
  • Beware of Fraudulent ‘Facebook Prophets’

    Beware of Fraudulent ‘Facebook Prophets’

    Prophecy is a powerful and much-needed spiritual gift. The apostle Paul told us that prophecy provides edification, exhortation and comfort. In First Corinthians 14:1, he also told believers to desire this gift above all others. Prophecy strengthens us, confirms God’s plans, reminds us of His love and care, warns us of dangers and propels us

  • 3 Signs and Symbols of God’s Hand on President Trump

    3 Signs and Symbols of God’s Hand on President Trump

    The failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump on July 13 ignited a firestorm of conversation on prophetic signs and symbols over Trump’s political rise. As I discussed in my book “God and Donald Trump,” many across the prophetic community such as Kim Clement, Chuck Pierce and Lance Wallnau foresaw the rise of Trump

  • Laughter Is the Best Medicine

    Laughter Is the Best Medicine

    As a young woman, I was extremely serious. Because of the years of sexual abuse I endured growing up, I really never knew what it was like to have a childhood—to live care-free and just laugh and play. I’ll never forget the time I went to see a doctor several years back. As he examined

  • Reagan and Trump: How God Protected 2 Presidents From Assassination

    Reagan and Trump: How God Protected 2 Presidents From Assassination

    On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan walked out of the Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C., after speaking to a labor union group. The president had only been in office for 70 days. He stopped to greet a crowd when suddenly a 25-year-old man named John Hinckley Jr. fired six shots with a short-barreled .22-caliber

  • How Is God Moving in this Election Season’s Chaos?

    How Is God Moving in this Election Season’s Chaos?

    When President Joe Biden responded to the growing chorus of requests to drop out of the presidential race, he said he would not unless he heard from the “Lord almighty.” It was an unprecedented reference from a leading Democratic politician. Biden’s quip made it sound—as far-fetched as it seems—as if he takes his direction from

  • What the World Can’t Give You

    What the World Can’t Give You

    People search for happiness in a lot of places. They look to things like relationships, money, vacations, houses, clothes and even open doors of opportunity. Yet while these things can bring a degree of excitement for a period of time, happiness is based on what is happening in the moment. I was a Christian for

  • 7 Traits of a Bitter Person

    7 Traits of a Bitter Person

    Hebrews 12:15 tells us a root of bitterness can spring up and defile many. This is because bitterness can spread to others even through multiple generations. When it comes to a person’s emotional state, bitterness refers to a lingering sense of resentment, anger or disappointment. This feeling often arises from perceived injustices, betrayals or unfulfilled

  • How Can Young Leaders Emerge if Old Leaders Stay in Power?

    How Can Young Leaders Emerge if Old Leaders Stay in Power?

    President Joe Biden is facing the biggest challenge of his 54 years in government. After his disastrous debate performance on June 27, some members of his own party went into panic mode. They realized that the 81-year-old politician may not have the physical stamina or the mental acuity to lead the United States for four

  • 10 Ways Woke Culture Is Reframing Civilization

    10 Ways Woke Culture Is Reframing Civilization

    The book of Genesis recounts how Adam named and categorized the animals, highlighting the profound significance of defining and classifying God’s creation (Gen. 2:19-20). As God’s vice regent, Adam used his act of naming as a powerful assertion of authority, underscoring that the one who defines a thing holds power over it. Throughout history, the

  • Enjoying Life God’s Way

    Enjoying Life God’s Way

    I have a burden to see people enjoy the life Jesus died to give them—and I want to see people not just talk about it but walk in it. John 10:10 (AMPC) says, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and

  • This Is How We Begin to Change the Scandal Cycle

    This Is How We Begin to Change the Scandal Cycle

    In a world that seems to get worse daily, we need the power of the Holy Spirit more than ever to live lives pleasing to God. While the Pentecostal/charismatic movement is far from perfect, there are still standards for righteousness that seems non-existent in liberal or woke segments of the church. Yet, scandals continue to

  • I Was So Tired of Praying I Almost Gave Up

    I Was So Tired of Praying I Almost Gave Up

    I’ve been praying for a specific financial need related to my overseas ministry for several years. Missionary work is a challenge because 1) I’m certainly not a professional fundraiser, and 2) most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about needs in developing countries. Eventually I hit a spiritual wall. I was discouraged. I

  • 9 Ways to Keep Missional Fire Burning

    9 Ways to Keep Missional Fire Burning

    As Timothy oversaw the church in Ephesus, Paul exhorted him to “fan into flame the gift of God” (2 Tim. 1:6b, NIV). Despite this, within a generation, the church in Ephesus faced a stern rebuke from Jesus for abandoning its first love, with the only remedy being a return to its initial deeds (Rev. 2:2-5).

  • How Do We Engage the Culture If We’re Speeding to the End of Time?

    How Do We Engage the Culture If We’re Speeding to the End of Time?

    For decades, Pentecostals have been too passive when it comes to what is happening in the culture. During World War I, they were actually pacifists. That has gradually changed, and the culture long ago rejected the “holiness” legalism that characterized the movement. Now, on many issues like how we dress or what entertainment we consume,

  • The Freedom of Self-Control

    The Freedom of Self-Control

    We all have hopes and dreams for our lives—whether it’s to buy a house, get in shape physically, have success at our job, grow spiritually or any number of other things. However, if we want to make progress in life, it’s going to require self-control. This may not be a very popular topic, but self-control

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