Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

Prophetic ministry leaders Cindy Jacobs and Bishop Bill Hamon have rebuked a false Trump prophecy that spoke about the judgment of America, as well as the Leviathan spirit in conjunction with it.

In a recent Zoom call of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, Cindy Jacobs, Bishop Bill Hamon, Jennifer LeClaire and James Goll came together to provide their public statement on this false prophecy.

“From the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders targeting president Donald Trump and America,” the statement began. “The ACPE was initially convened after several questionable national level words were released, prophetic words that cause great confusion with the body of Christ. As the Council of Prophetic Elders, our intent remains to hear the Word of the Lord together and seek God’s wisdom.”

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“When what is issued is so flagrantly false and carries the potential to incite violence and cause division in the name of God, we feel we must denounce it,” says Jacobs.

While leaving the person unnamed, Jacobs notes that there is a minister in particular who appears to continue to release false prophecies. It is prophecies like these that have made the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders wary of abuse of the prophetic by false teachers.

“There is a clear pattern of disturbing false prophecies being released by a minster who many identify as a prophet. These prophecies are being released to a global audience via social media. Since these harmful words were released publicly to a global audience, we feel they require a public response,” Jacobs says.

Jacobs says this minister gave a word the day prior to the election, and then on election day itself, saying that a Trump presidency would mean judgment on the people of the United States. However, the word gets even more out-of-hand than this.

“This is the word—God punched Donald Trump in the face and his teeth came out, and there was a lot of blood. And that was quite symbolic of what he represented,” the false prophecy read. “There would be a catastrophic time of Trump’s leading and that he would be removed by God because he’d become the champion of himself.”

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The person who delivered this message also believed that prayer would not change things and that our nation was headed for certain destruction. The also believed that the Leviathan spirit would be released on the nation because of Trump’s leadership.

“Other words from within this minister’s group have been issued during this time saying a seven-headed Leviathan had been released across the world and brought chaos because of Trump,” says Jacobs. “We also judge this to be a false prophecy that is based out of a political bias and hatred of President Trump, stemming from a political worldview that differs from his…”

The ACP judges these words as false. Our concerns are as follows: We believe these words are not inspired by the Holy Spirit and fail to pass the scriptural test for discerning the New Testament prophetic words,” says Jacobs.

To order Jennifer LeClaire’s new book, “Vindicated,” visit Amazon.com.

Just as Jacobs and other prophetic voices have concerns about this false prophecy, we too should be concerned about how easily false prophecy is spread. In Matthew 24:24, we are reminded that “False christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” We must consider every single prophetic word and test the spirit behind it, taking it to Scripture and prayer.


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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

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