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Minister’s Controversial Messages Revealing the Spiritual Battle of Our Times

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James Lasher

Why does the word “apostasy” keep coming up in Christian news and what is the significance in the increase of its usage?

Society has witnessed an increase of those who claim to be a Christian, yet diverge from the Word of God, and actively promote sin disguised as holiness.

A prime example is North Carolina religious studies professor and ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church, Rev. Rebecca Todd Peters, who is actively fighting to no longer have abortion viewed as a sin, and instead viewed as a “holy” experience that God approves. During a lecture at the Community Church of Chapel Hill, Peters shared about having “no shame” after having two abortions: “Abortion makes many people profoundly uncomfortable,” Peters says. “I felt God’s presence with me as I made the decision to end two pregnancies and I felt no guilt, no shame, no sin. A forced pregnancy or birth is not holy.”

The apostate church, as discussed in the Bible, are those who leave the teachings of the Word of God and are instead deceived by the teachings of the world. They will promote earthly values, such as abortion being loving and consider it healthcare instead of outright murder. They will abandon the design of God and nature and claim that men can become women, and women can become men, directly contradicting Scripture.

God knew this would happen, just like in the days of Noah, that the world today has given in to the desires of the flesh and demonic influence have turned man against the ways of God for the ways of Satan.

The Lord knew this would happen, that is why His Word says many times (1 Tim. 4:1; 2 Thess. 2:3; 2 Peter 2:20-22; and many other passages) that a great deception will take place, and mankind will be a lover of itself; even going so far as to think humanity knows better than God about the biological design and makeup of the world and the creation within it.

This apostasy is rooted in satanic, demonic deception. The Bible guides and equips Christians to battle against the spiritual forces at work in the world today (Eph. 6:12), but believers must pick up their spiritual swords to battle against the kind of messages of apostate ministers and false teachers.

These arguments and lofty opinions must be torn down with the power of the Holy Spirit if generations of people are to be set free from the deception of the world and become alive in Christ Jesus. {eoa}

James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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