Sarah Stegall

  • Get Up and Go!

    In her book Finally FIT!, Lorraine Bossé-Smith points out the benefits of keeping active. Exercise, she writes, will reduce stress, improve the quality of your sleep, give you more energy, maintain healthier muscles and joints, increase bone density, decrease blood pressure, reduce your chances of becoming depressed and make you feel better about yourself. So

  • Got Chocolate

    According to medical doctor Don Colbert, a recent study shows that chocolate–the dark variety, that is–can be good for you. Dark chocolate, Colbert says, contains high levels of flavonoids, an antioxidant that protects the heart and blood vessels from the damaging stress of free radicals. This beloved treat can actually increase the levels of antioxidants

  • Got Chocolate

    According to medical doctor Don Colbert, a recent study shows that chocolate–the dark variety, that is–can be good for you. Dark chocolate, Colbert says, contains high levels of flavonoids, an antioxidant that protects the heart and blood vessels from the damaging stress of free radicals. This beloved treat can actually increase the levels of antioxidants

  • Did You Know…

    That many of our modern-day medicines are derived from herbs? That’s because “herbal plants are time-tested and approved sources of healing,” writes nutritionist and women’s health specialist Janet Maccaro in her book, Natural Health Remedies: An A-Z Family Guide. Though some Americans are still skeptical, Europeans have used herbs as medicines for centuries. So the

  • Did You Know…

    That many of our modern-day medicines are derived from herbs? That’s because “herbal plants are time-tested and approved sources of healing,” writes nutritionist and women’s health specialist Janet Maccaro in her book, Natural Health Remedies: An A-Z Family Guide. Though some Americans are still skeptical, Europeans have used herbs as medicines for centuries. So the

  • God Has a Plan

    When I was a child, severe medical problems cropped up as a result of congenital issues. For three years, my parents and my doctors were hopelessly baffled as I endured horrendous pain. While facing the taunts of a world that couldn't understand what was happening, I tried to function as a normal child and keep…

  • For God’s Glory

    When I was pregnant with my second child, I developed complications and was confined to bed. During that time, while watching a TV special on autism, I thought, Lord, I could never handle anything like that. Later on, our son John was born. He was apparently healthy, but as he grew something seemed wrong. At…

  • A Garden of Faith

    Throughout my life, God has been merciful to me. I am thankful for the loving Christian home into which I was born 38 years ago. My mother prayed over everything, and our family attended church each week. It was a wonderful childhood. But while in college, I was introduced to marijuana and cocaine. I'd nearly…

  • Wounds That Heal

    After nine years of what I thought was a solid Christian marriage, I was confronted with the first of my husband, Wayne's, two adulterous affairs. Having been raised in a pastor's home, I couldn't comprehend why this was happening. I had confided in a fellow church member—a friend I trusted. Unfortunately, the story of my…

  • Proper Nutrition and Recovery from Eating Disorders (3)

    In his book Hope, Help and Healing for Eating Disorders (Shaw, 2002), Christian psychologist and certified eating disorder specialist Gregory L. Jantz, Ph.D., offers a body-mind-spirit approach to healing from eating disorders. Jantz advocates proper nutrition as an important and often overlooked aspect of treatment for eating disorders. His nutrition-based rehabilitation program starts with nutrients…

  • Prayer that Shakes the Earth

    (Part 1)God not only desires that you be in right standing—walking in righteousness—with Him, He also expects you to do something (from your place of relationship with Him) to advance His kingdom. His Word will equip you to be an agent of change in the lives of others. Get ready to take exciting action!

  • Proper Nutrition and Recovery from Eating Disorders

    In his book Hope, Help and Healing for Eating Disorders (Shaw, 2002), Christian psychologist and certified eating disorder specialist Gregory L. Jantz, Ph.D., offers a body-mind-spirit approach to healing from eating disorders. Jantz advocates proper nutrition as an important and often overlooked aspect of treatment for eating disorders. His nutrition-based rehabilitation program starts with nutrients…

  • Healthy Living

    Detoxing Made Easy Linda Page, author of the book Detoxification, explains why there is a need to help your body detoxify itself: "The environmental toxins of modern-day life that we're exposed to—the pollutants, chemicals, other synthetic substances—are more than the average body can handle. The body doesn't know what to do with foreign substances, so…

  • Healthy Living

    Detoxing Made Easy Linda Page, author of the book Detoxification, explains why there is a need to help your body detoxify itself: "The environmental toxins of modern-day life that we're exposed to—the pollutants, chemicals, other synthetic substances—are more than the average body can handle. The body doesn't know what to do with foreign substances, so…

  • What You Should Know About Cervical Cancer and HPV

    Cervical cancer begins in the cervix, which is the part of the uterus that opens to the vagina. It has become rare in the United States in recent years because most women get Pap tests that detect it before it starts or find it early enough to treat it easily.IMPORTANCE OF REGULAR PAP TESTS A…

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