Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

To believers who are the least bit observant, it is clear that there’s a shaking going on within the world’s systems, the church’s systems and individual believers. The shaking we are experiencing today is a move of God, who wants to live and move and have His being through His people. He wants to change the world through us!

God is bearing down on established systems of men, whether they be government institutions or institutional churches. He is truly shaking all things so that the only place we can find security is in Him. He is making it clear that He is a jealous God, jealous for our love, our affection and our very lives. During this season, He is giving us a tremendous opportunity to go a better way, to walk in His eternal ways, and to love with His supernatural and transforming love.

Because we have continued to make the wrong things the main things, He is causing us to have to face and accept this important truth: It’s all about Him. We have relied on government systems, yet Jesus paid very little attention to Caesar and made it clear that Caesar was to be given only that which was his. Certainly we are not to entrust ourselves to these systems or rely on them for sustenance that can come only from Him.

Nor are we to depend on our church structures, because at best they are inadequate in light of who He is. This is not to diminish our need for gathering with one another or making sure we engage with those whom God has ordained as teachers and nurturers of our souls. But He wants our attention to be focused on Him and not on the peripherals of this world. His original design did not call for religion but for a people freely willing to be called unto Himself.

We are seeing so many looking here and there, for “this” and “that,” while expecting the deceptive “this” and “that” to be the keys to finding Him. Our Father desires for us to come to Him so He can show us this, that and the next thing He has for us.

If you are spiritually unsatisfied, don’t remove yourself from your faith community to search for a better one; seek Him first, and He will point you to all the right places and all the right faces. Don’t expect that by moving from one system to the next, you are going to find what you are looking for. Our Father knows best, so ask Him what you must do.

The Lord is bringing a mighty shaking to man-made religious, government and other structures in this hour. He is beckoning us to be free. He does not want anyone or anything to interfere with His personal guidance for each of His children.

In other words, He desires for us to be in the world, but not of it. Our divine priority should be not to so much establishing organizations that grow but establishing people who grow in relationship with Him and with each other while pursuing Christlikeness.

I like the way The Message describes the shaking we are experiencing: “‘One last shaking, from top to bottom, stem to stern.’ The phrase ‘one last shaking’ means ‘a thorough housecleaning, getting rid of all the historical and religious junk so that the unshakable essentials stand clear and uncluttered'” (Heb. 12:26-27).

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