Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
Chuck D. Pierce

Chuck D. Pierce
“Stay connected this week! Stay connected this week! There is something that you are going to have to praise your way through. … Do not disconnect from Me. Do not disconnect from My throne room. Do not disconnect from where you are. Do not disconnect from each other. Stay connected so you can press on through what you’ll be going through.

“Be where I assign you, when I assign you. There are new connections coming into your path this week. You will begin to experience life in a way that you’ve not known in the past. So be where you are to be, when you are to be there, and watch Me work on your behalf.

“… I am pulling down revelation in the night season. I am sending angels of preparation and angels of positioning. I am defining you in a new way. These are not the angelic hosts that you have known in other seasons. These are angels that are sharpening the Word that is in your mouth. They are sharpening your schedule and your timing to put you in the position to which I have called you.

“You are shaking off what is not of Me. You are shaking off things you have heard and said that were not about this season. I am sending a new angelic force. You are feeling their pressure as they work to hone you into that sharp place I am putting you in this day. Stay connected! Stay connected even though this is not the message you have expected from a former season of angelic visitation.

“There is a new place for you to go. There is a new job waiting on you. There is a relationship waiting on you. There is a new place that I am assigning you [to]. Watch carefully. Go where I send you. Do not go in your own strength, for it is [I who] am sending you forth.

“I am mobilizing you. I am giving you the strength to rise up. Go where I send you. Do not be frightened by what you hear. Do not back up just because giants seem near. Stand firm for I am going before you. Just go with Me and say, ‘I have been sent to receive this blessing.’

“I can part what is un-partable. I can cause that which would not let go to now come apart so you can pass through. This is a time of showing. I plan on showing you what you are looking for.

“Do not back up for the show is ready to begin! The show is ready to begin! Therefore, find your seat in Me and get ready to watch the manifestation that you have been asking Me about.

“Your seat and your position have already been prepared for you. Come up! Through your worship, rise up and be seated with Me. Together we will decree into your atmosphere and change your condition.

“Come up, be seated, and watch that area around you in the earth realm be filled with My presence. Come into a new place with Me. Join Me in a new way. I have blessings that you know not of that I long to pour out over you.

“I have been looking for a group. I have been looking for the ones to anoint now. There is an anointing that I am bringing down from heaven so you can stand as one and break through the barrier that the enemy has erected. I am coming in now!”

“I am coming into your life in new ways. I am breaking that which has been around you. I am causing you to feel My presence in new ways. I am causing you to be favored in new ways.

“… I will reveal My glory. I am coming to reveal so I can break open the seal that has closed up what you have been looking for. I am neutralizing your chromosomes from iniquitous patterns.

“Let My glory penetrate! Let My glory penetrate! I am breaking your insecurity barrier. I am uncovering the treasure that you have been. I am uprooting what has been buried deep and causing you to flower and blossom forth in a new way. Let Me uproot! Let Me uproot!”

About the author: Chuck D. Pierce is the president of Glory of Zion International Ministries in Denton, Texas ( He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting and has been used by God to mobilize prayer throughout the world. Pierce is also the author of many books, including his two most recent, Interpreting the Times and Redeeming the Time (both Charisma House).

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