
You Cannot Turn Off the Light

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Robert Ricciardelli

Dualism remains a problem for many Christ followers. They
compartmentalize their lives and miss the presence and light of God in
every moment, breath, and context of life. Here are some scriptural
truths on the matter:

  • Matthew 5:14: “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.”
  • Proverbs 4:18: “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day” (NIV).
  • John 8:12: “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he
    said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk
    in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”

Ministry by definition is the spiritual work or service of any Christian or a group of Christians. One of the greatest revelations we can ever embrace is that whatever we do in life, is ministry, because the light of God in us and through us never goes dim. Every job, every assignment, our family, our leisure and whatever pathway that the Holy Spirit may lead us, is ministry.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men” (Col. 3:23-24).

Remember that you will get your reward from the Lord. He will give you what you should receive. You are working for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Everything We Do Can Serve the King
No matter what you are doing, you are to do it all for Him, serving Him
and His kingdom. If every believer can grasp the revelation that they
are carrying His presence wherever they go, it will transform them and
many around them. They will desire to walk in His nature, His love and
His purposes, while establishing the kingdom of God upon the earth

When I first began falling deeper and deeper in love with God, I
thought that the natural progression for me would be to become a full-time
ecclesiastic, in the four walls type of organizational ministry. This
false impression came with a guise that I would be loving God more that
way. As I put myself more and more into the ecclesiastical pattern of
service, I seemed to be getting more and more restless. The Lord finally
had to hit me upside the head and say, “You’re going the wrong way.” I
finally got the message and understanding that God had a different plan
for me.

I finally understood that as I am in Him and He is in me, everything I
did in obedience was just as spiritual as being a pope, a pastor, a
prophet or any other title that religion might bestow upon any of us.
The Father seemed to say to me, “As you continue to hear my voice and
obey my words, I will continue to take pleasure in every part of your
life with me.”

As the Lord continues to conform us into His image, the world begins
to see Him work through us in all phases of life. We become His divine
stewards of our families, businesses and in the communities in which we
live. The stewardship of all that the Lord has for us becomes full-time
ministry for each of us, because we never stop representing Him.

are called to be full-time ministers throughout our business day as
well, regardless of what we do.  A bus driver’s ministry as the light of
Christ is just as valid as those who shine His light from behind a
pulpit. Mothers, you are full-time ministers to your family and
community, even if you never work outside of the home. Everything we do
is for the glory of God.

We become an act of worship to our Father in all that we do. In the
name of Jesus, we become a people of character and integrity that bring
salt and light to the world around us. In many ways and applications,
ecclesiastic ministry may never reach or be relevant to those that are
in the marketplace. But those in the marketplace who walk in the love
and power of God, can be transformational instruments for His purposes.

“For God, who said, ‘Let there be light in the darkness,’ has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that
is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. But this precious
treasure–this light and power that now shine within us–is held in
perishable containers, that is, in our weak bodies. So everyone can see that our glorious power is from God and is not our own” (2 Corinthians 4:6-7, NLT).

We Carry His Presence Wherever We Go
What an honor and joy it is to know that we bring His glory into every
jurisdiction, situation and application in life. Just His presence alone
can set people free. I have witnessed the presence of God transform
lives through the simplicity of conversation or a relational engagement.

There have been times when the people I am relating with feel amazingly
safe in sharing their deepest and darkest secrets with me. They will
often say, “I have never told that to anyone, but there is something
different about you; I trust you.” Well, we know what that difference
is and what it isn’t. It certainly is not you or me outside of God. It
is God in us, and it is His presence through us that will will allow the
blind to see and the lost to finally find their journey in God.

Knowing we are activating His ministry every moment of every day, we
must continue to be living epistles of grace and mercy to all we come in
contact with. This does not mean we will necessarily preach. It just
means we will be prepared to hear His voice, and give what He says we
are to give. Our lives will preach beyond words, because of His

When we try and wear our own spiritual clothes, it becomes a
fruitless occasion. He may want us to give a word fitly spoken without
chapter and verse, or just deliver some love, understanding and
encouragement. We must have an ear to hear; which only comes from
intimacy and time spent with the Father and His Word. With this
intimacy, we gain a sensitivity to hear what He has for another during
those opportune moments.

We cannot shut out the light of God. It is in us, on us, and through
us at all times.  We need every false religious tendency to die in order
for us to flow in the life and experience of God. We must love
supernaturally in bringing forth the kingdom of God in powerful ways.
Father, give us wisdom and revelation as we serve in the marketplace and
impart your glory to the world in Jesus name … Amen.

About the author: Robert Ricciardelli and his wife,
Joyce, are the founders of  the Converging Zone Network, which desires
to connect people and provide a platform to share their unique passions,
experiences and purposes. Through their blogs,  newsletters and social
networking platforms, they
bring  collaboration to over 100,000 each week in various spheres of  society.

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