
  • 5 Reasons I No Longer Pray the Rosary

    5 Reasons I No Longer Pray the Rosary

    Growing up as a fervent Catholic, I prayed the rosary often. In fact, I still have my original rosary in a shadow box with a picture of me in my altar boy cassock. During those formative years, running my fingers over the crucifix and 59 beads while repeating the assigned prayers was an often-recurring part

  • Morning Rundown: ‘I Refuse to Believe in a God Who Would Make Hell’

    Morning Rundown: ‘I Refuse to Believe in a God Who Would Make Hell’

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on ‘I Refuse to Believe in a God Who Would Make Hell’ If you are a person who says, “I refuse to believe in a God who would make hell,” here are three things you may want to consider: 1. God is the one who has

  • Charisma’s Strang Calling for Patience and Grace in IHOPKC Investigation

    Charisma’s Strang Calling for Patience and Grace in IHOPKC Investigation

    In the latest episode of “The Strang Report,” Charisma Founding Editor Stephen Strang delves into the ongoing investigation at the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City, particularly focusing on its founder, Mike Bickle, and the accusations being made against him. Strang shares his heart on the need for restoration for all parties involved,

  • Christians Flood X With Prayers for Infant for ‘Perfect Miracle’ After Heart Transplant

    Christians Flood X With Prayers for Infant for ‘Perfect Miracle’ After Heart Transplant

    Thousands of Christians on social media are thanking God for the miraculous turnaround of a seven-week-old baby who underwent a heart transplant. And his parents are asking for more prayers as he continues to recover and “fight for his life.” When Augustus Elliott Joubert, better known on social media as Gus, was placed on a

  • Why I Am Not Discouraged

    Why I Am Not Discouraged

    There is no shortage of bad news today, on both the national and global level. The political scene—in particular, the presidential race—is as muddy as it is muddled, while the division between Right and Left continues to intensify. Anti-Jewish sentiments, both here and abroad, have risen to frighteningly high and deeply dangerous levels, while fears

  • Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: The Last Thing Jesus Said to Me

    Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: The Last Thing Jesus Said to Me

    God gave me an out-of-body experience and showed me hell in a vision. As I was traveling up a dark tunnel out of hell, I could see countless numbers of people who had died on the earth falling down this whirlwind tunnel into hell. The Lord allowed me to feel just a small piece of

  • At Thanksgiving, Are We Truly Blessing God?

    At Thanksgiving, Are We Truly Blessing God?

    As we pause this week to give thanks, are we remembering to give thanks to our Creator and Sustainer of life? We sit at the Thanksgiving table and are thankful for our family, friends, jobs and whatever else is on your list, but do you really stop to give thanks for your Heavenly Father?  I’m

  • Breaking Free from the Stronghold of Anxiety

    Breaking Free from the Stronghold of Anxiety

    Have you ever had issues with anxiety, worry, or dealing with stress? Jason Cusick, author of The Anxiety Field Guide wrestled with anxiety his entire life but never really knew it. His mother was a self-professed clean freak and people pleaser, and he inherited those traits. He hit an anxiety crisis several years ago when

  • 15 Ways the Cross Inverted Worldly Kingdoms

    15 Ways the Cross Inverted Worldly Kingdoms

    The cross, a symbol so deeply etched into our consciousness, has, in modern times, become a mere accessory, a piece of jewelry worn casually. Its current representation is akin to someone donning a replica of an electric chair or a guillotine as a necklace. This trivialization overshadows the profound impact the cross had on human

  • Menstealers: The Evil That Lurks in the Hearts of Mankind Today

    Menstealers: The Evil That Lurks in the Hearts of Mankind Today

    From the times of Moses, humanity’s war against evil has included what some Bible translators have called “menstealers.” The Greek word soma relates to physical flesh or meat. It implies the outer, physical body, as compared to an individual’s inner being of intellect, emotions and the ability to choose. Sometimes biblical translators use other terms, like enslavers or kidnappers. Enslavers,

  • Where Is God’s Grace and Mercy in Hollywood?

    Where Is God’s Grace and Mercy in Hollywood?

    When it comes to God’s character, filmmaker and actress Sam Sorbo says there is a great deal of misunderstanding on the part of human beings—even Christians. While many want to paint the Almighty as a deity of anger, wrath and full of damnation, Sorbo says God is just the opposite and wants everyone to know

  • Morning Rundown: The Spiritual Ramifications of Hyper-Grace Theology

    Morning Rundown: The Spiritual Ramifications of Hyper-Grace Theology

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on The Spiritual Ramifications of Hyper-Grace Theology We live during a time when many people do not want to hear about God at all, and if they do, there sometimes is a misunderstanding or a deliberate pushback from the concept of repentance. But why is that?

  • People Are Dying of Starvation Sitting at Believers’ Tables

    People Are Dying of Starvation Sitting at Believers’ Tables

    The first time I heard the statement “garbage in, garbage out,” I was in middle school and my health class teacher was talking to us about junk food in our diets. His point was if you fill something with garbage, then you can only expect garbage to come out. While I haven’t always applied this

  • Florida Prophet’s Surprising Reaction After Losing Church in Fire

    Florida Prophet’s Surprising Reaction After Losing Church in Fire

    At 8 pm, August 22, Prophet, Pastor Rich Vera texted me. “Pray, my church is on fire.” We sent word to the prophets and prayer went up around the world for protection and God’s favor. The fire alarm sounded while 40-plus members were gathered for ministry training in his church, Center Arena, in Orlando, Florida.

  • Where is God When I’m Afraid?

    Where is God When I’m Afraid?

    Have you ever been afraid? Have you ever asked, “Where is God when I’m afraid?” In one of her classic teachings, Marilyn Hickey explains that fear is a terrible thing. Satanic fear brings terror, anxiety, trembling, anger, horror, heaviness, makes you timid when you ought to be bold, oppresses you and frightens you. Satan rules

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