
  • Morning Rundown: LIVE With Greg Locke: 7 Bible Proofs of Demonic Warfare

    Morning Rundown: LIVE With Greg Locke: 7 Bible Proofs of Demonic Warfare

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on LIVE With Greg Locke: 7 Bible Proofs of Demonic Warfare The critics of deliverance ministry most often point to this argument: They claim it is impossible for a born again Christian to suffer demonic oppression, and in their estimation, they believe the Bible itself says

  • Morning Rundown: Jonathan Cahn Unveils the Ancient Mystery Behind ‘Barbie’

    Morning Rundown: Jonathan Cahn Unveils the Ancient Mystery Behind ‘Barbie’

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Jonathan Cahn Unveils the Ancient Mystery Behind ‘Barbie’ In one of his latest videos, Jonathan Cahn unveiled the ancient mystery behind the “Barbie” movie as it skyrockets to the top of box office charts. In a world where entertainment and pop culture play a pivotal

  • Conservative Commentator Exposes Global Censorship Network

    Conservative Commentator Exposes Global Censorship Network

    In a recent Twitter thread, Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro shed light on powerful global entities’ efforts to deplatform and demonetize conservative voices. The World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) and NewsGuard were revealed to be working together to combat what they deem as “misinformation” and control media deemed “safe”

  • Morning Rundown: 4 Realms of the Prophetic

    Morning Rundown: 4 Realms of the Prophetic

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on 4 Realms of the Prophetic Some people do not believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today, especially the prophetic, because of extremes they might have seen and because of Bible teachers that have dismissed the prophetic or any current proceeding word from

  • LIVE with John Ramirez: 10 Entrapments that Lead to Satanic Bondage, Part 2

    LIVE with John Ramirez: 10 Entrapments that Lead to Satanic Bondage, Part 2

    *Note: This is the second of a two-part series. To view the first part, click here! Owning Cursed Objects The last thing you want to own is a cursed object. I don’t care if it’s worth millions; let it go. Become sensitive to things that are linked to darkness. Meditate on the following scriptures; they

  • 4 Realms of the Prophetic

    4 Realms of the Prophetic

    Some people do not believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today, especially the prophetic, because of extremes they might have seen and because of Bible teachers that have dismissed the prophetic or any current proceeding word from God. The world’s largest Protestant denomination states in its organization’s doctrine that God no longer

  • LIVE with John Ramirez: Fighting the Good Fight

    LIVE with John Ramirez: Fighting the Good Fight

    When you’re in a fight for your faith and your family against the kingdom of darkness, the devil and his cronies, the following spiritual warfare keys will serve as your personal arsenal against the weapons of evil: Knowing and understanding the revelation of God’s power in your life. Don’t let the enemy sidetrack you from

  • God’s Sovereignty Reigns as Congress Holds UFO Hearings

    God’s Sovereignty Reigns as Congress Holds UFO Hearings

    As the debate about UFOs and government secrecy rages on, one thing remains certain for those who put their trust in God: He is in control of all things, including the mysteries that surround us. While some politicians and witnesses passionately argue about the existence of unidentified aerial phenomena and potential government cover-ups, the faithful

  • Morning Rundown: 10-Year-Old Prophecy Driving Powerful New Mike Signorelli Film

    Morning Rundown: 10-Year-Old Prophecy Driving Powerful New Mike Signorelli Film

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on 10-Year-Old Prophecy Driving Powerful New Mike Signorelli Film As a deliverance minister and the senior pastor of V1 church in New York City, Pastor Mike Signorelli has seen a lot of wonderful things happen in the kingdom of God—both in the natural and the supernatural.

  • LIVE with John Ramirez: Turning the Tables

    LIVE with John Ramirez: Turning the Tables

    Before I came to know Christ, I was in the highest levels of the demonic kingdom and got instructions from the devil himself about how to use demonic spiritual warfare against believers: against their homes, against their families, against their pregnancies, against everything they stewarded that represented the Lord Jesus Christ. The devil does not

  • Minister’s Controversial Messages Revealing the Spiritual Battle of Our Times

    Minister’s Controversial Messages Revealing the Spiritual Battle of Our Times

    Why does the word “apostasy” keep coming up in Christian news and what is the significance in the increase of its usage? Many Christians are starting to call out those who claim to be a follower of Christ, yet push lifestyles and belief systems incompatible with the principles of the Bible. Society has witnessed an

  • Morning Rundown: Pastor Greg Locke With Benny Hinn: God Putting Deliverance Ministry Front and Center

    Morning Rundown: Pastor Greg Locke With Benny Hinn: God Putting Deliverance Ministry Front and Center

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Pastor Greg Locke With Benny Hinn: God Putting Deliverance Ministry Front and Center For too long, devils have been running rampant across America. Without a body of Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit to cast them out, who else was there to stop them? As

  • Is it the End of Evangelical Christian Colleges in NYC?

    Is it the End of Evangelical Christian Colleges in NYC?

    The King’s College, the last standing evangelical Christian college in New York City, has declared that it will not hold classes in the upcoming fall semester due to severe financial challenges. In a recent email addressed to “members of the King’s community” and signed by the Board of Trustees, the school conveyed its decision along

  • Perry Stone’s Eye-Opening Confession: A Missing Puzzle Piece in Rapture Theory

    Perry Stone’s Eye-Opening Confession: A Missing Puzzle Piece in Rapture Theory

    At the 2023 Prophetic Summit in Cleveland, Tennessee, Perry Stone delivered a thought-provoking message titled, “Something I Have Missed Concerning the Pre-Tribulation Rapture” that provides fresh insights and perspectives on the timing of Christ’s return. Stone reveals a principle that he says many, including himself, have overlooked, and he makes a compelling case for the

  • Pastor Greg Locke with Benny Hinn: God Putting Deliverance Ministry Front and Center

    Pastor Greg Locke with Benny Hinn: God Putting Deliverance Ministry Front and Center

    For too long, devils have been running rampant across America. Without a body of Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit to cast them out, who else was there to stop them? As the manifestation of demonic influence is claiming territory around the world, two titans of deliverance ministry have united in the cause of driving

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