
  • Biblical Roots: The Foundation of Western Values

    Biblical Roots: The Foundation of Western Values

    Right now there is a tremendous amount of debate about what values our society should embrace. There are some that are promoting the benefits of “conservative values,” there are some that are promoting the benefits of “liberal values” and there are others that are promoting the benefits of other types of values. But if we

  • Morning Rundown: 5 Key Signs to Identifying a Christian Narcissist

    Morning Rundown: 5 Key Signs to Identifying a Christian Narcissist

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on 5 Key Signs to Identifying a Christian Narcissist Narcissism can be challenging to identify, especially when cloaked in Christian language and behaviors. Kris Reece, a Christian life coach and author, recently shared insights into identifying “Christian narcissists,” individuals who use their faith to manipulate and

  • Are You About to Marry The Wrong Person?

    Are You About to Marry The Wrong Person?

    One the biggest fears many people experience is the fear of marrying the wrong person. In a recent message, Alexander Pagani discussed the frustration that many people experience when they feel as though they’ve married the wrong person, and the discernment needed before entering into a marriage with someone. To pre-order your copy of Alexander

  • 7 Reasons ‘The Bible Tells Me So’ Does Not Work For the New Generation

    7 Reasons ‘The Bible Tells Me So’ Does Not Work For the New Generation

    In today’s society, it can be easy to wonder where all the church-goers have gone. After the pandemic in 2020, many people who went to church never came back. However, is it just because people got used to the comfort of their homes on Sunday morning, or is there another reason why people have fled

  • Enter Into Praise

    Enter Into Praise

    Right before Mary gave birth to Christ, she was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to sing praise. She began to sing a song unto the Lord. She became the fulfillment of Miriam. “Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to a city of Judah [which means

  • Are You  Spirit-Led?

    Are You Spirit-Led?

    Some of you are looking for a touch for your soul but need to come to Jesus first. There are moments in time when you have to do what King David said. He said, “Why is my soul downcast?” “Why is my soul downtrodden?” (See Ps. 43:5). You need to put all hope in the

  • L.A. Marzulli: Two Prophetic Verses That Point to Israel’s Comeback

    L.A. Marzulli: Two Prophetic Verses That Point to Israel’s Comeback

    All throughout Scripture we see God’s hand upon the people of Israel, including in their times of despair. In the moments when they rebelled and God left them to their own demise, He still would save them, ultimately promising and providing the Savior of the world for all of us. And God’s saving hand is

  • Max Lucado Encourages Gateway Church: ‘You’ll Get Through This’

    Max Lucado Encourages Gateway Church: ‘You’ll Get Through This’

      In an inspirational message to the congregants of Gateway Church, Max Lucado gave the church hope in the middle of the darkness. “You’ll get through this. It won’t be painless. It won’t be quick. But God will use this mess for good. In the meantime, don’t be foolish of naïve. But don’t despair either.

  • Did Biden Give a Prophetic Word?

    Did Biden Give a Prophetic Word?

    Before the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, Joe Biden said in a phone call, “It’s time to put Trump in the bulls-eye.” Just days later, Trump actually became the target of an assassin when he was shot in the ear. So, was this word prophetic in nature? Biden claimed in his interview with NBC’s Lester

  • Has the 4th Quarter of History Already Started?

    Has the 4th Quarter of History Already Started?

    I believe it has. Something happened on Friday, May 14, 1948, that differentiates this era from any other in human history. On that day two men sat in a quiet corner of the F Street Club in Washington, D.C., and worked out the wording of a statement soon to be released by the White House.

  • Jack Hibbs on Presidential Assassination Attempt: ‘It’s Time to Say That Jesus Christ is Lord’

    Jack Hibbs on Presidential Assassination Attempt: ‘It’s Time to Say That Jesus Christ is Lord’

    In a special message calling for the body of Christ to come together in prayer, Pastor Jack Hibbs decided to wear a special, symbolic robe in the face of what happened this past weekend when an assassination attempt took place on former president Donald Trump’s life. Wearing a special black robe, Hibbs says this attire

  • 7 Traits of a Bitter Person

    7 Traits of a Bitter Person

    Hebrews 12:15 tells us a root of bitterness can spring up and defile many. This is because bitterness can spread to others even through multiple generations. When it comes to a person’s emotional state, bitterness refers to a lingering sense of resentment, anger or disappointment. This feeling often arises from perceived injustices, betrayals or unfulfilled

  • This is How to Break the Curse of ‘I Don’t Know’

    This is How to Break the Curse of ‘I Don’t Know’

    Every single one of us understands what it’s like to not know something. However, the phrase “I don’t know” has been used time and time again as an actual excuse to ignore and run away from making wise decisions. In his wisdom sermon series, Apostle Alexander Pagani confronted the issues that arise when people refuse

  • God’s Provision for Your Promised Land

    God’s Provision for Your Promised Land

    I don’t know about you, but for me, there are many verses in the Bible that contain statements that can be difficult to understand. Once I understand them, they can become extremely encouraging, powerful and faith-building. One such verse is found in Numbers 14:9 (TLV, author’s emphasis): “Only don’t rebel against Adonai, and don’t be

  • We Must Remember There Is Only 1 Mediator

    We Must Remember There Is Only 1 Mediator

    The American church is being shaken. The public revelations of sexual sins in the lives of some of America’s most famous pastors have shocked many and left many confused. In times like these we must remember that in every test and trial of faith there exists the opportunity to come through it better and stronger

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