Sat. Feb 8th, 2025
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Jonathan Cahn’s Newest Book Opens Up Stunning Parallels Between The Bible And Today’s Events

Could the events of modern times, even of recent years, be the outplaying of mysteries going back two and a half thousand years?

Could an ancient Bible prophet and the gates of America be linked to the darkest of a nation’s sins?

Could this link be central in a modern mystery, one that even involved the genetic markers of COVID 19?

Author Jonathan Cahn answers these questions and many more in his newest mind-blowing book The Josiah Manifesto: The Ancient Mystery And Guide For The End Times, published by Charisma Media.

“What’s been unfolding in our lives in the last few years – things that have altered our lives – is actually the hand of God, the God of the Bible,” says Cahn. “He’s so exact and so precise, and He’s been moving where it’s unmissable. All of these things are coming together to an answer. God is pointing us to answers for the days ahead, telling us what we need to know, what we need to stand, to prevail, to survive, to prosper. It’s a mystery journey, a symphony of mysteries, that are all going to come together.”


One of the most powerful mysteries in The Josiah Manifesto is the correlation between abortion and COVID. Cahn outlines astounding parallels between the Bible and today’s current events.

“Jeremiah was told to go to the Valley of Hinnom in order to give a prophecy concerning what the nation of Israel had done to its children,” says Cahn. “The valley was by the gate. The nation had committed its darkest and most gruesome of evils there, by the gate.”

Cahn points out that the gate of America is New York City, the gate through which millions have come in and gone out. “In the case of Israel, its children were murdered by the gate. So too in the case of America, it was by the gate that the nation had murdered its children.”

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In scripture, the gate is also connected to calamity and judgment. Judgment came as the nation’s enemies broke through the gates to bring destruction. And so too a biblical form of judgment, the plague, came to the gate of America, New York.

Cahn reveals how New York was the gateway through which abortion on demand entered the American continent. “The first year of its legalization, over 45 percent of abortions were performed in New York. In 1971, over half of all abortions in America, 55 percent, were performed in New York. And in the last year before Roe v. Wade, over 51 percent of all abortions in America were performed in New York. New York was the nation’s gate of death.”

Fifty years later, death came to America in the form of a plague. “When scientists broke open the genetic code of the virus, they discovered that the majority of American cases of COVID came through the nation’s eastern gate – New York – the same gateway through which abortion had come through 50 years earlier.”


There was one other state that followed New York’s lead in legalizing abortion in 1970 — the state of Washington.

“What then happens if we approach the western gate in view of the ancient mystery?” Cahn asks. “In accordance with the Jubilee there would be a return—the gate through which death entered the nation from the west in the form of abortion would, in the Jubilean year, be the gate through which death in the form of a plague would enter from the west in the form of a plague.”

And that’s exactly what happened.

“When scientists unlocked the genetic code of COVID-19, they discovered that it had entered the American continent through two gates, one on the east coast, the other on the west coast. The first was New York. The second was Washington State – the same two gates through which abortion entered the continent fifty years earlier.”


There was another connection.

“The plague made its official entrance into America on January 20, 2020, when it entered America through patient zero. Patient zero landed in Seattle, Washington – the same western gate through which abortion had spread to the nation.”

Cahn says that if we look at the beginning of abortion – January 20, 1970 – and count forward fifty years, it takes us to January 20, 2020 – the day the plague officially struck America through patient zero.

“Thus the plague began its entrance into America on the same exact date that abortion on demand began its entrance into America,” he says. “The two dates were joined together by the exact fifty-year duration of the Jubilee. The death brought by abortion and the death brought by the plague each entered the land on the same exact day.”

The Josiah Manifesto reminds us that Jubilee brings reversal and restitution. “So on the Jubilee of the day that began America’s taking of life, the plague came to take the lives of the generation that had taken the lives of the children,” Cahn says. “The one was the inversion of the other—and the two days would be joined together by the Jubilee, fifty years to the year, to the month, to the week, and to the exact day.”

No human hand could have joined those two events. The timing was exact.


These are just a few of the mysteries of stunning precision opened up in The Josiah Manifesto. Cahn ends the book with answers, revealing God’s blueprint for every Christian – straight from the Bible – a guide for what to do and how to live in view of what we face in the coming days.

“It’s a guide for the end times,” says Cahn. “God wants you to know an ancient key that instructs you how to survive, and stand, and prevail in the days to come.”

Jonathan Cahn is known as a prophetic voice to our times. He leads Hope of the World ministry and Beth Israel/the Jerusalem Center, his ministry base and worship center in Wayne, New Jersey. He is a much-sought-after speaker and appears throughout America and the world. For more information go to

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