Samantha Carpenter

  • Is God Your Focus?

    Is God Your Focus?

    Have you ever watched a horse race? There is nothing like watching these beautiful creatures race against each other, stride for stride down the racetrack; and when they are neck and neck heading into the last turn, the excitement is exhilarating. You are cheering and shouting until they come charging over the finish line. It

  • The Imposter at the Door

    The Imposter at the Door

    The imposter is someone who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others. Since Satan, the deceiver, ordains or commissions his counterfeit Christ to sit in his satanic seat and to stand in his stead, it should come as no surprise that this imposter Christ will appear to the masses as God’s “anointed

  • Shawn Bolz Unpacks His Prophetic Process and Activates Yours

    Shawn Bolz Unpacks His Prophetic Process and Activates Yours

    Author, minister, TV host and podcaster Shawn Bolz had a conversation with me recently on Adventures in the Spirit on Charisma Podcast Network. Shawn said, “My parents were on a spiritual journey and met John Wimber of the Vineyard Church movement. They had a lot of hard things that they had to come out of.

  • God Reveals His Word and Fulfills It

    God Reveals His Word and Fulfills It

    Josiah became the king of the Southern Kingdom of Judah at the age of eight. As he grew up, he must have been influenced by the prophets Zephaniah and Jeremiah because he slowly wiped out idolatry and reinstated true worship of the God of Israel. He had the temple renovated, and it was then that

  • Jeremiah’s Lonely Call as Prophet

    Jeremiah’s Lonely Call as Prophet

    Jeremiah was still a young man when God called him to be a prophet, so he felt he was not prepared for the task. He told the Lord he could not speak, and he was too young. God rebuked Jeremiah for even saying that and told him to go to whomever he was sent to

  • 7 Signs You Need Deliverance

    7 Signs You Need Deliverance

    I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only one who wondered if I needed deliverance. When you’re experiencing pressures that are beyond what you can handle, your reactions aren’t always … pure and holy (to say the least). Are You Possessed or Oppressed? Acts 10:38 (NKJV) says, “how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the

  • Hit Life’s Curve Balls to Win

    Hit Life’s Curve Balls to Win

    Victory isn’t served up on a silver platter most times. It’s won. When a baseball team plays a game, much work has taken place the audience never sees. Behind the scenes, before the big game, there have been countless hours of training: — Long hot drills to sharpen the batter’s keen ability to make contact

  • When God Is on Our Side

    When God Is on Our Side

    What happens when God is on our side? Do you believe He is on your side? Do you think He is for you or against you? When bad things happen, do you think He is against you and is only for you when good things happen to you? This was an issue the believers in

  • Jesus Rescued This Entrepreneur’s Business—and Him

    Jesus Rescued This Entrepreneur’s Business—and Him

    Today’s entrepreneurs are on the most incredible learning curve of their lives. This generation of leaders is not short on talent or ideas. They are experiencing the most rapid technological boom in history. They have access to the most elaborate education, and learning is literally at their fingertips through Google via the smartphone. However, information

  • Are You Sure You’re an Effective Communicator?

    Are You Sure You’re an Effective Communicator?

    Are you an effective communicator? Are you sure? You may have been in leadership for decades, but that’s no guarantee. Understanding the four stages of speaking will help you determine the answer to these important questions. Abraham Maslow, the acclaimed psychologist most famous for developing the hierarchy of needs pyramid, also pioneered the four stages

  • 3 End-Time Wars: Armies Gather at Armageddon

    3 End-Time Wars: Armies Gather at Armageddon

    We are warned of three last-days wars to occur before our Lord’s Second Coming: — First, a deadly and destructive border war between Israel and its immediate neighbors. — Second, a broader regional war between Israel and its Islamic neighbors on all sides. — Third, a worldwide war focused on the destruction of Israel, its

  • A Missionary in the Making

    A Missionary in the Making

    I am the most saved person I know. A preacher’s kid, I’m sure I’ve been saved at least 150 times. No evangelist ever had an unsuccessful revival in my dad’s church because I got saved every night. It didn’t matter what the sermon was about, I went to the altar. I got saved so often

  • Toward Destiny

    Toward Destiny

    God has a plan for the world that involves a destiny for each of us who are in Christ. We all want to know what His plan for us is. I struggled with trying to figure this out when I was looking toward college and what courses I would take. Now that I am much

  • Prosperity and Success for Spirit-Filled Believers

    Prosperity and Success for Spirit-Filled Believers

    There are those who believe that the financial prosperity message is something that God does not support. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Word of God is filled with a plethora of Scriptures that promise financial blessings to those who are obedient to the Lord and follow His instructions to obtain wealth. In

  • The Importance of Emotional Wellness

    The Importance of Emotional Wellness

    Today’s guest on 5-Fold Unplugged on Charisma Podcast Network was a missionary who suffered from ministry burnout. She left the mission field and retuned home in a state of depression and failure. She was determined to turn her pain into power and decided to go to college. This is when Jeannie Clarkson became Dr. Clarkson.

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