Jonathan Cahn

  • Jonathan Cahn Is Combating End Times Darkness in ‘The Josiah Manifesto’

    Jonathan Cahn Is Combating End Times Darkness in ‘The Josiah Manifesto’

    A darkness has come upon the world. It is an ancient darkness, and yet new in its manifesting. It is permeating our media, our entertainments, our marketplaces, our schools, our corporations, our public squares, our governments, our cultures, our lives. It is setting in motion the transformation of our society, the overturning of ancient foundations,

  • The Mystery of the Days of Awe

    The Mystery of the Days of Awe

    Jonathan Cahn’s Latest Book Reveals Stunning Parallels Between Bible Holy Days and Events In Our Time Could the shocking events of modern times, even of recent years, be the outplaying of mysteries going back two and a half thousand years? Could a 3,000-year-old calendar of appointed days in the Bible lie behind the shaking of

  • The Phineas Factor

    The Phineas Factor

    The Stunning Bible Connection Between The Overturning of Abortion, COVID, and Revival in America Could an act performed in a middle eastern desert three thousand years ago provide the key to a modern phenomenon that changed our lives? Could a Scripture that appeared to Jonathan Cahn while waiting for a plane at an airport provide

  • The Mystery of the Gates

    The Mystery of the Gates

    Jonathan Cahn’s Newest Book Opens Up Stunning Parallels Between The Bible And Today’s Events Could the events of modern times, even of recent years, be the outplaying of mysteries going back two and a half thousand years? Could an ancient Bible prophet and the gates of America be linked to the darkest of a nation’s

  • The Child of the Nile

    The Child of the Nile

    Jonathan Cahn Reveals the Biblical Mystery That Connects Abortion and the One Who Overturned It Could the events of recent years be the unfolding of mysteries going back two and a half thousand years? Could these mysteries have altered even the makeup and rulings of the Supreme Court? Could a child, a river and a

  • The Mystery of Sivan 23

    The Mystery of Sivan 23

    Jonathan Cahn’s Latest Book Opens Up Crucial Answers for the End Times In today’s world, so many believers are asking, “What’s going on? What do we do?” What if there was a 3,000-year-old mystery behind the events that we have all witnessed—the Covid-19 pandemic, the storming of the US Capitol, the changing of the Supreme

  • Is God Sending Us A Message For This Hour?

    Is God Sending Us A Message For This Hour?

    Jonathan Cahn’s Latest Book Issues A Warning To America And A Blueprint For Overcoming In The End Times We are living in unprecedented times. We’ve seen a pandemic, dramatic cultural changes, social unrest, fires and storms, more wars and rumors of war. There’s a lot of fear and concern in the hearts and lives of

  • Number #1 Book in America Sounds an Ominous Warning

    Number #1 Book in America Sounds an Ominous Warning

    The Josiah Manifesto Opens up an Ancient Mystery with Chilling Ramifications – Can we afford to ignore it? After seven New York Times best sellers, The number one nonfiction book in America is sounding an ominous warning. The Josiah Manifesto: The Ancient Mystery and Guide for the End Times by Jonathan Cahn opens up an

  • The Sign of the Broken Altar

    The Sign of the Broken Altar

    A Powerful Biblical Symbol Opens Up An Ancient Mystery That Points To The Future Of America Could one of the most significant biblical symbols signal the transformation of current American culture, just as it did in ancient times? Could this symbol provide us with answers about the future of America and the key to the

  • God’s ‘Survival Guide’ to the End Times

    God’s ‘Survival Guide’ to the End Times

    Jonathan Cahn’s Stunning New Book Opens Up the Mystery of What’s Coming and the Key You Need to Survive the Days Ahead Could the events of modern times, even of recent years, be the outplaying of mysteries going back two and a half thousand years? Could these mysteries have ordained the exact timing of recent

  • Jonathan Cahn’s ‘The Josiah Manifesto’ Tops Bestseller Lists – Number 1 in Nation!

    Jonathan Cahn’s ‘The Josiah Manifesto’ Tops Bestseller Lists – Number 1 in Nation!

    Jonathan Cahn has done it again. Back in 2012, his first book The Harbinger, published by Charisma Media, became a New York Times best seller in its first week, and the sequel The Harbinger II: The Return dominated rankings worldwide in an unprecedented manner in September of 2020. Since his first, every one of Cahn’s

  • The Mystery of the Siege

    The Mystery of the Siege

    Jonathan Cahn’s #1 Best Selling Book Reveals Shocking Parallels Between An Ancient Template And The Storming Of America’s Capital Is it possible that an ancient Bible mystery lies behind one of the most jarring political events of modern times? Is it possible that the answer to an event (which the American government spent incalculable effort,

  • The Shocking Connection Between Fidel Castro, an Ancient Mystery and the Coming of the Pandemic to America

    The Shocking Connection Between Fidel Castro, an Ancient Mystery and the Coming of the Pandemic to America

    Jonathan Cahn’s Newest Book Opens Up the Stunning Bible Connection In his riveting new book, The Josiah Manifesto, author Jonathan Cahn continues to reveal stunning mysteries from the Bible about the exact day and age we’re living in. But he says this book is like no other he has ever written. “The Josiah Manifesto talks about ancient mysteries being revealed

  • Jonathan Cahn Reveals the Connection Between Doritos and the Untilled Ground for the Gospel

    Jonathan Cahn Reveals the Connection Between Doritos and the Untilled Ground for the Gospel

    In one of Jonathan Cahn’s sermons, he reveals the connection between something as simple as eating Doritos and the things God is still needing to change in our lives. Cahn points out that when we fill ourselves up on junk food, we lose our desire for what is healthy and necessary for ourselves to live

  • The Mystery of the Broken Altar

    The Mystery of the Broken Altar

    Is God Giving America Another Chance? In light of all that has happened in recent years, what does the future hold? Is America and the world heading for calamity? Or have we been given a last chance? Is it possible to change history? And have we been given a blueprint for what we need to

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