Kyle Winkler

  • The Surest Way to Relieve Your Loneliness

    The Surest Way to Relieve Your Loneliness

    The COVID-19 pandemic hit the world hard and unexpectedly in 2020. It became a public health crisis that sent humanity into a panic and consumed people’s lives for the better part of three years. But there is another public health crisis that many don’t talk about—one that is just as devastating, if not more so,

  • The Great Physician’s Prescription for Guilt and Shame

    The Great Physician’s Prescription for Guilt and Shame

    Your chest tightens. Nervousness develops in the pit of your stomach. You knew better, so how could you have done such a thing? Then fear kicks in. You fear you can’t talk to God as before; you fear you’re not clean enough to be in His presence—not after what you’ve done. These symptoms of guilt

  • Are You Engaging in Spiritual Warfare God’s Way?

    Are You Engaging in Spiritual Warfare God’s Way?

    How do you engage in spiritual warfare? If you’re like most, you suit up in the whole armor of God. Maybe you raise your volume. Then you engage in combat! Certainly, that was me for many years before God revealed a different way. And He used the words of an atheist to do it. What

  • The Only Power to Overcome Sin, Struggle and Addictions

    The Only Power to Overcome Sin, Struggle and Addictions

    We boast about amazing grace when it comes to our salvation. But when it comes to addressing the sins and struggles that arise as we live our faith, people often turn to various means of performance. That usually comes down to more Bible memorization, more prayer, more fasting or more adherence to a set of

  • Bible Teacher: Don’t Fall for the Devil’s Big Lie About Sin

    Bible Teacher: Don’t Fall for the Devil’s Big Lie About Sin

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 10 Seconds The enemy’s attacks on an unbeliever are very different from his attacks on a believer. In the lives of people who have not put their trust in the saving work of Christ, the devil’s goal is to keep them from doing so. Ultimately, he wants to keep people eternally

  • Joyce Meyer’s Daughter: ‘I Tried Until I Almost Died!’

    Joyce Meyer’s Daughter: ‘I Tried Until I Almost Died!’

    Growing up as the daughter of Dave and Joyce Meyer, Sandra McCollom knew about God’s goodness and unconditional love. “At eight years old, I remember sitting on the floor as my mom shared her faith with me. That’s when I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior,” she recalls. “I was always taught that God

  • Why Did God Give ‘This’ to Me?

    Why Did God Give ‘This’ to Me?

    It’s a question I frequently hear. It’s one I’ve asked. And maybe it’s one you’ve asked, too. The question is, “God, why did You give this to me?” This can be any number of issues, from emotional or psychological struggles to symptoms or sicknesses, disabilities or disasters. When we struggle for so long, the tendency is

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