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LIVE with John Ramirez: Fighting the Good Fight

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John Ramirez

When you’re in a fight for your faith and your family against the kingdom of darkness, the devil and his cronies, the following spiritual warfare keys will serve as your personal arsenal against the weapons of evil:

Knowing and understanding the revelation of God’s power in your life. Don’t let the enemy sidetrack you from that.

Knowing and understanding the power of the gospel of the Word of God. They are healing words, and they are arsenals to destroy the devil like a nobody, which he is.

Embracing the revelation in your life that no doubt, fear or disbelief interferes with intimacy with Jesus Christ the King. Even in your last breath, you will still know and understand that you believe in Him.

Embracing the revelation of the Holy Spirit, the fruits of the Holy Spirit and the anointing He put over your life. This is nonnegotiable. Don’t let the enemy downplay this in your life. Walk with the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit; this equals a one-two punch against the enemy.

Living your life in the power of God, day in and day out: cultivating, saturating, walking in it, living in it and even dying in it one day. This all occurs with nothing missing and nothing broken in the Spirit.

Focusing on the life and ministry of Jesus in your life all day, every day.

Asking the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to give you the revelation and the wisdom of heaven over your mind. Live your life by the power of the Holy Spirit, not the opinions of others.

Divorcing yourself from the distractions of the world. Be married to, not dating, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. His name is King Jesus.

When we deal with the generational, demonic activity, generational curses or generational hindrances, delays, blockages and distractions, we also need to usher in a generation of blessings in our families, our children, our homes and our marriages. In my book, Fire Prayers, I include an entire chapter on how to do just that: Shame the devil. We must give Satan an eviction notice and kick him right back to the pits of hell by speaking declarations and blessings over our homes.

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Through my travels, my walk with the Lord, my preaching engagements, the many altar calls that I do and the more than 30,000 emails I receive every year, I know the spiritual condition of many wonderful believers who love Jesus Christ: distracted, defeated and in need of deliverance. But things don’t have to stay that way because that’s not God’s perfect will for your life.

God has told us in John 16:33b, “Be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.” Jesus did not die on the cross to give us a mediocre Christian life. He has given us a purpose and a destiny, and I know when we get to heaven one day, we will have to give an account. I want to help you reach heaven knowing you have borne much fruit for the Lord. I want you to know that you went to the battlefield and came out on the other side victorious, a winner, accomplishing and fulfilling the purpose and destiny the Lord Jesus Christ gave you to fulfill and to honor His name.

To get your copy of Fire Prayers, click here!

When you close your eyes for the last time, I want you to know that you made Jesus Christ proud because you had a prayer language like no one ever, and I want hell to rejoice because you left the battlefield. You fought the good fight as never before; you accomplished what you needed to accomplish as never before. You walked out on the other side of the battlefield making Jesus Christ proud that He chose you to fight. You destroyed the works of the devil as never before.

It’s time to arise and fight the good fight, as Paul says. We must learn to pray fire prayers so we can fight that fight and become more than conquerors.

I thank God for the opportunity to show you, teach you, equip you and disciple you on how to be a champion in Jesus and how to stand in the face of adversity with the spiritual storms in your Christian walk. I want you to learn how to trust the Lord, how to obey Him, let Him lead you, let Him guide you and let Him nourish you as He transforms your life once and for all.

Christians, it’s time to get out of the chicken coop and become the eagles He has called us to be. It’s time to let the devil know we’re coming for him. We’re no longer staying on the defense, but we’re on the offense, trusting the power of God’s Word and the revelation of the Holy Spirit to crush the head of the serpent once and for all, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Why would God save someone like me who deserved hell, someone who knows the devil’s playbook and how he operates against the church at large and against the believer? It’s time to fight the good fight, to turn the tables on the devil through fire prayers, and my kingdom heart is to equip you to do just that.

Join John Ramirez LIVE & Guest Host Mondo de la Vega with Charisma Magazine Online on July 31, 2023 at 4 p.m. for a special Q&A! TAP HERE to ask your questions to John about spiritual warfare, insights on principalities and powers and his latest book, Fire Prayers!

I leave you with Psalm 23:5, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.” Have no mercy on the devil. It’s time to be victorious, a champion once and for all, in the mighty, untouchable name of Jesus Christ.

Joining Evangelist John Ramirez during his live Q&A Monday, July 31 at 4:00 p.m. will be host of “The Mondo Show” and co-host of “The Jim Bakker Show,” Mondo De La Vega. Having grown up in a violent part of Los Angeles, De La Vega knows about the spiritual darkness affecting America.

“When I study the way humanity operates, we operate from a place of darkness in our hearts, there’s no emotions, there’s no feelings,” De La Vega explains.

“We [don’t] recognize the troubles we’re dealing with as individuals in our mind [and] the heart. But I can tell you, as a former gang member, we didn’t deal with feelings and issues in our hearts, meaning the issues of feelings were detached from us…what happens is, we understand that men and women that deal with violence every single day, you get numb to the feeling of life,” he adds.

Do not miss this exciting event that will take the spiritual battle to the enemy’s doorsteps!

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Evangelist John Ramirez used to fight on the enemy’s side, so he understands from an insider’s point of view how the enemy works. He now fights for Jesus Christ and uses the experience and knowledge he has to teach believers how to fight and win. He is an internationally known evangelist, author and speaker who teaches believers how to defeat the enemy. His powerful testimony of being miraculously saved as a high‐ranking satanic priest has been shared on It’s Supernatural! and The 700 Club. His first book, Fire Prayers (Charisma House), debuts this month.

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