
  • Ancient Fort Found in Jerusalem, Unraveling 3,000-Year-Old Enigma

    Ancient Fort Found in Jerusalem, Unraveling 3,000-Year-Old Enigma

    Archaeologists have unearthed a massive fortification in Jerusalem, believed to have protected the city’s biblical kings some 3,000 years ago. This discovery, hailed as “monumental” and “dramatic,” resolves a long-standing mystery regarding the City of David’s ancient defenses. The excavation, ongoing since 2007 near the Givati Parking Lot—the largest active archaeological site in Jerusalem—has revealed

  • Ben Gvir Declares Jewish prayer on Temple Mount to be Allowed – Contrary to Status Quo

    Ben Gvir Declares Jewish prayer on Temple Mount to be Allowed – Contrary to Status Quo

    National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Wednesday surprisingly declared a change to the long-standing status quo on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount prohibiting non-Muslims from praying at the holy site. “I was on the Temple Mount last week. I prayed on the Temple Mount and we pray on the Temple Mount. I am the political echelon,

  • Enter Into Praise

    Enter Into Praise

    Right before Mary gave birth to Christ, she was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to sing praise. She began to sing a song unto the Lord. She became the fulfillment of Miriam. “Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to a city of Judah [which means

  • Site of Angelic Massacre Uncovered Where 185,000 Perished

    Site of Angelic Massacre Uncovered Where 185,000 Perished

    In the book of 2 Kings chapter 19, King Hezekiah of Judah is facing a formidable enemy in Sennacherib, king of Assyria. The Assyrian army was at the gates of Jerusalem, and Hezekiah lifted up a prayer to the Lord for protection from his enemies. And the Lord answered. In 2 Kings 19:35, after Isaiah

  • Max Lucado and Glenn Beck On End Times Prophecies

    Max Lucado and Glenn Beck On End Times Prophecies

    In a recent interview with Glenn Beck, renowned Christian author and pastor Max Lucado shared his insights on the current geopolitical climate and its implications for biblical prophecy. Lucado brings up a significant point that sets our era apart from previous historical periods, including World War II: the existence of the state of Israel. “The

  • The Upper Room on Mount Zion: Site of the Biblical Pentecost and the Pouring of the Holy Spirit

    The Upper Room on Mount Zion: Site of the Biblical Pentecost and the Pouring of the Holy Spirit

    The Upper Room, also called the Cenacle, is the site in Jerusalem traditionally identified as the location of the Last Supper, where Jesus dined with his apostles. It also served as a meeting place for the apostles post-ascension and during Pentecost. While debate surrounds its origins and authenticity, archaeological findings and ancient sources suggest its

  • Ben Gvir Breaches Status Quo, Champions Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount Prompting Quick Rebuttal by Netanyahu

    Ben Gvir Breaches Status Quo, Champions Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount Prompting Quick Rebuttal by Netanyahu

    After National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir championed Jewish prayer rights on the Temple Mount in direct contradiction to the existing status quo, the Prime Minister’s Office quickly released a rebuttal on Wednesday evening. “The status quo on the Temple Mount has not changed and will not change,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated. Ben Gvir’s

  • The Ark of the Covenant: Archaeology’s Greatest Revelation

    The Ark of the Covenant: Archaeology’s Greatest Revelation

    When the entire planet finally gets to see the Ark of the Covenant, it is going to change everything. The Ark of the Covenant disappeared from history more than 2,500 years ago, and many historians are convinced that it no longer exists. So when it is finally unveiled, it will be the greatest archaeological bombshell

  • What the Rapture Means for Israel in the End Times

    What the Rapture Means for Israel in the End Times

    How does the rapture connect to Israel? Discussing the end times significance of the rapture, Amir Tsarfati explained how certain Scriptures about the end times, the tribulation and the rapture deal with specific places and future events that will happen in Israel. This includes even the meaning of who the ‘elect’ are in the Bible.

  • A Red Heifer Sacrifice Is Coming, but the Discovery of the Ark of the Covenant Will Be Even More Important

    A Red Heifer Sacrifice Is Coming, but the Discovery of the Ark of the Covenant Will Be Even More Important

    There is a lot of speculation that historic events that people have been anticipating for more than 2,000 years are about to happen in our time. About a month ago, there was a lot of discussion on the internet about whether or not the sacrifice of the 10th red heifer would take place during the

  • Thousands Attend Jerusalem Annual Passover Priestly Blessing, Focus on Hostages

    Thousands Attend Jerusalem Annual Passover Priestly Blessing, Focus on Hostages

    JERUSALEM, Israel – Despite war and rumors of war, tens of thousands of Jewish people came to the Western Wall during the intermediary days of Passover to pray and receive an annual blessing. Unsurprisingly, this year’s focus was the hostages and their families. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! More than 30,000 people

  • WATCH: The Lost Ark of the Covenant in the Holy City?

    WATCH: The Lost Ark of the Covenant in the Holy City?

    This video aims to present various possibilities for the current location of the elusive Ark of the Covenant, mentioned throughout the Old Testament but most notably in the Book of Exodus. Does the Ark remain hidden, enduring thousands of years since its last mention in the holy scriptures? Spanning locations from Ethiopia to the underground

  • Israeli Researchers Use Cosmic Waves to Uncover Hidden Ancient Formations and Artifacts Beneath Temple Mount

    Israeli Researchers Use Cosmic Waves to Uncover Hidden Ancient Formations and Artifacts Beneath Temple Mount

    A team of Tel Aviv University physicists and archaeologists succeeded in jamming a large device into an underground cavern outside of the Old City of Jerusalem in 2023. With the help of ropes and pulleys, the researchers lowered the large device—made up of layers of metal components linked together by tangled wires, tubes, ribbons and

  • Israeli Warning: ‘Temple Mount and Jerusalem’ in Crosshairs

    Israeli Warning: ‘Temple Mount and Jerusalem’ in Crosshairs

    Against the backdrop of its ongoing war, Israel is bracing itself for the upcoming Muslim Ramadan holiday, when tensions and terror attacks frequently flare. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is hoping for a ceasefire in the next week, despite the doubts that prevail in the region. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was reportedly surprised by President

  • Red Heifer Project Sparks Hope and Spiritual Awakening

    Red Heifer Project Sparks Hope and Spiritual Awakening

    In an extraordinary mission guided by a deep connection to Israel, farmer Byron Stinson shares the remarkable story of his involvement in bringing seven red heifers to the Holy Land in an exclusive Charisma News interview. Stinson, driven by a lifelong understanding that he would be connected to Israel, embarked on this journey in 2007

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