Shawn Akers

  • New Film Jolts People Into Escaping Hell and ‘To Love’

    New Film Jolts People Into Escaping Hell and ‘To Love’

    It’s a subject that most human beings—whether they want to admit it or not—think about more than a few times during their mortal lives. It’s an enigmatic question that has fascinated humanity for centuries. What happens to us after we die? It’s a story that filmmaker Jason Pamer felt compelled to tell in his new

  • Thousands of High Schoolers Gathering for Holy Spirit Move on Football Field

    Thousands of High Schoolers Gathering for Holy Spirit Move on Football Field

    In the heart of Hot Springs, Arkansas, on a crisp October evening, a high school football field became the epicenter of a spiritual awakening that would defy expectations and inspire those who had begun to doubt the younger generation. Thousands of young people, nearly all teenagers, gathered under the twilight sky on Oct. 11, for

  • Keys to Overwhelming the Spirit of Perversion

    Keys to Overwhelming the Spirit of Perversion

    The spirit of perversion is not only present but is running rampant in our society today. Anywhere one looks, and not shockingly even in factions of the church, it’s not difficult to spot this dangerous and destructive spirit. It is destroying not only today’s youth—our precious GenZers and young adults—but is also infecting seasoned pastors

  • Jonathan Cahn: No Enemy Will Be Able to Destroy Israel

    Jonathan Cahn: No Enemy Will Be Able to Destroy Israel

    For the people of Israel, the story of the Oct. 7 invasion by the terrorist organization Hamas was a familiar one—at least those familiar with the Torah and the Old Testament. When thousands of rockets were launched toward Israel from Gaza by Hamas—and when multitudes celebrated the unexpected and brutal deaths of more than a

  • Were Ariana Grande and TD Jakes Really Mentioned in the Same Prophetic Word?

    Were Ariana Grande and TD Jakes Really Mentioned in the Same Prophetic Word?

    It isn’t often that you’ll hear the names Ariana Grande and T.D. Jakes mentioned together by a prophet, but recently Troy Black received a prophetic word that included both the secular pop star and the long-time kingdom preacher. Concerning Grande, Black says the Lord told him that the flamboyant singer “is not too far gone.

  • Were People Really Chanting ‘Death to America’ in Times Square?

    Were People Really Chanting ‘Death to America’ in Times Square?

    Eagles Wings founder and director Bishop Robert Stearns and his family spent five days in Israel earlier this month, including Oct. 7. That was the day when an early-morning brutal surprise attack rocked Jerusalem and saw hundreds of innocent Israelis die. A few days after he and his family returned to the United States, however,

  • Family Calls for Prayer for Ailing Christian Filmmaker and Author Warren Marcus

    Family Calls for Prayer for Ailing Christian Filmmaker and Author Warren Marcus

    Through social media, multitudes of friends, family and those touched by his ministry are calling for prayer for author, filmmaker, television producer, speaker and ordained Messianic minister Warren Marcus, who is in the hospital fighting for his life. Believers are asked to pray for Marcus and also for his wife, Donna; their children, Joe and

  • People Are Dying of Starvation Sitting at Believers’ Tables

    People Are Dying of Starvation Sitting at Believers’ Tables

    The first time I heard the statement “garbage in, garbage out,” I was in middle school and my health class teacher was talking to us about junk food in our diets. His point was if you fill something with garbage, then you can only expect garbage to come out. While I haven’t always applied this

  • Jack Hibbs: Why the Jews Must Turn to Jesus Now

    Jack Hibbs: Why the Jews Must Turn to Jesus Now

    Pastor Jack Hibbs likens the nation of Israel to a mother hen, as Jesus referred to in Luke 13:34-35 (MEV): “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you

  • What Do You Say to a Child Being Bombed by an Enemy She’s Never Seen?

    What Do You Say to a Child Being Bombed by an Enemy She’s Never Seen?

    The question stunned David Friedman, former U.S. ambassador to Israel. Nearly two weeks ago, as the war between Israel and Hamas was just getting started, he saw the joy of his family visiting turn to horror with the sound and danger of exploding rockets and the need to take refuge in a bomb shelter. That’s

  • Jonathan Cahn: Here’s What the Bible Says About Hamas and Justice

    Jonathan Cahn: Here’s What the Bible Says About Hamas and Justice

    Jonathan Cahn says it’s time for the Jews to follow the words of Ezekiel 45 and 46, which tell them to “Remove Hamas [violence] and execute justice.” Isaiah 60:18 (ESV) reads that “Violence shall no more be heard in your land, devastation or destruction within your borders; you shall call your walls Salvation, and your

  • Jonathan Cahn: Will Innocent Blood Be Shed in America?

    Jonathan Cahn: Will Innocent Blood Be Shed in America?

    Multitudes around the world have been waiting for prophet Jonathan Cahn’s thoughts on the recent atrocities in Israel. He let loose with a furious message of current events, historical significance and a portrait of the suffering of the Jewish people since the beginning of time in a recent sermon to his Beth Israel congregation in

  • Tim Sheets Prophecy Being Fulfilled With Horrific Shaking of Israel

    Tim Sheets Prophecy Being Fulfilled With Horrific Shaking of Israel

    Apostle Tim Sheets says there has never been a prophetic word downloaded to him that he wishes he had missed more than this one. In early June, Sheets prophesied that a great shaking would come to the nations later in the year. And, he says, he doesn’t know of any greater sign that this is

  • Jonathan Cahn: The Real Reason the Forces of Hell Want to Destroy Israel

    Jonathan Cahn: The Real Reason the Forces of Hell Want to Destroy Israel

    Since the days of Israel’s rebirth in 1948, Jonathan Cahn says, “the forces of hell have been trying to wipe it out. From the day it was declared, they have been trying to wipe it out.” The United Nations, Cahn says, refuses to condemn countries like China and the former Soviet Union for killing millions

  • Receiving Blessings From Beyond the Grave

    Receiving Blessings From Beyond the Grave

    In the heart of El Reno, Oklahoma, a remarkable story of benevolence and unexpected blessings unfolded, all in the name of a woman named Diane Sweeney. Sweeney’s legacy, inspired by the benevolent teachings of Jesus, took an extraordinary form, touching the life of an unsuspecting teenager, Gabriella Bonham. It all began when Sweeney, an Oklahoma

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