
  • Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: Why We Must ‘Just Say No’

    Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: Why We Must ‘Just Say No’

    The 2024 election is almost here. How do we vote for our values in a way that transforms the culture and the political scene? Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! Watch this compelling video to learn 20 critical areas that require your attention for us to move forward as a nation

  • 20 Reasons We’re Saying No to ‘4 More Years’

    20 Reasons We’re Saying No to ‘4 More Years’

    On the wall of my study, I have a letter from one legendary leader who had a major influence on my life, Chuck Colson. It hangs above an autographed picture from President Ronald Reagan. Colson was a champion in evangelical Christianity, founder of Prison Fellowship and former White House hatchet man before he converted to

  • Why Biden Pointed America’s Attention Away From the Cross

    Why Biden Pointed America’s Attention Away From the Cross

    William McKane (1921- 2004) was a Jewish, Hebrew and Hebraic studies specialist. The distinguished Old Testament scholar and former professor emeritus of Hebrew and Oriental languages at St. Andrews University noted in his “Proverbs Commentary”: There is a kind of person who turns Yahweh’s order upside down and who tries to draw others into his

  • Why Is Donald Trump So Hated?

    Why Is Donald Trump So Hated?

    There is no neutrality when it comes to Donald Trump. He is arguably the most polarizing figure in America, if not in the world, and at the mention of his name, temperatures rise. To his loyal supporters, he is a courageous hero of superhuman proportions. To his fervent detractors, he is the incarnation of evil

  • Alert: Pray for Our Elected Officials

    Alert: Pray for Our Elected Officials

    Last night I had a dream about a key leader in Congress. He is a personal acquaintance, so the conversation with him in the dream seemed very real and vivid. We were at what looked like a retreat center with other congressmen around, but we were sitting away from the rest at a picnic table

  • Global Crescendo of Freedom: Will It Continue?

    Global Crescendo of Freedom: Will It Continue?

    The year 2024 is like no other year in human history; we are experiencing an historic crescendo of global freedom. The upcoming U.S. election is vitally important in light of what God is doing around the globe. Fewer than 250 years ago, not a single country in the world allowed people the opportunity to elect

  • Our Delicate Dance With Donald Trump

    Our Delicate Dance With Donald Trump

    In April 2016 I wrote an article titled, “Donald Trump is Not Your Protector: A Warning to Conservative Christians.” It began with a strong word of caution: “Donald Trump has presented himself as a protector of conservative Christians and as the best friend Christians will ever have. He has held up his mother’s Bible and

  • Joseph Lieberman Dies at 82: ‘Staunch Defender of Israel’

    Joseph Lieberman Dies at 82: ‘Staunch Defender of Israel’

    Former Sen. Joseph Lieberman, the first Jewish American to be nominated on a major party’s ticket and a Democrat turned independent known for his willingness to work across party lines, has died at age 82. A statement issued by his family reads: “Former United States Senator Joseph I. Lieberman died this afternoon, March 27, 2024,

  • Repeating the Question: Is America a Christian Nation?

    Repeating the Question: Is America a Christian Nation?

    With the ever-increasing warnings about the alleged danger of “Christian nationalism,” however ambiguous that term might be, it is only fair to ask: Is America a Christian nation? And, just as importantly: Has America ever been a Christian nation? And how does this relate to Christian nationalism? One of the latest fear-provoking headlines, this one

  • The Cost of a Free Lunch

    The Cost of a Free Lunch

    They say there is no such thing as a free lunch. Now we are learning the costs of our government’s free lunch economics. It all began with the COVID pandemic lockdowns, which history has shown to be an unnecessary and costly mistake. After strangling the economy, the government spent trillions of dollars of borrowed money

  • What Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Gets Right—and What He Doesn’t

    What Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Gets Right—and What He Doesn’t

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr., born in 1954, is an American environmental lawyer, member of the prominent Kennedy political family and activist who became a champion during the shadowy COVID-19 vaccine phantasm. In April 2023, he launched his campaign, seeking the Democratic Party’s nomination for the 2024 United States presidential election. In October of that same

  • Morning Rundown: 5 Things to Know From the State of the Union Address

    Morning Rundown: 5 Things to Know From the State of the Union Address

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: 5 Things to Know From the State of the Union Address What did you miss from the State of the Union address? Here are the five things you need to know. 1. The president discussed the assault on freedom and democracy overseas and here in

  • Is Christian Nationalism a Threat to Democracy?

    Is Christian Nationalism a Threat to Democracy?

    Have you noticed that, almost everywhere you turn, “Christian nationalism” is in the news? On March 3, a headline on the Christian Post stated: “John MacArthur denounces Christian nationalism as ‘faulty viewpoint’ linked to postmillennialism.” On March 7, USA Today announced: “As Trump support merges with Christian nationalism, experts warn of extremist risks.” Similar headlines

  • Mark Robinson: The Lightning Rod of North Carolina

    Mark Robinson: The Lightning Rod of North Carolina

    Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Charisma magazine, September-October 2022. Lt. Gov. Robinson recently earned the Republican nomination as governor of North Carolina. As the first Black person ever to be elected North Carolina’s lieutenant governor, if Mark Robinson‘s meteoric rise to power continues, he could also wind up as the state’s first

  • Does God Speak to Politicians?

    Does God Speak to Politicians?

    Entering the turbulent election of 2024, we wonder—is God moving in our nation? Most citizens are either firmly on the side of a presidential candidate or completely disenfranchised with all of them from both major political parties. Frustration is sky high with Congress as their approval ratings are at an all-time low of 15%. We

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