Steve Strang

  • What Does the Holy Spirit Have to Do with Easter?

    What Does the Holy Spirit Have to Do with Easter?

    You may ask, what does the Holy Spirit have to do with Easter? Well, the answer is everything. Because the Father, Son and Spirit are all one, the Holy Spirit’s involvement in Easter is critical. Jesus lived a sinless life led by the Holy Spirit, who was evident at Jesus’ baptism, descending on Him as

  • Glenn Beck: ‘Nefarious’ Movie, Preparing the Way for the Return of Jesus

    Glenn Beck: ‘Nefarious’ Movie, Preparing the Way for the Return of Jesus

    The topic of deliverance ministry has been, thankfully, brought back into the limelight of modern Christianity. Many Christians today have the misfortune of no longer believing in the power of demonic forces or, I believe, that by simply saying they are a Christian that they have nothing to fear from the devil. This could not

  • Weapons Not of This World Require Deliverance

    Weapons Not of This World Require Deliverance

    Deliverance is not readily understood. Start a conversation about confronting demons, and some people will roll their eyes, saying you have gone too far out on a limb. A recent Barna survey found that more Americans believe in Satan than in God. This statistic solidifies the current debate concerning deliverance ministry and whether Christians should

  • Stephen Strang: Outpourings Leading to the Asbury Revival

    Stephen Strang: Outpourings Leading to the Asbury Revival

    One of the things I have devoted my life to is reporting on the moves of the Holy Spirit. Across history, there have been innumerable moves of God, all of which can give historical perspective to the Asbury University revival happening today. Jim Garlow says, “history is written in phases.” I’m breaking down some of

  • Alabama Mayor’s Midterm Wisdom: ‘We Can All Make a Difference’

    Alabama Mayor’s Midterm Wisdom: ‘We Can All Make a Difference’

    Mayor Sandy Stimpson of Mobile, Alabama, doesn’t shy away from talking about God. In fact, he says his pathway to political involvement began and continues with prayer. But even for those God hasn’t called to run for office, Stimpson has a word of encouragement, especially in this era when political involvement from Bible-believing Christians is

  • Mark Batterson Shares The Key To Living Life with God-Sized Faith

    Mark Batterson Shares The Key To Living Life with God-Sized Faith

    Read Time: 3 minutes 15 seconds Mark Batterson knows something about God-size faith. He has built an incredible ministry in Washington, D.C. and had written books encouraging millions of readers to also have God-sized faith. He is one of the most influential authors in our generation. The irony is that years ago while sitting in

  • Why Sid Roth Is So Excited about Jonathan Cahn’s New Book

    Why Sid Roth Is So Excited about Jonathan Cahn’s New Book

    When you take a step back and look at the state of America you’re probably wondering, “how did we get here so quickly?” In what feels like a blink of an eye we’ve gone from a country proud of their biblical values to “cheer at our gay weddings or go to jail.” I was in

  • Jim Garlow Says This Critical Information Will Help Believers Fight Back Against Coming Totalitarianism

    Jim Garlow Says This Critical Information Will Help Believers Fight Back Against Coming Totalitarianism

    Jim Garlow has been at the tip of the spear in culture wars for as long as I’ve known him. In case you didn’t know, he is the former pastor of Skyline Church, a megachurch in suburban San Diego, and is a celebrated author, communicator, commentator and historian. Garlow is also is the Founder and

  • With Roe Victory Behind Us, Janet Porter Targets Other Critical American Political Issues

    With Roe Victory Behind Us, Janet Porter Targets Other Critical American Political Issues

    Janet Porter has had a goal for years to save the lives of the unborn. That’s what made June 24—the day the United States Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade and said there is no constitutional right to abortion—perhaps the happiest day of Porter’s life. Her ministry, Faith to Action, has long been a

  • Mario Murillo Compares America Now to Israel on Mount Carmel

    Mario Murillo Compares America Now to Israel on Mount Carmel

    America stands in a crucial moment, much like the moment where Elijah made Israel choose between Baal and Jehovah. Elijah said to the people, “How long do you halt between two opinions? If Baal is God…” That’s according to Evangelist Mario Murillo, whose ministry goes back to Resurrection City in Berkeley, California, in the late

  • From the Yoga Lifestyle to the True Light of Christ with Mike Shreve

    Mike Shreve, the host of Revealing the True Light podcast, joins this episode to share how he found the light of Christ and gave up his yoga guru lifestyle. You will be amazed by this story and why it led to Shreve reaching outside the church walls into other religious worldviews with his The True

  • Celebrating Pat Boone's 88th Birthday and the Success of His Movie ”Mulligan”

    In this special episode, host Stephen Strang interviews the beloved Pat Boone. Listen in to hear about his extraodinary career, the impact of his faith, the success of this year’s movie release “Mulligan,” and a song he performed about Israel. Connect with Pat Boone at

  • Australian Leader Tells How Hillsong Scandal Hurts That Church in Spite of the Good It’s Done

    Australian Leader Tells How Hillsong Scandal Hurts That Church in Spite of the Good It’s Done

    Over the last 30 years, Hillsong’s conferences, worship music and emphasis on helping pastors build strong local churches have deeply impacted John Finkelde, former pastor and CEO of Grow a Healthy Church in Perth, Australia. Around the world, Hillsong has been known for its worship music, but according to Finkelde, Hillsong’s lesser-known work with the

  • After Their Homes Bombed, Ukrainian Christian Women ‘Mean Business’ in Sharing Gospel

    After Their Homes Bombed, Ukrainian Christian Women ‘Mean Business’ in Sharing Gospel

    Ukrainian Christian women whose homes have been bombed by Russians are actively caring for other refugees in Poland and sharing the gospel with them, according to eyewitness, Ian Kilpatrick, a musician and volunteer who recently delivered supplies to the border of Ukraine. Kilpatrick’s team delivered bulletproof vests to their contact at the border and transported

  • Massive Russian Bombings Will Start This Week, Ukrainian Sources Tell Mike Evans

    Massive Russian Bombings Will Start This Week, Ukrainian Sources Tell Mike Evans

    Sources inside the Ukrainian government have told Mike Evans, the founder of the Jerusalem Prayer Team, to expect a massive bombing from the Russian military within the next seven days. The predicted bombing is expected to target roads and cut off the ability to bring food in and get residents out. As a result of

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