Finances & Career

  • When Will You Be Ready to Steward Your Supernatural Prosperity?

    When Will You Be Ready to Steward Your Supernatural Prosperity?

    What are the two most hotly debated charismatic doctrines in the past 30 years? I’d say those regarding God’s provision for healing and finances. He used these controversial doctrines to teach me a key truth: The gospel of the kingdom includes prosperity. Prosperity is not the whole gospel—but the gospel is incomplete without it. If

  • 7 Steps to Advance in a Stuck World

    7 Steps to Advance in a Stuck World

    This is your time to ADVANCE. As an executive coach to leaders in business, as well as in the church world for 30-plus years, I have had the privilege of high-fiving around the table when things work, movements grow, business rocks. On the other hand, I have shared in the raw crushing pain of defeat

  • In These Uncertain Economic Times, Seeking the Kingdom Is the Solution

    In These Uncertain Economic Times, Seeking the Kingdom Is the Solution

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its monthly report on consumer inflation. Changes in the CPI showed a hot 7.5% inflation from a year ago (7.30% expected, 7.0% last month, 1.4% in January 2021). Inflation is the highest in 40 years. Fuel oil prices increased 46.5% from a year ago, used cars and trucks

  • Kingdom Economics: Obtaining Clarity in a Time of Uncertainty

    Kingdom Economics: Obtaining Clarity in a Time of Uncertainty

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) January employment report contained a bundle of surprises. On a seasonally adjusted basis, nonfarm employment jumped 467 thousand, more than three times consensus pre-report estimates. Private employment increased 444 thousand nearly three times expectations. The unemployment rate increased from 3.9 % to 4.0 %. Average weekly hours decreased slightly

  • 7 Keys to Building a Kingdom-Driven, Highly Profitable Life and Business

    7 Keys to Building a Kingdom-Driven, Highly Profitable Life and Business

    When the going gets tough, God’s people get entrepreneurial. Do you have an entrepreneurial idea that you want to grow in 2022? Is God calling you to launch a profit-generating, kingdom business that makes life better for many? History has shown that recessions in the U.S. drive innovation and entrepreneurial progress. Now is the time

  • The Secret Every Leader Needs to Know

    The Secret Every Leader Needs to Know

    I’d like to share with you a leadership secret — a way to boost the morale of your team and motivate them toward excellence. Perhaps like no other aspect of leadership, this one behavior can supercharge your team! The ERC (Employers Resource Council) compiled a list of characteristics of “Great Workplaces that Excel at the

  • Financial Stewardship: The Practical Side

    Financial Stewardship: The Practical Side

    In the article, “I Earned It, It’s Mine! Right?”, I wrote about the spiritual side of financial stewardship. Jesus taught more about this subject than any other, so stewardship of money is very important to God. The Bible says in Luke 16:10-11 that if we are to be trusted with true riches of the kingdom,

  • The Fruit of Willingness and Faith-Filled Obedience in Business

    The Fruit of Willingness and Faith-Filled Obedience in Business

    Imagine being cheated out of thousands of dollars at a time of your life when you’re broke and trying to support your family. Then after God asks you to forgive the person, He later leads you to go back and work with the same person who cheated you in business. Would you do it? Josh

  • Financial Stewardship: The Practical Side

    Financial Stewardship: The Practical Side

    In the article, “I Earned It, It’s Mine! Right?”, I wrote about the spiritual side of financial stewardship. Jesus taught more about this subject than any other, so stewardship of money is very important to God. The Bible says in Luke 16:10-11 that if we are to be trusted with true riches of the kingdom,

  • Leading Relactionally

    Leading Relactionally

    Yes, that’s the right word. It’s spelled right. The word is relactional. We want to learn to lead relactionally. Relactional is a word we use in Transformational Leadership to describe the kind of transformational leader we aspire to be. As a transformational leader, learning to lead relactionally can impact your organization in powerful and positive

  • Seven Ways You Can Up Your Communication Game and Build a Great Culture

    Seven Ways You Can Up Your Communication Game and Build a Great Culture

    Years ago, I discovered that good communication is necessary for effective leadership. A leader always sets the expectations and defines the level of communication by example. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those

  • Are You Investing in Training and Development?

    Are You Investing in Training and Development?

    Ever since I was a little boy, I’ve been intensely curious. I also have a passion to add value to others. I’ve discovered that before you can add value to others and really help them, you must first grow yourself. So I have lived a life full of learning. Every day I challenge myself to

  • How to Hire the Right People

    How to Hire the Right People

    Best-selling author Jim Collins said, “First who, then what.” He went on to say, “People are not your most important asset. The right people are.” The key point he was making was the “who” question came before the “what” decisions — before vision, before strategy, before organization structure, before tactics. Let’s continue our discussion of

  • Two Ways Leaders Can Improve Their Culture

    Two Ways Leaders Can Improve Their Culture

    One thing is clear: Every organization has a culture. And every culture is driven by the leader. That is why John C. Maxwell said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” I found in my own business that I influenced what our culture looked like, whether good or bad. I observed that our people behaved like

  • Do You Want to Change the World or Just Change Jobs?

    Do You Want to Change the World or Just Change Jobs?

    Changing jobs may not change the whole world but it will definitely change your world. In today’s chaotic culture, people are searching to make their lives better. Often that means changing jobs or careers or making some other major shift. If that’s you, just remember that the job or career is not the final goal;

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