Richard Daigle

  • God’s Magnet Over Peru

    God’s Magnet Over Peru

    Take note, world: Peru is on the rise. Once known as one of the poorest countries in South America, Peru’s economy is now the fastest-growing on the continent, tripling in size in the last decade. In 2009, when the debt crisis sent many countries into a tailspin, Peru’s economy actually grew by .09 percent. Along

  • After Many Prophecies, Peru Sees Spiritual, Economic Revival

    After Many Prophecies, Peru Sees Spiritual, Economic Revival

    Take note, world: Peru is on the rise. Once known as one of the poorest countries in South America, Peru’s economy is now the fastest growing in South America, having tripled in size in the last decade. In 2009, when the debt crisis sent many countries into a tailspin, Peru’s economy actually grew by .09

  • Pastor Says Recession Can Bring Revival

    Pastor Says Recession Can Bring Revival

    Argentine revival leader Claudio Freidzon says a three-year recession in his nation brought spiritual renewal An Argentine revival leader whose church doubled in size after a financial collapse in his nation believes the American church could see revival in the midst of the current economic recession. Claudio Freidzon, pastor of Rey de Reyes church in

  • A Father to the Fatherless

    It breaks Joe Loyal's heart that so many kids today don't have two parents. That's why the Georgia retiree now spends all of his time reaching kids in lower-class neighborhoods.

  • Escape From the Suburbs

    Once a successful businessman, David VanCronkhite left his job and started one of Atlanta's most vibrant inner-city missions.

  • Doomsday Prophet?

    Leaning on his cane, a kippah, or traditional head covering worn by Jews, perched atop his silver hair, the mustachioed 62-year-old man's dark eyes danced like a little boy's as he spoke about the dream of his life--a dream so big it would fit well as a major plot line for a Left Behind book:…

  • Faith In the Midst Of Crisis

    In Argentina, an economic collapse has caused the middle class to disappear. Yet Christians here are still giving their money--and their very lives--to reach a broken nation.

  • Waves of Healing in PERU

    Thousands of Peruvian girls and women suffer in silence after being sexually abused. But today a new ministry is introducing them to God's healing power.

  • Earl Paulk Denies Sex-Abuse Charges

    A lawsuit filed in April reopened old allegations about misconduct at Paulk's Atlanta church

  • Jay Bakker Tells the World His Story

    His new autobiography reveals the highs and lows he's lived as the son of a famous minister.

  • National Pentecostal Leaders to Unite In Atlanta at March 2001 Gathering

    Organizers expect 10,000 to attend Solemn Assembly 2001, an event to be marked by 50 hours of prayer and repentance Thousands of people

  • Walk of Faith Leads to TV Ministry For Charismatic Couple in Georgia

    Russell and Dorothy Spaulding--who carried a cross across the nation for eight years--now own a TV station in Augusta

  • Ex-Satanist Warns Christians About Popularity of Occultism in the U.S.

    Henry Lewis, now a pastor in Georgia, grew up in the devil's grip and says most Christians know little about Satan

  • Christians Help Jews Leave Russia

    As anti-Semitism surges in the former Soviet Union, relief ministries step up their assistance

  • Revival Hits North Carolina Methodists

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