
  • Why Being Pro-Palestinian Means the End of Israel

    Why Being Pro-Palestinian Means the End of Israel

    We must remember that many of those protesting Israel’s war in Gaza are not simply advocating for a cease-fire or a two-state solution. Instead, they are advocating for the end of Israel. This is the obvious meaning of the “river to the sea” chant. But what is implied is now being stated explicitly by anti-Israel

  • Morning Rundown: WATCH: Pastor Miraculously Saved From Gunman

    Morning Rundown: WATCH: Pastor Miraculously Saved From Gunman

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on WATCH: Pastor Miraculously Saved From Gunman A pastor in North Braddock, Pennsylvania, is giving God all the praise, honor and glory after a man tried to murder him as he was giving his sermon. Pastor Glenn Germany had fractions of a second to react as

  • Foreign Funding Allegedly Fuels US Campus Protests, Says Expert

    Foreign Funding Allegedly Fuels US Campus Protests, Says Expert

    JERUSALEM, Israel â€“ Within just a few weeks, anti-Israel protests have expanded to occupy U.S. campuses coast to coast. Given the overall coordination, officials are questioning whether these demonstrations go beyond a spontaneous student movement to a more well-funded outside operation. Jack Landstein described what it’s becoming like to be a Jewish student on one campus.

  • ‘Nasty’: Radical Activists Reach Pathetic New Lows at Library Event

    ‘Nasty’: Radical Activists Reach Pathetic New Lows at Library Event

    Hundreds of families gathered at a local library in Missouri for a BRAVE Books story hour, where professional surfer Bethany Hamilton and former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines shared their inspiring stories of overcoming obstacles in the face of transgender athletes competing in women’s sports. As Gaines and Hamilton recounted their athletic experiences, the

  • Anti-Israel Mob Protesting at Pediatric Cancer Hospital

    Anti-Israel Mob Protesting at Pediatric Cancer Hospital

    As the preparatory days before the End Times continue forward, biblical prophecy continues to unfold as the world grows increasingly cold to the Jewish people. Yet few would have imagine that in America the same hatred that led to the Holocaust would take root and perpetuate actions that make one’s skin crawl in disgust. But

  • Former Leader of Hamas Calls for Global Protests on Friday the 13th

    Former Leader of Hamas Calls for Global Protests on Friday the 13th

    A lot has happened throughout the world in less than a week. Israel and Hamas are now engaged in a formal war with no end in sight. The nation of Israel and her leadership have repeated their intent is the utter destruction of Hamas, and nothing less. Protests across the globe have erupted both for

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