The Strang Report

  • 5 Reasons Trump Could Overcome His Opponents in This Upside-Down Election

    5 Reasons Trump Could Overcome His Opponents in This Upside-Down Election

    “There’s a feeling almost everywhere that there is something seriously wrong in America,” I wrote in my latest book, “Spirit-Led Living in an Upside-Down World.” That’s stating the obvious for those of us who see the Judeo-Christian values our nation was built on eroding before our eyes. But with the attempted assassination of Donald Trump

  • 3 Signs and Symbols of God’s Hand on President Trump

    3 Signs and Symbols of God’s Hand on President Trump

    The failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump on July 13 ignited a firestorm of conversation on prophetic signs and symbols over Trump’s political rise. As I discussed in my book “God and Donald Trump,” many across the prophetic community such as Kim Clement, Chuck Pierce and Lance Wallnau foresaw the rise of Trump

  • How Is God Moving in this Election Season’s Chaos?

    How Is God Moving in this Election Season’s Chaos?

    When President Joe Biden responded to the growing chorus of requests to drop out of the presidential race, he said he would not unless he heard from the “Lord almighty.” It was an unprecedented reference from a leading Democratic politician. Biden’s quip made it sound—as far-fetched as it seems—as if he takes his direction from

  • This Is How We Begin to Change the Scandal Cycle

    This Is How We Begin to Change the Scandal Cycle

    In a world that seems to get worse daily, we need the power of the Holy Spirit more than ever to live lives pleasing to God. While the Pentecostal/charismatic movement is far from perfect, there are still standards for righteousness that seems non-existent in liberal or woke segments of the church. Yet, scandals continue to

  • How Do We Engage the Culture If We’re Speeding to the End of Time?

    How Do We Engage the Culture If We’re Speeding to the End of Time?

    For decades, Pentecostals have been too passive when it comes to what is happening in the culture. During World War I, they were actually pacifists. That has gradually changed, and the culture long ago rejected the “holiness” legalism that characterized the movement. Now, on many issues like how we dress or what entertainment we consume,

  • Stephen Strang: Let Investigation Find the Truth on Mike Bickle

    Stephen Strang: Let Investigation Find the Truth on Mike Bickle

    Some leaders at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City have called for an independent, third-party investigation into charges of “clergy sexual abuse” brought last week against Mike Bickle who founded the ministry. I wholeheartedly agree with the need for an independent investigation because the truth must come out, and often it’s hard to

  • Jonathan Cahn Reveals the End-Times Mystery of Israel and Hamas

    Jonathan Cahn Reveals the End-Times Mystery of Israel and Hamas

    When it comes to unlocking ancient mysteries in our day, there is no one better than Jonathan Cahn. Not only is he an eight-time “New York Times” bestselling author, but he also is greatly in tune with what the Holy Spirit is revealing to him about the events happening in our current time. One of Jonathan’s

  • Chuck Pierce Asks: Have We Inched Closer to the Day of Jesus’ Return?

    Chuck Pierce Asks: Have We Inched Closer to the Day of Jesus’ Return?

    Chuck Pierce, whose prophetic insight I respect, has an interesting take on what’s happening in Israel. He says God is separating the “chaff from the wheat” and identifying Israel’s enemies so He can deal with them.  It’s all a part of God’s plan for the end of time. If you follow Pierce’s ministry you know the

  • Could the October 14th Eclipse Point to the Return of Christ?

    Could the October 14th Eclipse Point to the Return of Christ?

    One of the best-known Christian sculptors in America, Max Greiner, is not only a longtime friend, but has tremendous insight into the coming annular eclipse this Saturday. What’s unusual about this eclipse is that its pathway will actually make a cross with another upcoming eclipse right over The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden in Kerrville,

  • Mike Bickle on the Power of Prayer and Prophecy in Israel’s Time of Need

    Mike Bickle on the Power of Prayer and Prophecy in Israel’s Time of Need

    In a world gripped by uncertainty and turmoil, the recent events in Israel have captured the attention of the globe. This strife has led to a surge in prayer and support for the nation, with many believing that they are witnessing a significant moment in history. In my latest and most urgent Strang Report IHOPKC

  • How the Holy Spirit Is Leading People on the Road to the Miraculous

    How the Holy Spirit Is Leading People on the Road to the Miraculous

    One of the biggest ways God moves is through miracles, signs and wonders. It’s through these signs that we see the hand of God moving to do things that we never could have expected to happen without Him. It’s through this miraculous power that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and by which the

  • Jonathan Cahn Provides the Blueprint for the End Times in ‘The Josiah Manifesto’

    Jonathan Cahn Provides the Blueprint for the End Times in ‘The Josiah Manifesto’

    Jonathan Cahn’s new book The Josiah Manifesto, like all his books, contains a mystery but also a key, a blueprint and an answer to what Christians must do to stand and prevail in the current environment in the days ahead. First, a disclaimer: I’m Cahn’s publisher (and loyal reader) so I’m not entirely objective. I

  • Unmasking False Prophets With Mario Murillo

    Unmasking False Prophets With Mario Murillo

    One of the gifts of the Spirit is the gift of prophecy. The new testament is full of stories about prophecy. Paul foretold his own arrest, and he teaches the early church that they must test prophecy. With the modern Pentecostal/charismatic renewal came the resurgence of the gifts, and in the past few decades a prophetic movement has

  • Jeremiah Johnson: Navigating Life When Prophecy Doesn’t Come to Pass

    Jeremiah Johnson: Navigating Life When Prophecy Doesn’t Come to Pass

    In the world of prophetic ministry, accuracy and responsibility play a crucial role in guiding believers’ faith and expectations. In one of my latest editions of my Strang Report podcast, I spoke with Jeremiah Johnson, a prophetic voice who faced significant challenges and transformation over the past couple of years. From failed predictions to personal

  • Deliverance by the Holy Spirit is the Only Way to a Life of Freedom

    Deliverance by the Holy Spirit is the Only Way to a Life of Freedom

    In a world fraught with challenges and uncertainties, the need for spiritual strength and protection is paramount. Deliverance is a concept rooted in the Scriptures, and it’s one of the reasons Alexander Pagani’s book, The Secrets to Deliverance, has meant so much to many people since I first published it  in 2018. One of the

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