Kathy DeGraw

  • At Thanksgiving, Are We Truly Blessing God?

    At Thanksgiving, Are We Truly Blessing God?

    As we pause this week to give thanks, are we remembering to give thanks to our Creator and Sustainer of life? We sit at the Thanksgiving table and are thankful for our family, friends, jobs and whatever else is on your list, but do you really stop to give thanks for your Heavenly Father?  I’m

  • End Times: Were You Born and Chosen for This Very Purpose?

    End Times: Were You Born and Chosen for This Very Purpose?

    God formed you in your mother’s womb to be alive at this very time. I am always amazed when I think about the depths of God’s creativity. He could have chosen you to be born to other parents in another country in a different time era, but He created and formed you in your mother’s

  • How the Holy Spirit is Crucial in End Times

    How the Holy Spirit is Crucial in End Times

    What is the Holy Spirit’s role in the crucial end times in which we live? How do we rely on Him for truth when we don’t know the facts of what is happening? I was troubled recently as people were predicting adverse world events. Prophets, media and Christians were releasing what appeared to be warnings.

  • Prophecy: The Lord is Releasing Prophetic Destinies

    Prophecy: The Lord is Releasing Prophetic Destinies

    Read Time: 1 Minute, 44 Seconds The world is shifting and we are entering a critical time in history, one that can be concerning for some and exciting for others. We are seeing the very prophecy of the Bible laid out and manifesting before us. The harvest is coming! There may be some negative things

  • Prophecy: We Are in a Season of Blessings

    Prophecy: We Are in a Season of Blessings

    We are kingdom citizens, and not of this world. We don’t abide by this world’s economy and the natural things that happen. Repeatedly, over the last four weeks, I’ve been hearing not to look at the circumstances of this world. We are not of this world. Get your eyes off the natural. It is so

  • Deliverance Minister: How You Can Prevent Strongholds From Manifesting in Your Life

    Deliverance Minister: How You Can Prevent Strongholds From Manifesting in Your Life

    We’ve all heard and been told to capture every thought. In fact, the Bible tells us to in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing

  • Deliverance Minister: 10 Steps to Freedom From Soul Ties

    Deliverance Minister: 10 Steps to Freedom From Soul Ties

    Soul ties are places we are connected to another person in the soul realm. It can create spiritual warfare and be places where we cannot seem to obtain freedom. Breaking soul ties could be the missing element to your deliverance. One of the soul ties people don’t always identify is that of rejection, lust and

  • Prophetic Word: We Need to Keep Our Spiritual Eyes Open to Discern the Chaos in the Natural

    Prophetic Word: We Need to Keep Our Spiritual Eyes Open to Discern the Chaos in the Natural

    Recently as my team and I were in worship, there was a convergence in the spiritual realm, and the glory of God was present. I could see this big mass of prophetic insights coming together. The convergence consisted of information that the Lord had been revealing to me and the new impartation He was giving

  • Prophetic Deliverance: How You Can Properly Discern a Prophetic Word

    Prophetic Deliverance: How You Can Properly Discern a Prophetic Word

    When you receive a prophetic word, most often it should be a confirmation of something you already know. Also, your prophetic word should have the “up factor.” It should build up, train up, encourage up and edify up. It should leave you hopeful for something that is coming to pass in the future. What happens

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Get Your Eyes Off the Natural’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Get Your Eyes Off the Natural’

    As believers, we are kingdom citizens and not of this world. We don’t abide by this world’s economy and the natural things happening. Repeatedly over the last four weeks I’ve been hearing from the Lord, “Don’t look at the circumstances of this world. We are not of this world. Get your eyes off the natural.”

  • Deliverance Minister: Command Your Prophetic Words to Manifest

    Deliverance Minister: Command Your Prophetic Words to Manifest

    Three years ago, I had most of my prophetic words come to pass. I prayed and sought the Lord and asked Him to release more prophetic words into my life so I could expand His kingdom further and glorify the name of Jesus in a more significant way. In the Bible, it says, “For we

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘It is Now Everyone’s Opportunity to Become Fearless’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘It is Now Everyone’s Opportunity to Become Fearless’

    Fear is one of the enemy’s most effective tools, and fear has had a grip on the world since the COVID-19 pandemic began more than two years ago. Fear attacks in many areas of our lives and, for some of us, haunts us daily. The Lord showed me the principalities over the earth and revealed

  • How Praying in Tongues Can Release Your Prophetic Words

    How Praying in Tongues Can Release Your Prophetic Words

    I remember when I first started to pray in tongues. I had longed for that gift of prayer. One day, as I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, my prayer language instantly manifested. “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit enabled them

  • Prophetic Minister: How to Test Your Prophetic Word to Discern Its Veracity

    Prophetic Minister: How to Test Your Prophetic Word to Discern Its Veracity

    You just received a prophetic word and believe it is from the Lord. Your concern is, “What do I do next?” My concern is what you didn’t do next. The next step is not taking action on the prophetic word you received, but testing it. Ask yourself questions such as “Will this bear fruit and

  • When Expelling a Demon, Keep Doing This to Experience a Release

    When Expelling a Demon, Keep Doing This to Experience a Release

    God has given us a creative imagination, and it can be used to our benefit or detriment. Talking about the ministry of deliverance and watching movies or hearing stories of how demons manifest can make our imaginations run wild. What is the truth? How do demons manifest? Demonic manifestations can make the ministry of deliverance

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