Sun. Oct 13th, 2024
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Traditionally, English pronouns have been associated with an individual’s biological sex. However, a recent shift is underway, challenging this long-held belief. Advocates are pushing for pronouns to align with a person’s self-identified gender rather than their assigned sex at birth.

As of 2023, there are a total of 107 identified gender identities. One’s happiness and self-acceptance should not depend on the approval of others but should be rooted in an authentic understanding of their identity in Christ.

In light of these developments, it is crucial to maintain biblical integrity and discernment. The commitment to truth and alignment with the teachings of the Bible is a guiding principle for Christians, even as they seek to navigate and engage with different perspectives on gender identity.

While it is important to show respect and kindness to all individuals, including those who identify as transgender, it is worth noting that for Christians, respect does not equate to endorsing ideas that contradict biblical teachings.

1. Making people use preferred pronouns is coercion of free speech.

Psychologist Jordan Peterson recently expressed his opposition to using preferred pronouns, citing concerns about free speech. In an interview, he referred to Canadian Bill C-16, a federal legislation aimed at extending human rights provisions to transgender and non-gender binary individuals. The bill also classified discrimination or harassment based on gender identity as a hate crime under the criminal code.

The interpretation of this legislation and its definition of discrimination or harassment was delegated to the Ontario Human Rights Commission, which Peterson criticized as a radically leftist organization. He argued that the policies generated by the commission would restrict freedom of expression and compel individuals to use pronouns that they do not believe to be true. Peterson highlighted the importance of compassion but cautioned against using it as a means to coerce speech and suppress differing viewpoints.

As Christians consider these discussions on gender identity and pronoun usage, they can find guidance in Scripture. Ephesians 4:29 encourages believers, saying, “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but only that which is good for building up, that it may give grace to the listeners.” Christians are called to speak truthfully, with grace and love, while also upholding their convictions and remaining faithful to their understanding of God’s Word.

2. If being transgender is your new identity, your happiness shouldn’t depend on anyone else’s approval.

If transgender identity is genuinely empowering and extraordinary, why does it seemingly clash with biological realities, religious beliefs and societal norms? Furthermore, why does personal fulfillment often depend on widespread approval?

These inquiries raise concerns about potential confusion and inconsistency. From a biblical perspective, human identity finds its foundation in God, with gender and sexual identity being divine assignments at birth. Embracing this divine design and aligning beliefs accordingly, rather than pursuing physical changes based on personal perception, leads to a profound sense of peace and contentment.

Through encountering Jesus Christ and accepting Him as Lord, individuals discover an inner peace independent of external validation. This enduring peace withstands the influence of others’ opinions and preferences, as it is rooted in a relationship with Christ.

Conforming to preferred pronouns does not align with a Christian worldview, as it contradicts God’s established plan for gender and identity. Genuine fulfillment in matters of gender and identity is discovered by anchoring oneself in the unwavering truths of Scripture, which reflect God’s perfect design.

3. Respecting someone doesn’t extend to endorsing ideas the Bible calls false.

Christian respect does not involve endorsing ideas that contradict the teachings of the Bible. According to Genesis 1:27, God created humanity in His own image, making them male and female. This biblical truth is clear to Christians, as we believe in the divine distinction between genders. While individuals have the freedom to make their own choices in relation to God, no one is obligated to align with decisions that go against God’s established order. It is equally unfair to censor or exclude someone else simply because they hold a different view.

4. One of the ways we testify of Christ in this godless world is to live by the truth.

In a world consumed by propaganda, Christians firmly believe that Jesus personifies truth. Anchored in the conviction that “you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free”(John 8:32), Christians understand that upholding truth is integral to their witness. While Christianity espouses love, it encompasses truth as well. Despite societal pressure to compromise or seek tolerance at the expense of truth, Christians must remain resolute in their commitment to unyielding truth.

5. We must avoid purposeful conflict.

In pursuing our Christian calling, it is crucial to approach conflict with intention and purpose.

God does not require Christians to be rude, unnecessarily aggressive or offensive. Instead, we are called to be meek and humble while standing firm in the truth. Romans 12:18 advises us to live peacefully with everyone as much as it depends on us. However, it is important to recognize that achieving peace with everyone may not always be possible or solely within our control.

While we should maintain a respectful and kind demeanor, it is unrealistic to expect immediate acceptance and agreement solely because of our love and adherence to the truth. In our culture, tolerance alone will not halt the progression of evil; it will only cease when it dominates and suppresses opposing views, coercing surrender and imprisonment to others’ opinions and the dictates of the “woke mob.”

Yet, in Christianity, peace is not attained by compromising and acquiescing to any demand. True peace is found through faith in Jesus Christ, who sacrificed Himself to provide forgiveness and reconciliation with God. The notion that conforming to every demand will lead to peace is actually a form of bondage.

James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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