John Ramirez

  • LIVE with John Ramirez: Declarations to Strengthen Your Position in the Spirit Realm

    LIVE with John Ramirez: Declarations to Strengthen Your Position in the Spirit Realm

    Based on God’s Word, I want to share with you the opportunities, blessings and authority you have to confess, declare and strengthen your position in the spirit realm. It’s so important to understand that “death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its

  • LIVE with John Ramirez: 3 Spiritual Principles to Be a Champion in Spiritual Warfare

    LIVE with John Ramirez: 3 Spiritual Principles to Be a Champion in Spiritual Warfare

    What is God’s will for you on the spiritual battlefield? I believe it’s for you to win all the time, all day, every day. Jesus came to destroy all the works of the enemy. Scripture says, “The one who practices sin [separating himself from God, and offending Him by acts of disobedience, indifference, or rebellion]

  • LIVE with John Ramirez: 10 Entrapments that Lead to Satanic Bondage, Part 2

    LIVE with John Ramirez: 10 Entrapments that Lead to Satanic Bondage, Part 2

    *Note: This is the second of a two-part series. To view the first part, click here! Owning Cursed Objects The last thing you want to own is a cursed object. I don’t care if it’s worth millions; let it go. Become sensitive to things that are linked to darkness. Meditate on the following scriptures; they

  • LIVE with John Ramirez: 10 Entrapments that Lead to Satanic Bondage, Part 1

    LIVE with John Ramirez: 10 Entrapments that Lead to Satanic Bondage, Part 1

    *This is the first of a two-part series. My heart is for the body of Christ. I dearly love my brothers and sisters. Whether I’m attending a conference, teaching, or praying for people in hours-long altar calls, my desire is for people to be delivered and made free in Christ. I want them to see God’s

  • LIVE with John Ramirez: Fighting the Good Fight

    LIVE with John Ramirez: Fighting the Good Fight

    When you’re in a fight for your faith and your family against the kingdom of darkness, the devil and his cronies, the following spiritual warfare keys will serve as your personal arsenal against the weapons of evil: Knowing and understanding the revelation of God’s power in your life. Don’t let the enemy sidetrack you from

  • LIVE with John Ramirez: Turning the Tables

    LIVE with John Ramirez: Turning the Tables

    Before I came to know Christ, I was in the highest levels of the demonic kingdom and got instructions from the devil himself about how to use demonic spiritual warfare against believers: against their homes, against their families, against their pregnancies, against everything they stewarded that represented the Lord Jesus Christ. The devil does not

  • LIVE with John Ramirez: Becoming More Than Conquerors

    LIVE with John Ramirez: Becoming More Than Conquerors

    We win battles, we gain victories, and sometimes we win wars, yet we never conquer. But by the power of the Spirit, God brings us the wisdom and strategies of heaven. He gives us revelation, insight and clarity in our spirits on how to fight this demonic world where the church has allowed the devil

  • LIVE with John Ramirez: Claiming Abundant Life

    LIVE with John Ramirez: Claiming Abundant Life

    In the Old Testament, they called God “The Lord of Armies.” David said that the Lord “trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle” (Ps. 144:1b, NIV). Jesus Christ left the church here to finish His mission, to be armed and dangerous—a spiritual warfare church, a kingdom that will not be shaken, moved or

  • LIVE with John Ramirez: Overcoming Demonic Deception

    LIVE with John Ramirez: Overcoming Demonic Deception

    I have written several books under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, yet I know the devil’s playbook like the back of my hand. From the age of seven, I was recruited from the second heaven when a demonic necklace fell from the sky that contained the seven demonic powers of the dark side. At

  • LIVE with John Ramirez: The New You in Christ Jesus

    LIVE with John Ramirez: The New You in Christ Jesus

    I was the person, before Christ, who lived in the shadows of the demonic of the witchcraft world. I operated in the highest hierarchy of Satanism and had contracts with demons, principalities, territorial spirits, water spirits, marine spirits and beyond—a relationship with Satan himself. Today, I stand as an evangelist of the kingdom of my

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