Finances & Career

  • Do This to Stay Healthy in Your Golden Years

    Do This to Stay Healthy in Your Golden Years

    We’ve observed in the past that many people will need to work in their retirement years because of financial necessity. Now more and more evidence is piling up that working into your retirement years can actually lead to a longer life. Scientific researchers have found that people who work in their golden years actually live

  • Consider Biblical Budgeting for Tax-Time Relief

    Consider Biblical Budgeting for Tax-Time Relief

    For many people, tax time and an unexpected tax bill bring shortcomings in family financial planning into painful focus. Yet often the attempt to bring financial balance is itself a painful process that leads to failure and frustration. Many treat their budget like a New Year’s resolution and ignore it after a few weeks. Then

  • Faith and Finances: Are You Committed to Contentment?

    Faith and Finances: Are You Committed to Contentment?

    The apostle Paul said he had learned to live humbly and to live in prosperity: “I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need” (Phil. 4:12, NKJV). He was

  • The 100-Million-Dollar Reason Joel Osteen Was In Tears Last Sunday

    The 100-Million-Dollar Reason Joel Osteen Was In Tears Last Sunday

    In a shocking announcement to the congregation, Pastor Joel Osteen, the leader of Lakewood Church, shared the joyous news that the church has successfully paid off a $100 million loan that had been a part of their financial journey for two decades. The financial revelation took place during a Sunday service, with Osteen in tears

  • Grace Giving: More in ’24

    Grace Giving: More in ’24

    (Editor’s Note: This is Part 3 of a three-part series, “Steps for Biblical Prosperity and Success in ’24.” Find Part 1 here and Part 2 here.) Focused offerings and charitable contributions by New Testament believers and congregations are desired, biblical expressions of generosity and faith. They are part of God’s steps for our success and

  • Blessed to Be a Blessing: Financial Disciplines of Discipleship

    Blessed to Be a Blessing: Financial Disciplines of Discipleship

    (Editor’s Note: This is Part 2 of a three-part series, “Steps for Biblical Prosperity and Success in ’24.” Find Part 1 here, and watch Charisma Magazine Online for Part 3, coming soon.) From Genesis to Revelation, we find examples of how God’s people are blessed to be a blessing to others. In Genesis 12, God

  • Biblical Prosperity: ‘What’s in Your Hand?’

    Biblical Prosperity: ‘What’s in Your Hand?’

    (Editor’s Note: This is Part 1 of a three-part series, “Steps for Biblical Prosperity and Success in ’24.” Watch Charisma Magazine Online for Parts 2 and 3, coming soon.) The root Hebrew word translated in the Old Testament as “prosperity” can also have several alternate translations to suggest “safety, wellness, happiness, healthiness and peace.” If

  • Are These Your 3 Reasons You Aren’t Prospering Yet?

    Are These Your 3 Reasons You Aren’t Prospering Yet?

    What if anytime there was a need that came across your path, and your heart was moved to meet that need, you had a stream of income to meet it? According to 2 Corinthians 9:8 (chapters 8 and 9 are two whole chapters talking about finances and giving), “God is able to make all grace

  • From Lack to Abundance: Embracing Christ’s Provision

    From Lack to Abundance: Embracing Christ’s Provision

    The two things that have been probably fought against the most in the last 30 years in the body of Christ are health and wealth. Healing and finances. Many people call it the “health and wealth” gospel. I have some good news for you: Jesus didn’t die for the sickness and poverty gospel. If the

  • Building Wealth God’s Way with Pastor Jim Baker

    Pastor Jim Baker (that’s one K and no Tammy Faye) is letting Christians know it’s OK to be blessed and work toward expanding the kingdom of God. The love of money is certainly a sin, but God’s blessing is available to all people, no matter the situation, and God wants people to use His blessings

  • How Much Money Is Too Much Money?

    How Much Money Is Too Much Money?

    There is no reason for Christians to be fearful of finances, but it is essential that instead of fear they have wisdom, discernment and biblical understanding. The Lord looks at the hearts of His followers, searching for ones He knows can be trusted to further His kingdom utilizing finances that He blesses them with. This

  • Overcoming the 3 Reasons You Are not Prospering

    Finances are often a touchy subject for people. The topic itself conjures images of preachers putting money before God and using their congregations to enrich only themselves. While the Bible warns against the love of money many times, throughout the Old and New Testaments the Word of God confirms that the Lord wants to bless

  • Is God Raising You Up to be a King Solomon?

    Is God Raising You Up to be a King Solomon?

    We are in a worldwide financial wilderness. It is going to get more bleak before it gets better for many countries, banks, industries and communities. In David’s day, countries were at war in every neighboring part of Israel, but in Solomon’s day, a time of peace and prosperity came to Israel that affected nations. David

  • Marilyn Hickey: Proverbs Can Produce Abundance of Wisdom, Success

    Marilyn Hickey: Proverbs Can Produce Abundance of Wisdom, Success

    Solomon, in his wisdom, gave us the master keys to success, wealth and happiness. In the book of Proverbs, Solomon said wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom. Wisdom is key. If you go after wisdom—in her right hand is length of days and in her left hand is riches and honor—you will discover

  • Dr. David Jeremiah Shares 7 Biblical Principles to Prepare for a 2023 Recession

    Dr. David Jeremiah Shares 7 Biblical Principles to Prepare for a 2023 Recession

    Read Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds Are you concerned about a pending financial disaster in 2023? While analysts are predicting an impending recession coming in 2023, you may be concerned how that will affect the life changes and decisions you have planned for the year. Could this impact your job? It’s no surprise there are

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