Margie Fleurant

  • Decide to Pray and God Will Entrust You With More

    Decide to Pray and God Will Entrust You With More

    In previous blogs, I’ve talked a good bit about prayer assignments and prayer alerts, but what if you don’t have a prayer assignment? What if you don’t feel God leading you to pray for a particular person or issue? In 1 Corinthians 14:15, the apostle Paul declared, “I will pray…” (NKJV). He was talking about

  • Prayer for the Salvation of Friends and Family

    Prayer for the Salvation of Friends and Family

    Recently, while praying with some friends, I saw a vision of multitudes of people in the Valley of Decision, and they were descending into a pit that I knew was hell. I began to cry out, and my friends began to cry out. It was like we cried out with one voice. My friends took

  • This Is Our Confidence

    This Is Our Confidence

    It is easy to become discouraged in prayer if we do not see the answers to our prayers immediately. The question is—What do we place our confidence on in prayer? What keeps us believing and persevering? Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines confidence as “the quality or state of being certain.” Certainty in prayer comes from only one

  • Praying for Our Enemies

    Praying for Our Enemies

    Recently, the Holy Spirit put on my heart the importance of praying for our enemies. It’s easy to pray for people we love, but what about those who are unkind or hurtful toward us? I felt the Holy Spirit say to me, “Margie, what about those people who are like brother or sister sandpaper and

  • Applying the Art of Intercession

    Applying the Art of Intercession

    We’ve spent a lot of time talking about the art of intercession—why it’s important to pray for others, how to do it, and different types of intercessory prayers. All of this information is good, but if you don’t know how to apply it in your life practically, it won’t do you much good. So, I

  • The Benefits of Answering the Call to Prayer

    The Benefits of Answering the Call to Prayer

    Did you know that intercessory prayer comes with great rewards? When we say yes to God’s call to pray for others, we position ourselves to live in His benefits. Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have love you, that you also love one another” (John

  • Increase in the Gifts of the Spirit

    Increase in the Gifts of the Spirit

    Are you hungry for the gifts of the Spirit? Do you long to see the gifts of the Spirit manifest in everyday life in ways that impact the world and bring people to Jesus? I know I do. Paul the apostle told us to eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit (see 1 Cor. 14:1).

  • Praying for the Lost

    Praying for the Lost

    Read Time: 2 Minutes, 7 Seconds When we intercede for those who don’t yet know Jesus, our prayers must be rooted in two important truths: 1. It’s God’s will for all people to be saved. 2. No person is beyond God’s reach. Let’s look at these ideas more closely. God’s perfect will is that all

  • Intercede with Authority

    Intercede with Authority

    Read Time: 2 Minutes, 7 Seconds When we intercede, our mindset really matters. We need to approach our prayers with confidence, knowing our position of authority as loved children of God. God has given us authority, and when we pray and declare the word of God, those we pray for will receive from the throne

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