Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Do our pets go to heaven? It’s a question that pulls at the heartstrings of animal lovers everywhere. Kelly Kopp and Ryan Edberg from Kingdom Movement and Kelly Kopp Ministries took on this emotional topic in a recent video. While the Bible doesn’t give us a straight answer, their discussion sheds light on what Scripture says—and what it doesn’t.

First, they point out an important distinction: humans and animals are different. They explain that Genesis tells us God created animals and called them “good,” but only humans were made in His image. This sets us apart as spiritual beings with a unique connection to God. Animals have flesh and a soul (mind, will and emotions), but they don’t have a spirit, which ties us to eternity.

“Something unique happens when God creates humans,” the ministers explain. “God created human beings in His Image. I didn’t see it say that about animals. This is an important distinction. Humans are set apart from the rest of God’s creation because they are made in His image.”

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That said, the Bible shows God’s deep care for animals. Psalm 36 highlights His love for all creation, and Psalm 1:48 even pictures animals praising Him. It’s clear they matter to Him.

“What this verse shows us is that God has a deep love for animals, all of his creation. God is a loving caretaker for both humans and animals this should bring you some comfort,” they reveal.

Then the ministers also point us to Romans 8, which talks about all creation groaning for the day when the curse of sin is lifted. This gives hope that animals could be part of God’s big plan for restoration. After all, if creation itself is redeemed, why not our furry friends, the duo asks?

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Here’s the thing, though: the Bible doesn’t say for sure if pets will be in heaven. But the two pastors remind us of God’s goodness and His ability to bring joy. If having your pet with you in eternity would make you happy, isn’t it possible He could make that happen?

Losing a pet is heartbreaking. Death is a painful part of life in this fallen world. But as believers, we have the promise of a new creation, free from pain and loss. Whether pets are there or not, we can trust that God will make everything right.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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