Bible Study

  • What Is the Tabernacle of God?

    What Is the Tabernacle of God?

    What a powerful day in the presence of God! As we transitioned out of worship, I had a vision of folks being tired of raising hands and waiting on the Lord. Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! The message was that the Lord was waiting on us to respond to Him.

  • Obeying Parents Is Not the Same as Honoring Parents

    Obeying Parents Is Not the Same as Honoring Parents

    We live in a broken world filled with broken families—families in which many sons and daughters have been raised to believe in the G-D of the Bible and to be responsible to live by the Ten Commandments. Most understand and do what they can to keep these commandments, but an increasing number struggle with the

  • Are All Believers Priests?

    Are All Believers Priests?

    The Catholic catechism teaches there are two divisions of the priesthood: the “common priesthood” (normal Catholics) and the “ministerial priesthood” (clergy). However, I have found that this distinction is not common knowledge, nor is it the actual, functional mindset of most Catholics. Instead, they tend to reserve that title, calling, status and privilege to their

  • The Pain I Felt in Hell

    The Pain I Felt in Hell

    God gave me a vision of hell that I wrote about in my book, “23 Minutes In Hell.” In it, I shared that God allowed me to feel a certain level of pain during my time in hell. I knew that what I felt was only a fraction of what those condemned to hell will feel because

  • Has the River from the Garden of Eden Been Found?

    Has the River from the Garden of Eden Been Found?

    Has the Pishon River from the Garden of Eden been found? Among the key elements mentioned in the biblical narrative of the creation story, there are some features described that may help us to decipher where the Garden of Eden is located. The four rivers that flowed through Eden are the Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and

  • ‘Wonder Years’ Star Reveals Powerful Lessons Learned From Journey in the Bible

    ‘Wonder Years’ Star Reveals Powerful Lessons Learned From Journey in the Bible

    Actress Danica McKellar recently revealed the lessons she learned after reading the entire Bible in a year, sharing how she “really enjoyed it” and was left feeling deeply comforted. “For me, reading the Bible, I just have to say, I felt so comforted,” McKellar said. “And oddly so, even during the chapters like getting through Job,

  • How Are You Using Your Kingdom Talents?

    How Are You Using Your Kingdom Talents?

    “For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw—each man’s work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire, and the

  • What the Bold Claims of Jesus Mean for You and Me

    What the Bold Claims of Jesus Mean for You and Me

    Christian and secular historians verify that Jesus Christ lived, was crucified, died and rose from the dead. During His ministry, Jesus also made some very bold claims, calling Himself the Son of God. We know for certain that His statements were true because His words have come to pass. If He were just another religious

  • Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: How Do We Understand God?

    Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: How Do We Understand God?

    A common misconception among Christians is the belief that man cannot understand God’s ways. We often hear people use the phrase, “God’s ways are not our ways” referencing the verse in Isaiah 55:8–9 (NKJV), which says, “‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ says the Lord. ‘For as the

  • Is Hell Fair?

    Is Hell Fair?

    Many people have come to think that hell is too severe for the sins committed today. We’ve actually become accustomed to sin. In doing so, we’ve determined that God should not judge people so harshly. What we must realize is whom we have sinned against. Sinning against our fellow man is not the same as

  • 10 Biblical Promises for a Blessed 2024

    10 Biblical Promises for a Blessed 2024

    The Scriptures provide us with numerous conditional promises and commands that, if followed, will ultimately ensure a blessed future. This doesn’t imply that walking with God will shield us from all challenges or suffering. It pertains to the rewarding outcomes of specific actions and lifestyles. As we step into 2024, adhering to Scripture’s teachings is

  • Epiphany Sunday: Celebrating Light Over Darkness

    Epiphany Sunday: Celebrating Light Over Darkness

    Christian churches that follow a liturgical calendar will observe Epiphany Sunday on Jan. 7, a time to celebrate Jesus as the light that shines in the darkness, as spoken of in John 1:1-5. The word “epiphany” comes from the Greek epiphaneia and means “manifestation.” This church ritual recognizes the post-nativity arrival of the Gentile kings

  • Did Yeshua Break Torah?

    Did Yeshua Break Torah?

    On Saturday mornings at our synagogue before our regular Shabbat service, we have a question-and-answer class where those attending can ask any question they have. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to answer thousands of questions about Messianic Judaism, the Bible and how we walk out our faith as believers in Yeshua. Some

  • Getting Stoned: The Key to Unity Among Believers

    Getting Stoned: The Key to Unity Among Believers

    As I speak to believers in Yeshua around the world, one common topic of conversation invariably comes up. How can we as believers be more unified? After all, we all read from the same Bible and we all claim to serve and love the same G-D. We all profess to believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is

  • Beware These 10 Heretical Views Regarding Jesus

    Beware These 10 Heretical Views Regarding Jesus

    Having a biblical view of Jesus during this Christmas season is essential. Unfortunately, many people in Christianity have erroneous concepts: Some think He was a created being, some think He was just a good teacher, some think He was fully divine and not human and some believe He was fully human and not God. Jesus

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