Michael L. Brown

  • Highlights From Netanyahu’s Fiery Congressional Speech  

    Highlights From Netanyahu’s Fiery Congressional Speech  

    Wednesday marked the fourth time Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has addressed a joint session of Congress, the most of any world leader in history. His staunchest critics have claimed that the real reason for his visit to the States was “to enlist domestic American support to keep waging the war” rather than to end the

  • Donald Trump and the Project 2025 Mystery

    Donald Trump and the Project 2025 Mystery

    What on earth is Project 2025, and why has it become such a talking point for the presidential elections? According to former President Donald Trump, he knows nothing about it, other than that it represents the worst of the radical Right. In contrast, immediately after being endorsed by President Biden to take his spot in

  • Let’s Pray for President Biden

    Let’s Pray for President Biden

    In the immediate aftermath of President Biden’s sudden announcement on Sunday, stating that he was dropping out of the presidential race, a flood of responses was soon posted online. Political pundits weighed in. Cultural commentators shared their perspectives. Social media influencers had their say. After all, this was a seismic announcement. But since I have

  • Debunking the Viral Christian Meme Opposing Claims of God Saving Trump

    Debunking the Viral Christian Meme Opposing Claims of God Saving Trump

    A few days ago, a friend emailed me, asking how to respond to a statement that a family member shared with her. The statement said, “If you believe God intervened to save former President Trump, but didn’t intervene to save the kids in Uvalde or Parkland or Santa Fe or Sandy Hook, then you are

  • The Insidious Resurfacing of ‘Christian’ Antisemitism

    The Insidious Resurfacing of ‘Christian’ Antisemitism

    A Christian social media influencer with a large platform recently texted me after reading my 2021 book “Christian Antisemitism: Confronting the Lies in Today’s Church.” He was burdened and grieved by the contents of the book, saying to me, “This needs to be updated!” I responded, “That’s the problem. The book was an update to

  • Could Trump Be the Next Great Unifier?

    Could Trump Be the Next Great Unifier?

    In answer to a question posed by CNN’s Jake Tapper on Oct. 25, 2015, as to whether his presidency would result in a season of bipartisanship, then-candidate Donald Trump answered, “I absolutely think so I will be a great unifier for our country.” Could it be that, fresh from his seemingly miraculous escape from death

  • In Wake of Trump Shooting, Let’s All Tone Things Down

    In Wake of Trump Shooting, Let’s All Tone Things Down

    As we all sit here stunned, watching the coverage of the attempted assassination of former President Trump, it really is a time for reflection. Are we contributing to this atmosphere of hatred and violence? What kind of emotions do we elicit with the words we speak and the memes we post? What are we fomenting?

  • Pro-Life Voters’ Challenge: The New Trump Platform

    Pro-Life Voters’ Challenge: The New Trump Platform

    There is a new challenge for pro-life voters as we approach the 2024 elections. On the one hand, I believe it is impossible for a truly pro-life voter to vote for a Democratic presidential candidate given the radical, pro-abortion stance of that party. That holds true as well for the positions of President Biden and

  • Why I Avoid Mudslinging Battles With Destructive Critics

    Why I Avoid Mudslinging Battles With Destructive Critics

    Constructive criticism is life-giving and life-saving, and we should all listen to truthful words of correction, exhortation, reproof and rebuke. As the psalmist said, “Let a righteous man strike me—that is a kindness; let him rebuke me—that is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it” (Ps. 141:5a, NIV). But destructive criticism kills.

  • God Loves Us, but He Desires His Glory, Not Ours

    God Loves Us, but He Desires His Glory, Not Ours

    In the American church today, we hear so much about God’s love for us that we often think the gospel centers around “me” and “my needs” and “my goals” and “my dreams” and “my destiny.” Rather, the gospel centers around the Lord—on His desires, His goals and His plans. And while He cares deeply for

  • Pride Month Slips Out of Sight

    Pride Month Slips Out of Sight

    As a follower of Jesus, I believe in treating every human being with grace and civility. And to be specific, I believe in loving my LGBTQ+ neighbor as myself. At the same time, because I care for the greater good of society and believe God’s ways are best, I oppose many of the goals of

  • Let’s Follow Jesus, Not Superstar Faith Leaders

    Let’s Follow Jesus, Not Superstar Faith Leaders

    It is one of the strengths of our American culture that we have learned how to make everything bigger and better. It is one of the weaknesses of the American church that we apply this same mentality to our faith leaders. We know how to turn servants into superstars! How foreign this is to the

  • Proclaim Jesus, not Your Political Candidate

    Proclaim Jesus, not Your Political Candidate

    While political pundits do their jobs in analyzing the presidential debate, I’ll do my job as a faith leader and encourage us to keep our priorities straight. As I posted earlier this year, preach Jesus and vote for your presidential candidate of choice, based on biblical principles. But do not preach your candidate. To do

  • Mini-Judgment Day Is Here

    Mini-Judgment Day Is Here

    The great British evangelist George Whitefield (1714-1770) once said (in the light of a plethora of lies and false accusations against him), “I am content to wait till the judgment day for the clearing up of my character. When I am dead I desire no epitaph but this, ‘Here lies G. W. What kind of

  • Judgment Starts With the House of God

    Judgment Starts With the House of God

    We are living in times of great shaking, of refining and purifying. How should we respond? In the words of the gospel song and the spirit of Isaiah 6, we should say, “Take the coal, touch my lips, here I stand.” Let the cleansing start with me. Without question, God is purifying His church, bringing

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