Sun. Oct 20th, 2024
Mark Chironna

Editor’s Note: The following word from the Lord was declared by Mark J. Chironna during his June 9, 2009, Institute of Leadership Initiatives. To learn more about this weekly leadership series, go to

Mark Chironna
“Truly the hungry and the thirsty, in this hour, are seeking water, and they have found none. But I will open up rivers in high places, and I will water the wasteland, and the desert shall blossom like the rose. And I will satisfy your desire in scorched places, for I have seen the journey of My people. I have seen the affliction with which they have been afflicted.

“I have walked with you through your dark places. I have held you and caressed you in your dry places. Yet, because of the nature of the journey in this season, it has been difficult for many to recognize My hand. I would say unto you now, while you cannot see My hand, you do know My voice. Take comfort in the fact that while you are waiting to see My hand of visitation and My hand of vindication, yet you can hear My voice.

“For I will not leave you without a word; I will not leave you without a declaration; I will not leave you without a decree; for I speak, and it stands fast. I command, and it is done. I will bring again water out of the rock—not the rock of man’s making but the Rock of My choosing. Out of the wounded side and the belly of My Son there comes in this season a mighty torrent, a river that shall come out of heaven in this next season and flood the saints, and they shall rejoice in the river by My glory,” saith the Lord.

“But you would say with the multitude of voices, ‘How can I, oh God, in this season distinguish Your voice? At one time, I thought I knew it well. But where I have been and what I have been through has challenged my ability to feel as though I could rightly recognize the voice of the Shepherd.’

“Hear now, My child, I call you by name. My Spirit bears witness with your spirit that you belong to Me. There is never a day that has gone by [on which] I have not witnessed to your spirit that you are Mine. Every time you open the Holy Book, My Spirit speaks to you. Yet because you have been surrounded by many a test and by many a trial, you have given your ear to the voices of temptation and to the voices of distraction.

“But My voice is clear and certain, and you already know it. Do not allow the enemy to cause you to say in your heart, ‘I do not know the voice of my Shepherd.’ The only voice you have ever followed in consistency, that has brought you health and safety, is My voice.

“I will not leave you. I will not forsake you. I speak, and as you listen and respond … I will deliver you from your distractions. I will set you free from your hindrances. I will break the chain of your temptations, and yes, I will restore to you the confidence that you can truly hear My voice.

“For you were created to hear My voice. You were born to hear My voice. You were destined to hear My voice, and you were destined to respond and say, ‘Here am I.’ Oh, child of God, not only do you know My voice, [but] I know your voice. I have heard your cries. I have heard your tears. I have heard your wrestlings. I have heard your tumults. I know your voice and I assure you, you will see My hand.

“Know for a certainty, I am the Lord; there is none other. And when I speak, every other voice goes dumb. Do not wonder or ponder in your hearts, ‘Does not the Lord see? Does not the Lord hear?’ For I am the Lord who made the eye, and I am the Lord who made the ear, and I both see and hear, and in this season, I will vindicate My name amongst the elect. For there are many voices rising in the earth claiming they speak for me, but know this, My child, when I speak, everyone will know I am the Lord and there is none other.

“I will give you assurance after assurance after assurance that I am leading you by My good Spirit. Trust Me! Trust Me! Trust Me, for I will not fail you. I will not forsake you. For lo, I am with you, and if that is not sufficient, I am for you, and child of God, if that is not sufficient, know you not I am in you, both to will and to do of My good pleasure? Trust in Me. Trust in My voice. Trust in My power, and watch what I will do.

“For in not many days hence, there will come a fresh moving in your life that you have cried out for, for months. In not many days hence, there will come a fresh opening in your spirit. In not many days hence, there will come fresh manna to you from the depths of heaven into the depths of your soul, and you will enter into a summer of the miraculous, for I have decreed it and I have declared it,” saith the Lord.

About the author: Mark J. Chironna has spent much of his life on a journey of discovery, developing strategies and models for bringing a greater level of healing, empowerment and transformation to the lives of those he touches. He is the senior pastor of The Master’s Touch International Church in Orlando, Fla. (

Prophetic Insight is a weekly bulletin offering timely and relevant messages for the body of Christ from recognized prophetic voices. It is prepared by Maureen Eha, features editor for Charisma magazine. If you’d like to share a message with Maureen, send it to [email protected]. And please spread the good news by sending this e-newsletter to your friends.

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