Finances & Career

  • Doing God’s Business

    Doing God’s Business

    For a growing number of businesspeople, the marketplace is a platform for ministry When Debra Coover first visited Dr. Pete Sulack’s office in October 2007, she had been suffering steadily worsening bouts of pain and imbalance for four years. Plagued by muscle spasms and insomnia, she says her feet hurt so badly she often felt

  • Does Your Walk Match Your Talk?

    Ever wonder why some people don’t want to do business with Christians? It’s because they have become gun-shy: Either they themselves have been victimized by a deal gone sour or they have heard about shaky deals that have affected others. Christians have earned a reputation in the world for being undependable and lacking in character.

  • Seven Steps to Financial Freedom

    Seven Steps to Financial Freedom

    It is important to have your personal finances stable before starting a business. I receive all kinds of calls on our Money Matters radio program. People want to know whether they should buy a new car, how much house they can afford or whether it’s time to start saving for retirement. What they all need

  • Why It’s So Easy to Misrepresent Christ at Work

    Why It’s So Easy to Misrepresent Christ at Work

    Like it or not, people are watching you. Is your character pointing them to Jesus? We don’t have to scan far into today’s headlines to see that integrity is lacking in the marketplace. Scandals of fraud and mismanagement have rocked nearly every industry. Our society seems to have a high degree of tolerance for those

  • The Modest Billionaire

    The Modest Billionaire

    Editor’s Note: With Hobby Lobby hitting headlines recently because of its lawsuit against the HHS mandate, Charisma wanted to share this article from 2005. It highlights Founder David Green, who believes God has blessed his business so he can share his money with others. Could you pick a billionaire out of a crowd of ordinary folks? Probably not

  • Defusing ‘Desk Rage’

    Defusing ‘Desk Rage’

    The work environment has become a place of unleashed rage for too many Americans. It’s another day in the office and you have several deadlines to meet. As you open a document on your computer, the file shuts down and the computer freezes. “What?” you shout. “I need that file!” Then you begin pounding the

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