Robert Ricciardelli

  • Discover Your Authority in Christ

    Discover Your Authority in Christ

    In God’s Kingdom, women are free to move in His authority to bring about His will upon the earth. I love the gift the Lord has given to the world in His creation called woman. I am so excited about what the Lord is doing in releasing women to fulfill all He has called them

  • You Cannot Turn Off the Light

    You Cannot Turn Off the Light

    Dualism remains a problem for many Christ followers. They compartmentalize their lives and miss the presence and light of God in every moment, breath, and context of life. Here are some scriptural truths on the matter: Matthew 5:14: “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.”Proverbs 4:18: “The…

  • The Freedom Life Journey

    The Freedom Life Journey

    Father is increasingly bringing His government upon the earth to quicken mankind towards His image and intentions. It is time to assess and discuss the complex aspect of human behavior from a kingdom perspective. I pray we ask the Lord often to reveal to us what needs to be known—that which may be hidden—and help…

  • 2012: 25 Kingdom Initiatives

    2012: 25 Kingdom Initiatives

    As we move along into the new year, I wanted to share 25 key initiatives that I feel are significant for every believer. I am hopeful that these will confirm some things the Lord has already been showing you as well as encourage you to pray into these initiatives for your own lives, and for…

  • 25 Kingdom Initiatives for 2012

    25 Kingdom Initiatives for 2012

    {jcomments on}As we move along into the New Year, I wanted to share 25 key initiatives that I feel are significant for every believer. I am hopeful that these will confirm some things the Lord has already been showing you as well as encourage you to pray into these initiatives for your own lives, and…

  • I Have a Dream

    I Have a Dream

    The last few days I have been waking up thinking about Martin Luther King Jr. I kept hearing his "I Have a Dream" speech as I awoke each of the last few mornings. He is one of my heroes of the faith; a difference-maker, and a catalyst for good and for the generations. I asked…

  • The Nation Called by God’s Name

    The Nation Called by God’s Name

    Editor's Note: In the message that follows, Robert Ricciardelli gives a prophetic explanation for the shaking that currently is occurring worldwide and clarifies what God is doing in the church during this period of widespread uncertainty. He notes that we are in a "swift season of change" and describes what our personal response should be…

  • There’s a Shaking Going On

    There’s a Shaking Going On

    To believers who are the least bit observant, it is clear that there's a shaking going on within the world's systems, the church's systems and individual believers. The shaking we are experiencing today is a move of God, who wants to live and move and have His being through His people. He wants to change…

  • God Is Shaking the Church

    The rumbling we hear will continue until all we see is Him.

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