
  • Morning Rundown: Police Shut Down Mike Signorelli and Jenny Weaver Baptisms

    Morning Rundown: Police Shut Down Mike Signorelli and Jenny Weaver Baptisms

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: Police Shut Down Mike Signorelli and Jenny Weaver Baptisms The V1 Miami Church held a revival service with Pastor Mike Signorelli and Jenny Weaver where many decided to get baptized. However, during this time of spontaneous baptisms, law enforcement arrived to shut down the event.

  • Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: 7 Best Practices for Evangelistic Success in ’24

    Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: 7 Best Practices for Evangelistic Success in ’24

    “You can pray 24/7, 365 days a year, but America will still go to hell unless you get off your knees and share the gospel.”—Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke “If sinners will be damned, at least, let them leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their

  • Will You Go to Heaven?

    Will You Go to Heaven?

    The answer to that question is most likely no. You won’t. That may seem surprisingly harsh, but look at what Jesus said: “Many are on the wide road that leads to hell, and few are on the narrow road that leads to heaven” (see Matt. 7:13-14). Heaven is not your default destination. There needs to

  • Why There Must Be a Place Called Hell

    Why There Must Be a Place Called Hell

    Why must there be a place called hell? Why does it have to exist? People are offended, believing that God sends basically good people to eternal torment in hell. Many people are actually angry at God because they cannot reconcile this issue. They create a God who is only loving and don’t grasp that He

  • How Can Local Churches Be Empowered for Evangelism?

    How Can Local Churches Be Empowered for Evangelism?

    Last week, I wrote about the eye-opening conversation I had with two evangelists that I hugely respect and admire on the state of evangelism in modern America. I highly encourage you to read that piece here. Shawn Carlson is the executive director at Time to Revive (TTR). Founded by Kyle Lance Martin, TTR is equipping

  • Why Should Any Sinner Be Saved at the Last Moment?

    Why Should Any Sinner Be Saved at the Last Moment?

    It doesn’t seem fair that a person could lead a wicked life, never change their ways and keep on sinning right up until their last breath. Why should they be allowed to repent, receive Jesus as their Savior, and go to heaven within moments of their death? Many people feel strongly that those people deserve

  • Is Popular YouTuber’s Salvation Reality or Appeasement?

    Is Popular YouTuber’s Salvation Reality or Appeasement?

    Deliverance minister Isaiah Saldivar calls him “one of the most influential people in our generation online.” If JiDion Adams, who has almost 8 million followers on YouTube, is sincere about turning his life completely over to Christ—which recently he did on a video on his channel—then certainly this is a huge blow to the enemy’s

  • Students Spark Holy Spirit Explosion at Small, Liberal Texas University

    Students Spark Holy Spirit Explosion at Small, Liberal Texas University

    A revival at Asbury University in Kentucky gained a great deal of nationwide attention for 16 days back in February. It spawned many other mini revivals across the country, but eventually the excitement waned. In sharp contrast, a little-known liberal university in southeast Texas has been celebrating a campus revival since 2018, and its momentum

  • Top of the Week: 10,000 Hear the Good News at Franklin Graham’s ‘God Loves You’ Tour

    Top of the Week: 10,000 Hear the Good News at Franklin Graham’s ‘God Loves You’ Tour

    Following are snippets of the top stories posted this week on mycharisma.com. We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full. 10,000 Hear the Good News at Franklin Graham’s ‘God Loves You’ Tour They came by the busload from all over England and Wales to hear a gospel message. Approximately 130

  • Morning Rundown: 10,000 Hear the Good News at Franklin Graham’s ‘God Loves You’ Tour

    Morning Rundown: 10,000 Hear the Good News at Franklin Graham’s ‘God Loves You’ Tour

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: 10,000 Hear the Good News at Franklin Graham’s ‘God Loves You’ Tour They came by the busload from all over England and Wales to hear a gospel message. Approximately 130 coaches carried 5,000 people to the outreach from as far away as Liverpool. People streamed

  • Morning Rundown: Why Some Jews Are Believing Jesus Is the Jewish Messiah

    Morning Rundown: Why Some Jews Are Believing Jesus Is the Jewish Messiah

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: Why Some Jews Are Believing Jesus Is the Jewish Messiah Years ago I met Peter Drucker, the marketing guru who said that an unexpected surprise is often the first indication of a trend. I’ve never forgotten that and I look for “unexpected” surprises as a

  • Top of the Week: Crusades Lead Over a Million People to Respond to the Gospel

    Top of the Week: Crusades Lead Over a Million People to Respond to the Gospel

    Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on my charisma.com. We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full. Crusades Lead Over a Million People to Respond to the Gospel Christ for All Nations (CfaN) broke record numbers as they held 11 crusades over a two-week

  • Morning Rundown: Crusades Lead Over a Million People to Respond to the Gospel

    Morning Rundown: Crusades Lead Over a Million People to Respond to the Gospel

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: Crusades Lead Over a Million People to Respond to the Gospel Christ for All Nations (CfaN) broke record numbers as they held 11 crusades over a two-week time span with over 1 million people responding to the gospel. In an exclusive interview with Charisma News,

  • Artificial Intelligence Bringing Bible Translations to Other 90% of Languages

    Artificial Intelligence Bringing Bible Translations to Other 90% of Languages

    In a groundbreaking endeavor, a team of specialists in California is utilizing artificial intelligence to translate the Bible into languages that currently lack a written version of God’s Word. The Greek Room project team, led by Ulf Hermjakob and Joel Mathew from the University of Southern California’s Information Sciences Institute (ISI), aims to develop tools

  • Blockbuster Film ‘Jesus Revolution’ to Premiere on Netflix in July

    Netflix subscribers can look forward to a captivating new addition to their streaming options as Jesus Revolution, a film based on the life of Pastor Greg Laurie during the Jesus Movement, is set to premiere on July 31. Pastor Laurie, the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, urged his followers to pray

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