Jesus & the Gospel

  • Good Friday: The 7 Last Words of Jesus

    Good Friday: The 7 Last Words of Jesus

    As Jesus hung on the cross, struggling painfully for each breath, He uttered seven short, powerful statements showing who He was and what was happening, and encouraging those who would follow Him. It was His last sermon. Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! Get your FREE CHARISMA NEWSLETTERS today! Stay up

  • Doubts and Proofs of Jesus’ Resurrection

    Doubts and Proofs of Jesus’ Resurrection

    If you read this on Resurrection Sunday, perhaps you have already exchanged the traditional hope-filled affirmation with other believers: “He is risen!” And they have responded, “He is risen, indeed!” The apostle Paul plainly declared the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead an essential element of our faith: “If Christ has not been raised,

  • Let’s Talk About Politics and Religion

    Let’s Talk About Politics and Religion

    You may have grown up hearing the famous warning that there are two things to never discuss over the dinner table: politics and religion. If you grew up in a Christian household, discussing faith was unavoidable, but you may have been raised to steer away from discussing politics, much less getting involved in politics and

  • What Happened Between the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus?

    What Happened Between the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus?

    One of the greatest biblical mysteries concerns what happened between the crucifixion of the Son of God and His resurrection three days later. Very little is written in Scripture about the subterranean events that were so monumental that two earthquakes shook Jerusalem before and after that 72-hour span of time (Matt. 27:54, 28:2). Some Bible

  • The Surest Way to Relieve Your Loneliness

    The Surest Way to Relieve Your Loneliness

    The COVID-19 pandemic hit the world hard and unexpectedly in 2020. It became a public health crisis that sent humanity into a panic and consumed people’s lives for the better part of three years. But there is another public health crisis that many don’t talk about—one that is just as devastating, if not more so,

  • Don’t Give Up on America, Church

    Don’t Give Up on America, Church

    Last week, three of us from our team at Christians Engaged traveled to Louisiana for a few days to work with our evangelism partners, Time to Revive. Because of over a year’s worth of work by these faithful evangelists, we saw 11 churches come together across denominational and racial lines for the purpose of sharing the gospel. Every

  • Pastoral Failures and Ministry Collapses: God Is Judging the Church

    Pastoral Failures and Ministry Collapses: God Is Judging the Church

    I could make a list of names of people who have had ministry or personal failures that were public figures in the church over the past few years and this would be a very long video. I am not going to do that, nor is it any of my business, but what I do want

  • Through Tragedy, God Is Showing His Love for the Libyan People

    Through Tragedy, God Is Showing His Love for the Libyan People

    On September 11, 2012, four Americans died in an Islamist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. Just months later, Anita and Ronnie Smith, along with their infant son, left their home in Austin, Texas, to move to Benghazi.  “We wanted to take God’s love and the gospel to Libya, to Benghazi, because

  • Thousands of High Schoolers Gathering for Holy Spirit Move on Football Field

    Thousands of High Schoolers Gathering for Holy Spirit Move on Football Field

    In the heart of Hot Springs, Arkansas, on a crisp October evening, a high school football field became the epicenter of a spiritual awakening that would defy expectations and inspire those who had begun to doubt the younger generation. Thousands of young people, nearly all teenagers, gathered under the twilight sky on Oct. 11, for

  • Were Ariana Grande and TD Jakes Really Mentioned in the Same Prophetic Word?

    Were Ariana Grande and TD Jakes Really Mentioned in the Same Prophetic Word?

    It isn’t often that you’ll hear the names Ariana Grande and T.D. Jakes mentioned together by a prophet, but recently Troy Black received a prophetic word that included both the secular pop star and the long-time kingdom preacher. Concerning Grande, Black says the Lord told him that the flamboyant singer “is not too far gone.

  • Will This Award-Winning Kevin Sorbo Film Transform American Attitudes?

    Will This Award-Winning Kevin Sorbo Film Transform American Attitudes?

    With the devil’s attempts to overwhelm Americans with fear and chaos—in real life and in the media—it’s good to know that there are those who are pushing back against the enemy’s plans. Movies are being made by those such as Kevin and Sam Sorbo that are not only family friendly but can also make Americans

  • Why Are These Believers in the Middle East Risking Their Lives for the Gospel?

    Why Are These Believers in the Middle East Risking Their Lives for the Gospel?

    Some brave Christians in the Middle East have been secretly printing Bibles and, in the process, risking their lives to help ensure Scriptures get into some of the most restrictive locations. Persecution watchdog Global Christian Relief recently visited two printing presses and spoke with one of the bold believers who works diligently to spread the

  • What is Keeping Believers from Seeing the Latter Rain?

    What is Keeping Believers from Seeing the Latter Rain?

    Like most students of the Bible, I believe that we are in the last days. We only have to look around to see the prophetic events coming to pass before our eyes. There are many things which are prophesied to take place: wars, disease, famine, pestilence, earthquakes and tsunamis—and we are seeing all of these

  • Former Muslim Woman Braves ‘Hellfire,’ Now on Fire for Jesus

    Former Muslim Woman Braves ‘Hellfire,’ Now on Fire for Jesus

    Hanging from her hair in hellfire for all eternity—that was supposed to be Hedieh’s punishment. What was her crime? She simply removed her head covering. But now, after 22 years in Islam, she’s no longer afraid of her eternal destiny because she heard the loving voice of Jesus Christ. “In Islam, God is not a

  • Amsterdam 2023: Are We Confusing Sympathy with Compassion?

    Amsterdam 2023: Are We Confusing Sympathy with Compassion?

    Evangelist Christine Caine says that if believers, especially kingdom leaders, are to achieve the daunting goal of reaching every person with the gospel of Christ by 2033, they must overcome “compassion fatigue.” The founder of Christine Caine Ministries and the A21 campaign, a ministry focusing on the abolition of sex trafficking in southeastern Europe, Caine

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