
  • 3 Things You Need to Know About Angels

    3 Things You Need to Know About Angels

    One cried to another and said: Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of Hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory (Is. 6:3). For many of us, angels are a fascinating topic. However, many people have misconceptions about them and their purpose. In Katie Souza’s recent teaching on angels, she dives in deep to

  • What was the Massive Fireball that Rocked New York?

    What was the Massive Fireball that Rocked New York?

    Earlier this week, people in New York, Connecticut and New Jersey had a bizarre experience when what appeared to be a giant fireball zoomed across their skies, moving in with a boom and shaking the earth. The NASA Meteor Watch posted on Facebook that this fireball hit the area on Tuesday morning, moving at 38,000

  • Summer Sky Dazzles with the Rare ‘Strawberry Moon’

    Summer Sky Dazzles with the Rare ‘Strawberry Moon’

    Summer has officially arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, and to kick off its annual inauguration, a “Strawberry Moon” will grace the skies of the southeast on Friday, June 21. The first moon of summer is a little deceptive at first, as many would expect it to shine a bright red or pink hue due to

  • New Nature Documentary From NBC Pushes an LGBTQ Nature

    New Nature Documentary From NBC Pushes an LGBTQ Nature

    The NBC streaming platform Peacock has recently announced its newest series on homosexuality and transgenderism in nature called “Queer Planet” will be released to the masses on June 6. No, you read that right and no, it is not an out of season April Fool’s joke. It is a continuation of the assault on not

  • 5 Ways the Church Can Restore Creation’s Harmony

    5 Ways the Church Can Restore Creation’s Harmony

    This is part two of a two-part article. Read part one at this link. Unfortunately, the fall of humanity, as depicted in Genesis 3, introduced discord into God’s well-ordered system, which disrupted the perfect harmony between heaven and earth, between the spiritual and natural realms, in the following ways: 1.There was a disruption of the

  • Creation as Worship: Mirroring God’s Tabernacle

    Creation as Worship: Mirroring God’s Tabernacle

    This is part one of a two-part article. Find part two at this link. The word “liturgy” originates from the Greek term leitourgia, which means “public service” or “work of the people.” While it is most commonly associated with religious worship, particularly the structured form of public worship in Christian contexts, the concept can be

  • Russell Brand is ‘Grateful’ to be in Christ After Baptism

    Russell Brand is ‘Grateful’ to be in Christ After Baptism

    Comedian Russell Brand is sharing his gratitude and the weight he feels lifted off of him following his baptism. “Yesterday, I got baptized, and it was an incredible, profound experience,” Brand says in a video posted to Facebook. “Many aspects of it were very intimate and personal.” Brand noted that throughout his life he’s tried

  • You Are Here for a Purpose

    You Are Here for a Purpose

    In recent months, I have spent a lot of time meditating on and praying about the meaning and the mystery of life. None of us asked to be born or created, yet with every fiber of our being, we want to live. And most of us have a strong desire to reproduce as well—to bring

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