
  • Joe’s Judgment: Speaking the Truth

    Joe’s Judgment: Speaking the Truth

    The wheels of judgment grind slowly, but surely. Tens of millions in America and elsewhere believe it’s all over for Joe Biden and his presidency. He may not agree, but the swell is building daily that will overwhelm his stubborn resistance and state of denial upon discovery of 10 visits from a Parkinson’s specialist. His

  • God Loves Us, but He Desires His Glory, Not Ours

    God Loves Us, but He Desires His Glory, Not Ours

    In the American church today, we hear so much about God’s love for us that we often think the gospel centers around “me” and “my needs” and “my goals” and “my dreams” and “my destiny.” Rather, the gospel centers around the Lord—on His desires, His goals and His plans. And while He cares deeply for

  • Why Christians Don’t Tell People About Jesus

    Why Christians Don’t Tell People About Jesus

    The great white throne judgment is where those who don’t know God will be judged and cast into the lake of fire. Knowing that should terrify all of us and motivate us to be more persuasive with men yet most people give no thought to telling people about Jesus. Are we worried we will offend

  • CHARISMA CLASSICS: Another Man’s Servant (September 1985)

    CHARISMA CLASSICS: Another Man’s Servant (September 1985)

    When missionaries visit the States and see our opulence, they can’t help but contrast it to the poverty they’ve just left. But poverty, and riches, are relative. I have two cars. I live in a two-story brick house. I can buy anything I want, within reason. I’ve never known hunger. What should I do if

  • Avoiding Sexual Sins and Scandals

    Avoiding Sexual Sins and Scandals

    Be sure to read Gary Curtis’ companion article, “Are Sexual Sins Worse Than Others?” at this link. In his first epistle to the Corinthian Christians, Paul enumerated sinful categories that would preclude wrongdoers from participating in the future kingdom of God. “Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of

  • Judgment Starts With the House of God

    Judgment Starts With the House of God

    We are living in times of great shaking, of refining and purifying. How should we respond? In the words of the gospel song and the spirit of Isaiah 6, we should say, “Take the coal, touch my lips, here I stand.” Let the cleansing start with me. Without question, God is purifying His church, bringing

  • Finding Freedom From Judgment and Criticism

    Finding Freedom From Judgment and Criticism

    Years ago, I was truly one of the most critical and judgmental people I knew. It was my default setting. If I was at the mall or even at church, I could look at someone and immediately make three or four judgments about their clothes, hair, behavior or family. Or if I walked into someone’s

  • Trump, Daniels and the Kentucky Derby: A Stunning Prophetic Connection

    Trump, Daniels and the Kentucky Derby: A Stunning Prophetic Connection

    Is there a prophetic connection between Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels and the Kentucky Derby? In a shocking prophetic word, Amanda Grace discussed how an unlikely connection between the Trump trial, Stormy Daniels’ testimony and the winning horse of the Kentucky Derby are all woven together. Grace says there is spiritual significance lurking behind the meaning

  • Morning Rundown: The Supernatural Love Story of Joni Lamb and Doug Weiss

    Morning Rundown: The Supernatural Love Story of Joni Lamb and Doug Weiss

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: The Supernatural Love Story of Joni Lamb and Doug Weiss When Doug and I began telling people about our relationship, the vast majority said, “We’ve been praying for you. We’re so happy.” But the other voices definitely left an impression. From a relationship standpoint I

  • WARNING: Eclipse and Blood Moon Signal Impending Judgment

    WARNING: Eclipse and Blood Moon Signal Impending Judgment

    Is the coming Great American Eclipse a prophetic warning from God? As the nation prepares for the celestial event, many are excited about seeing it. But what if this eclipse is more than just a fun and exciting event? What if it is an actual warning from God? In one of her most recent messages,

  • In These Days of End-Times Challenge, Don’t Compromise Your Commitment

    In These Days of End-Times Challenge, Don’t Compromise Your Commitment

    Well, Super Tuesday has come and gone, along with the typical self-congratulatory State of the Union address by our president. Now, we have only eight more months of rancorous remarks and judicial decisions until our general elections. Scripture calls for believers to submit “to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake” (1 Pet 2:13b).

  • Is God Sending America a Prophetic Warning in April?

    Is God Sending America a Prophetic Warning in April?

    There is an incredible celestial event taking place on April 8, 2024—The Great America Eclipse. Millions are anticipating this rare celestial event and the amazing natural phenomena that will take place as the a total eclipse ensues. Meanwhile, faith leaders such as Bishop Alan DiDio of Encounter Today and Pastor Troy Brewer sat down at

  • Alan DiDio: 3 Errors Kim Clement Repented of Before His Death

    Alan DiDio: 3 Errors Kim Clement Repented of Before His Death

    Technology has opened up incredible doors for building the kingdom of God. With instant, global communications, old words from prophetic voices are able to be shared with a new generation who have yet to hear the wisdom and power of God behind them. Bishop Alan DiDio of Encounter Today recently expounded upon an interview of

  • Was Jack Hibbs’ Prayer at the U.S. House a Judgment Day Warning?

    Was Jack Hibbs’ Prayer at the U.S. House a Judgment Day Warning?

    There’s nothing that will make a politician more squeamish than a prayer for national repentance. And that is exactly what happened when Pastor Jack Hibbs prayed before the U.S. House of Representatives. After being endorsed as a guest chaplain by House Speaker Mike Johnson, Hibbs’ appearance at the U.S. House of Representatives proved how necessary

  • Is America the Modern Nineveh?

    Is America the Modern Nineveh?

    America has greatly sinned against God through abortion, homosexuality, adultery, rampant pornography and fornication. We have no fear of God, and America is rapidly becoming a pagan nation. Our only hope is to humble ourselves in fasting and prayer. Nineveh was a great city. In fact, the Bible states that it was so vast it

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