognize it. He was a huge part of the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida, that began in 1995 and lasted nearly five years. But, Brown warns, that when many believers experience revival—especially these days—they simply are not capable of sustaining it. Brown says many are

  • ‘The Massacre at Kibbutz Be’eri’

    ‘The Massacre at Kibbutz Be’eri’

    On Oct. 7, 2023 at 6:30 a.m., the small idyllic community of Kibbutz Be’eri, in the northwestern area of the Negev desert in Israel, awoke to sirens as a terrorist attack was underway. This kibbutz, with about 1,100 members, as with several other communities within kilometers of the Gaza Strip, was about to witness and

  • Global Prophetic Summit 2023: Are You Ready for Your Breakthrough?

    Global Prophetic Summit 2023: Are You Ready for Your Breakthrough?

    The 2023 Global Prophetic Summit was held last weekend at Trinity Church in Cedar Hill, Texas in South Dallas, and, as prophet Cindy Jacobs reported on her Instagram page, it was a “breathtaking journey.” “All who gathered were immersed in a powerful fusion of prophecy and purpose, as global voices shared their divine insights,” the

  • Sean Feucht: Peace Anthem ‘God of Israel’ Is ‘A Prophetic Sign’

    Sean Feucht: Peace Anthem ‘God of Israel’ Is ‘A Prophetic Sign’

    During the holidays in December—especially Christmas and Hanukkah—”peace on earth” has been a popular phrase for nearly 160 years. Henry Wordsworth-Longfellow, one of the most prominent American writers of the 19th century, composed the poem of the same name on Christmas Day in 1863. It’s a concept that three songwriters and performers—all of very diverse

  • Cancel Culture Strikes Jewish Singer’s Release of Song Promoting Peace

    Cancel Culture Strikes Jewish Singer’s Release of Song Promoting Peace

    Need more proof that antisemitism continues to grow and plague the international atmosphere? The transparency of the worldwide hatred against Israel and its people continues to grow exponentially, and now it’s rearing its ugly head in the music industry. The song “God of Israel,” performed by American evangelist and worship leader Sean Feucht, Lebanese Christian

  • Gen Z Evangelist: How Do You Know When It’s Genuine Revival?

    Gen Z Evangelist: How Do You Know When It’s Genuine Revival?

    Pastor Nik Walker is a traveling evangelist, and at the age of 25, he’s been involved in many extended revivals during his short time in ministry. But when it comes to extended revivals, Walker says, kingdom leaders must listen to the voice of God to know exactly when to end them. What’s the cutoff point?

  • 8 Differences Between God’s Voice and Your Thoughts

    8 Differences Between God’s Voice and Your Thoughts

    Deliverance minister Vlad Savchuk says, as human beings, it is extremely possible that we can be deceived by our feelings. The concept is explained well in Deuteronomy 4:19, which reads, “And beware, lest you lift up your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the

  • Shaky Financial Future: Younger Christians Show Decline in Local Church Support

    Shaky Financial Future: Younger Christians Show Decline in Local Church Support

    Data for the study was gathered online through a survey of 2,016 U.S. adults, conducted from Nov. 12–19, 2021. An additional online survey of 516 U.S. Protestant senior pastors was also conducted from March 25–April 5, 2022. The study shows that while millennials and Gen Z adults are great when it comes to giving their

  • Joel Rosenberg: Israel Is Headed Toward a Historic Romans 11:26 Moment

    Joel Rosenberg: Israel Is Headed Toward a Historic Romans 11:26 Moment

    With the current war started by Hamas and supported financially and militarily by Iran, All Israel News’ Joel C. Rosenberg says there is little doubt that Israel is going through one of the darkest moments in its storied history. But Rosenberg is also convinced that the nation of Israel is headed for some glorious times

  • Where Is God’s Grace and Mercy in Hollywood?

    Where Is God’s Grace and Mercy in Hollywood?

    When it comes to God’s character, filmmaker and actress Sam Sorbo says there is a great deal of misunderstanding on the part of human beings—even Christians. While many want to paint the Almighty as a deity of anger, wrath and full of damnation, Sorbo says God is just the opposite and wants everyone to know

  • Jonathan Cahn Encounters Sorcerers and Principalities

    Jonathan Cahn Encounters Sorcerers and Principalities

    As a powerful preacher of God’s Word, Jonathan Cahn is certainly no stranger to spiritual warfare. He encounters it almost everywhere he goes as an anointed sower of the gospel of Christ And just as he fought the powers of darkness on the island of Cuba years ago during the Communist regime of Fidel Castro,

  • Charlie Shamp: The Reality of and Escape from Demonic ‘Werewolf Spirits’

    Charlie Shamp: The Reality of and Escape from Demonic ‘Werewolf Spirits’

    Horror movies often portray the intriguing yet satanic world of vampires and shape-shifting demons—what prophet Charlie Shamp often refers to as “werewolf spirits.” But Shamp says these entities are not just fictional, they represent real spiritual forces that seek to deceive, drain and oppress us as believers. Shamp says it is essential—especially in this season

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