Sarah Stegall

  • Awake, My Daughters!

    God has used women in very unique ways to foster a move of His Spirit. He has bestowed upon women graces that empower them to be instruments of life-changing prayer, creativity, vision and leadership within the body of Christ.

  • Prayer that Goes Behind the Veil

    (PART 1) In His Word, God has shown you the right and the wrong paths to position yourself in the place of His powerful presence. These steps, like gateways, will lead you to Him and make you a powerful intercessor.

  • The Heart’s Deepest Desires

    Think of how God has given you a unique sensitivity to life and its daily blessings. Your perspective and the compassionate feelings of your feminine heart are not accidents, but gifts from your Heavenly Father.

  • The Test of Wondering Why

    (PART 1) "Why me, God? What's going on?" Have you ever gone through an unsure time or moments of pain, and you desperately needed your prayers answered?In those seasons of testing, it is more important than ever to delve into the Word of God and make sure your foundation is secure. Then you will find…

  • Use Your Authority

    (Part 1) Today women are breaking through to new levels of leadership, and yet there is still opposition. But God is calling women, like Deborah, to "awake" and claim with faith the leadership potential they have, knowing that they can make a powerful difference.

  • The Only Perfect Love

    Scriptures reveal that God is perfect and good and loving—unconditionally, unlike mankind. His Word promises that He will never fail us nor abandon us, and we can place our trust in Him.

  • Serving Like Jesus

    (Part 1) There is nothing so fulfilling as serving Jesus Christ, representing Him with your finest gifts and talents. But perhaps even more important than offering your gifts is humbly yielding yourself to Him. God's Word provides passages that direct you in servanthood, in living a life of yieldedness and obedience.

  • The Work of Grace

    (Part 1) Because of what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross, His grace truly is active and operative in our lives. God’s powerful, awesome grace through the Spirit of Christ is presented throughout the New Testament. READ: John 10:10; Rom. 7:8-20; Rom. 8:7-9; 1 Cor. 15:56-58; 2 Cor. 3: 3-13; 2 Cor. 12:9.HEART

  • When Do I Get There?

    God is involved in the process of your transition, but He also desires that the end result be the best one for you. His Word is filled with wisdom and insight about the changes He has for you. He will guide you and sustain you as He moves you to your next level of intimacy…

  • Keep Your Heart Ablaze

    (Part 1)Are you on fire for God? If not, why not? Are you doing anything to cultivate your excitement for Him? Let His Word show you how to nurture the fire and keep it going.

  • The Roots of Unbelief

    (Part 1)As a believer, how is your heart toward God? Of course, you love Him, but how persuaded are you that He loves you and desires to bless you? His Word reveals the truths that will help you guard your heart against doubt and unbelief, so that you may fully enter in to all that…

  • The Same Faith

    (Part 1)God wants you to trust Him entirely for everything. For this, you will need the guidance of His Word. It will instruct, guide and build you in the faith, so that you can trust a great God for great things—even the miraculous!

  • Calories or Carb?

    Gary Heavin, founder and CEO of Curves International, observes that some women do well on a particular diet, while other women on the same diet not only don't lose weight, but actually gain weight. He attributes this to varied metabolisms and because some women are carbohydrate-sensitive and others are calorie-sensitive.Carb-sensitive women are more than 25…

  • Body Shape Linked to Disease

    When it comes to your health, it is important to be aware of and manage your weight. But according to Don Colbert, M.D., author of The Bible Cure series (Siloam), you should also be aware of how you're overweight. Where is your body's excess fat located? This is critically important when it comes to evaluating…

  • 2 Body Shapes That Are Dangerous for Your Health

    2 Body Shapes That Are Dangerous for Your Health

    When it comes to your health, it is important to be aware of and manage your weight. But according to Don Colbert, M.D., author of the Bible Cure series (Siloam), you should also be aware of how you’re overweight. Where is your body’s excess fat located? This is critically important when it comes to evaluating

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