CPN Articles

This category will hold the articles created by the podcasters, which will be displayed in a specific place in the podcasts section only.

  • When Fear Comes In, Choose to Activate Your Faith

    When Fear Comes In, Choose to Activate Your Faith

    Where is God when you’re afraid? We all face fears on some level. Have you ever considered that fear is faith in the devil? Fear is an awful thing because fear has torment. God doesn’t want us to be tormented, and Satan rules through fear—but God rules through love. Fear opens the door for the

  • Want Your Kids to Succeed? Do This 1 Thing

    Want Your Kids to Succeed? Do This 1 Thing

    Want your kids to do well in school and prosper? Take them to church. Researchers at Notre Dame have found that kids who are active in their church and follow their family’s faith have a significant advantage at school, which leads to a more successful life. For example, church kids are 10% more likely to

  • Don’t Be Pulled Into Despair Over the World Today

    Don’t Be Pulled Into Despair Over the World Today

    Have you ever wondered what you should do so you don’t get pulled into the chaotic swirl of moral and spiritual confusion sweeping the world today? Like a ship without anchor, this last-days generation is being tossed to and fro by a flood of deception and wrong influences that is tragically causing people to lose

  • Stand Up for Freedom

    Stand Up for Freedom

    Lately it seems that we Americans are being taught lessons in freedom from other countries. The courage of the Ukrainians as they fight to defend their freedom has inspired the world. Then there are the Hong Kong freedom voices, who are being systematically rounded up by the communist Chinese. And just a few days ago

  • Make Wise, Healthy Diet Choices to Benefit Your Brain

    Make Wise, Healthy Diet Choices to Benefit Your Brain

    Dr. Don Colbert has been practicing medicine for several decades. For the past 25 years, he has switched his focus from family medicine to anti-aging, age management and preventive medicine. The reason for the switch is because he became ill and as a result, learned to make food his medicine. The outcome was a reversal

  • God’s Powerful Guidance in Perilous Times

    God’s Powerful Guidance in Perilous Times

    My wife, Annette, and I personally witnessed a horrible hurricane in Florida. It destroyed homes, property, infrastructure and most tragically of all, it killed many people. Insurance companies call such events “acts of God,” but Jesus told us who is ultimately behind such destruction. John 10:10 (NKJV) states, “The thief does not come except to

  • Is There Life on Other Planets?

    Is There Life on Other Planets?

    There has been more and more news about UFOs and aliens. Since there have been sightings for over 50 years with little said, “Why now?” We see that even Christians have begun to voice belief in alien beings and life on other planets. But the Bible is clear that there is no life on other

  • ‘I Refuse to Believe in a God Who Would Make Hell’

    ‘I Refuse to Believe in a God Who Would Make Hell’

    If you are a person who says, “I refuse to believe in a God who would make hell,” here are three things you may want to consider: 1. God is the one who has provided the only way to keep you out of hell. If you choose to reject Him, hell is exactly where you

  • How Little Secrets Bring Big Success

    How Little Secrets Bring Big Success

    What does the Bible teach us about self-confrontation? Is it a good thing or a bad thing when your heart smites you? In the story of David, the Bible records something so profound that it reveals to us a miraculous miracle of astronomical magnitude. We see in 1 Samuel 24:5 that the text says, “David’s

  • Decide to Pray and God Will Entrust You With More

    Decide to Pray and God Will Entrust You With More

    In previous blogs, I’ve talked a good bit about prayer assignments and prayer alerts, but what if you don’t have a prayer assignment? What if you don’t feel God leading you to pray for a particular person or issue? In 1 Corinthians 14:15, the apostle Paul declared, “I will pray…” (NKJV). He was talking about

  • Why Jesus Is Still the Hope for Every Generation

    Why Jesus Is Still the Hope for Every Generation

    Many have said the Millennial and GenX generations are not interested in Jesus or the church, but the truth is they are not interested in religion without power. As a Millennial born in the ’80s, I encountered a living and loving Jesus who became my friend, father, provider, and wisdom. In this week’s episode of

  • Take Dominion Through the Authority of Jesus’ Shalom

    Take Dominion Through the Authority of Jesus’ Shalom

    Just before Jesus departs, He speaks this word to His disciples, “My peace, I leave with you, not as the world gives give I unto you” (John 14:27). I have pondered this verse and how it relates to the new covenant many times over, and I have come to realize that this seemingly small statement

  • Amid Snipers and Shelling, Sudanese Christians Standing Firm for Christ

    Amid Snipers and Shelling, Sudanese Christians Standing Firm for Christ

    On April 15, 2023, fighting broke out between two warring Islamist factions in Khartoum, Sudan. Since then, Christians and non-Christians alike have suffered extreme hardship, difficulty and terror as the battle between the two factions continues. But Christians have been uniquely targeted in the ongoing conflict. “There is a lot of opportunistic killing and targeting

  • They Shall Cast Out Spirits

    Did you know that the first article in the great commission of Mark 16:17  is “In my name, they shall cast out devils”? This reveals to us the first of five mandates of ministry. Out of those five, three are related explicitly to subduing spirits. In a contextual sense of scripture, the ministry of Jesus

  • If It Be Your Will

    I have often heard people end their prayers of intercession and prayers of faith with the words “if it be Your will.” Here’s the problem with that. In prayers of intercession and faith, we are praying for God’s will to happen—things like salvation, healing, protection, and so forth. The Bible already tells us those things

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