Charisma Magazine
Special Edition October 2023

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Cover Story

How to Win the Real Fight for Your Family

Amid the culture war against the family unit, we can't forget the real battle is in the spiritual realm. Here's how to counter Satan's assault at home


Battling the Behemoths of Our Time

As one massive stronghold around the world falls, another is rising. How do we recognize and defeat these powerful evil forces in the Spirit?

Discerning Demonic Spirits Within Your Church

Often the spirits we face within the church are just as evil as those outside, which is why we must increase our ability to discern

3 Sure-Fire Tactics for Ripping Up the Devil’s Playbook

Exposing the top 3 tactics Satan uses to derail and destroy us

Praying Down Powers and Principalities

Though many people go to unhealthy extremes in their approach to spiritual warfare, the Bible gives us a model for affecting change in the spiritual realm

Bible Reading Guide

More Articles About Spiritual Warfare

  • Deceived by Demons

    Deceived by Demons

    So many people believe that hell, Satan and demons are just a joke or fantasy. They base their belief on the lies they have heard taught by other deceived people or on their feelings. The Bible tells us Satan deceives unbelievers. Are you one of the deceived? Satan, who is the god of this world,

  • Don’t Let Satan’s Mind Games Discourage You

    Don’t Let Satan’s Mind Games Discourage You

    Many of my friends are walking through tough circumstances right now. One man’s business has failed. Another man is experiencing chronic pain, and doctors can’t find a medical solution. Another is battling an addiction. One married couple I know is struggling with infertility. And several friends are feeling they have failed as parents because their

  • The Enemy’s Containment Strategy

    The Enemy’s Containment Strategy

    During recent travels with an Open Doors colleague from Central Asia, he described an interesting dynamic in one of the countries he serves that is very opposed to the message of Christ.  (For security reasons, I won’t name the colleague or specific country.) There’s a group of believers there known by local authorities. In many of


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