Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Global upheaval, conflict in the Middle East and shifting political landscapes all are causing people to look at biblical prophecy with fresh eyes. For those paying attention, the conversation about the Third Temple in Jerusalem and the red heifer sacrifice is more relevant than ever.

Mondo Gonzales, co-host of Prophecy Watchers and author of the forthcoming book “The Mystery of the Red Heifer,” recently sat down with Charisma Media to discuss why this ancient ritual is so important in the prophetic timeline. What he shared was eye-opening.

“We are living in unprecedented times there’s no doubt about that… every day we look at the news and we wonder which chapter in the book of Revelation are we in today?”

If that sounds dramatic, consider this: According to biblical prophecy, the Third Temple in Jerusalem is a critical element of the end times. But for the temple to function, it must be purified—and that purification can only happen through the ashes of a pure, unblemished red heifer.

Why Is the Red Heifer So Important?

The red heifer sacrifice is outlined in Numbers 19, requiring a spotless, entirely red female cow with no blemishes. This ritual is necessary for the purification of the temple and its priests. Without it, the temple cannot be ritually used.

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“These red heifers are red female cows that are without any blemish because as we read the Bible we see that in order for a sacrifice to be accepted it has to be without blemish. The animal has to be pure, and so even just one hair that would be white or actually probably two hairs… this cow is red—I mean, the whole way through.”

For centuries, no qualifying red heifer had been found, making the prospect of rebuilding the temple seem far off. But that changed in September 2022, when five red heifers were discovered and transported to Israel.

“To have five in a row, five at one time… really stepped it up as it relates to the probability of what we’re looking at the next—you know—who knows how long?”

The Third Temple: Ready and Waiting

The red heifer is just one piece of the puzzle. Many are surprised to learn that nearly everything required for the Third Temple is already prepared.

“People can go online as well to the… the vessels, the priests’ garments, 100% complete—I mean, everything is ready to roll. They even claim that they have the Ark of the Covenant.”

The only thing missing? Political will.

“The only piece that’s missing is this red heifer ceremony which happens on the Mount of Olives… it doesn’t even happen on the Temple Mount.”

The Temple Institute and other groups have already fabricated the implements for temple worship, including the golden menorah. Yet, rebuilding the temple remains a politically sensitive issue, with secular and religious factions within Israel holding differing views.

“Most people in Israel… it’s mostly secular. They don’t even really care about a temple… there’s actually a lot of groups in the secular part of Israel that are very hostile to the idea of a temple being built.”

Is Prophecy Being Fulfilled?

Gonzales emphasizes that whether we believe these events align with Christian prophecy or not, Jewish religious leaders are moving forward out of obedience.

“The rabbis… they’re thinking, ‘Hey, we have got to either find the ancient ashes of the red heifer… or we’re going to take matters into our own hands and create a program to try to find these red heifers.’”

For Christians who study end-times prophecy, this is a significant moment. The Bible predicts a Third Temple, and everything appears to be falling into place for it to be built and used.

“Ultimately, I’m not for making the passages figurative if it doesn’t warrant that in the text.”

In other words, the biblical references to a physical Third Temple should be taken literally—meaning its construction is not a question of “if” but “when.”

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The Bigger Picture: What This Means for Us

Gonzales also warns that while many believers are excited to see prophecy unfolding, we must be careful not to rush God’s timing.

“The prophecy will be fulfilled… God speaks. He lays it out.”

Some have even debated whether Christians should support efforts to build the temple, given that it will play a role in the Antichrist’s deception before Christ’s return.

“Would you give money to the supporting of the building of the Third Temple?… There’s a theological thing here, a challenge, a tension… some say absolutely, they would help see prophecy fulfilled, even though they know it is going to deceive.”

Regardless of where one stands, it’s clear that the pieces are moving. The red heifers are in Israel. The temple implements are ready. The Jewish religious leaders are actively preparing. And prophecy watchers around the world are paying attention.

Thank you for visiting MyCharisma. To read the full article please go to Charisma News.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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