Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

Gaza’s tumultuous history is deeply intertwined with spiritual significance. In the Bible, the land of Gaza was marked as a stronghold of the Anakim—a remnant of the Nephilim giants who embodied rebellion against God. Despite Joshua’s mandate to eradicate these adversaries, they remained entrenched in Gaza, forming a persistent stronghold that plagued Israel for generations.

In an interview with Charisma Media, Rabbi Jason Sobel highlights, “The territorial spirit that was there [Gaza] was never conquered, was never fully removed, that was still in existence even to this day.” This spiritual legacy frames Gaza not merely as a geographical battleground but as a focal point of enduring spiritual conflict.

Against this backdrop, President Donald Trump’s recent remarks on Gaza take on an intriguing dimension. Speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One, he proposed a dramatic plan to involve Arab nations like Jordan and Egypt in relocating Palestinian refugees, effectively creating a “clean slate” in the Gaza Strip. Trump stated, “I’d like Egypt to take people…just clean out that whole thing and say, ‘It’s over.'”

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The Biblical Roots of Gaza

The land of Gaza holds significant biblical importance. In the book of Joshua, God commanded the Israelites to claim the Promised Land entirely. Gaza, a territory allocated to the tribe of Judah, was a key stronghold. However, as Rabbi Jason Sobel points out, Joshua 11:22 reveals that while Joshua cut off the Anakim—a race of giants—from much of Israel, remnants remained in Gaza, Gath and Ashdod.

These Anakim were no ordinary inhabitants. Their lineage traces back to the Nephilim, the giants described in Genesis 6. Their name, derived from “Anak,” meaning “neck,” signifies dominance and intimidation. By failing to completely eliminate these adversaries, the Israelites allowed a spiritual stronghold to persist in Gaza. Sobel notes, “The territorial spirit that was there was never conquered, was never fully removed, that was still in existence even to this day.”

This oversight had lasting consequences. Gaza became a hub for the Philistines, perpetual enemies of Israel. The struggles for control over this land, documented throughout Scripture, underscore the region’s spiritual weight and its association with principalities.

Trump’s Proposal: Practical or Prophetic?

Trump’s call to “clean out” Gaza and relocate its population evokes echoes of Joshua’s mandate to remove the strongholds of the Promised Land. While his intentions are political and humanitarian—aimed at reducing conflict and rebuilding—the spiritual parallels cannot be ignored. The land remains a focal point of contention, as it has been for millennia, reflecting the biblical principle that physical battles often mirror spiritual ones.

Rabbi Sobel’s insights help frame this perspective. He explains, “The modern-day Palestinians take their name from the biblical Philistines,” tying today’s tensions to ancient struggles. Could Trump’s vision, whether intentional or not, align with the spiritual need to address the unresolved stronghold of Gaza?

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A Biblical Mandate Unfulfilled

The biblical mandate to Joshua was clear: claim and consecrate the entire land. Yet Israel’s failure to fully obey left pockets of resistance that grew into significant adversaries. Similarly, Trump’s remarks about “rebuilding Gaza in a different way” highlight a practical solution to an age-old problem. He envisions a region transformed into a place of peace and opportunity, leveraging its location and potential. “Gaza is interesting,” Trump said. “It’s a phenomenal location…the best weather, you know, everything is good.”

However, without addressing the spiritual strongholds Sobel describes, any attempt to “clean out” Gaza risks being incomplete. The ongoing violence, rooted in ancient principalities, underscores the need for a solution that goes beyond physical reconstruction. As Ephesians 6:12 reminds us, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

Trump’s remarks on Gaza challenge us to consider whether his vision holds prophetic significance for the nation of Israel. The Bible’s account of Joshua and the Anakim reveals a spiritual dimension to the land’s struggles, one that persists today. By addressing both the physical and spiritual realities of Gaza, leaders might move closer to achieving lasting peace.

Is Trump’s plan prophetic? Perhaps. But it also serves as a reminder of the importance of confronting not just the physical mess of Gaza but the enduring principalities that hold sway over it.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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