Mike Bickle

  • The Power of a Focused Life

    The Power of a Focused Life

    I. The Need for Vision and Focus Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18, KJV) Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint (Proverbs 29:18) II. Components of a Focused Life A. Overall life vision – primary purpose in life B. Life goals – applying my life vision to each

  • Where is the Church in the Book of Revelation?

    Where is the Church in the Book of Revelation?

    Some teach that the Church will be raptured before the events that begin in Revelation 4:1. This teaching is based on the argument that since the term Church is not used in chapters 4–21 of Revelation, the Church must no longer be on earth at that time. However, this assumption is based on silence rather

  • 3 Ways to Exercise Your Spiritual Authority in the 2020 Election

    3 Ways to Exercise Your Spiritual Authority in the 2020 Election

    God gave authority to mankind to rule over all that is in the earth. In Genesis 1:26-28, God declared that He created the human race to “rule” or “have dominion”—this is often referred to as the “dominion mandate.” In other words, as image bearers, made in God’s likeness, mankind’s call to rule is one of

  • Mike Bickle: Today’s Christians Need to Become More Like This Godly Woman

    Mike Bickle: Today’s Christians Need to Become More Like This Godly Woman

    The Christmas story is a remarkable testimony of how the Father used a young lady to partner with Him in bringing His Son to the earth. It is a glorious story that reveals how He leads His people and how He wants them to respond to His leadership. When the angel Gabriel told Mary she

  • IHOPKC Celebrates 20th Anniversary With Renewed Holy-Spirit Vision

    IHOPKC Celebrates 20th Anniversary With Renewed Holy-Spirit Vision

    As we celebrate our 20th anniversary of 24/7 prayer with worship, our entire mission base at IHOPKC is looking back with heartfelt gratitude, even while looking forward with confidence and a renewed spirit of dedication. I am grateful for how the Lord carefully walked us through a multiyear season of refinement, including helping us overcome

  • Why Prayer Always Precedes God’s Promises and Purposes

    Why Prayer Always Precedes God’s Promises and Purposes

    Prayers that Strike the Mark are guided by and endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the will and the Word of God. As faithful prayer warriors align with God’s heart, they focus on “prayer targets,” under the direction of the Holy Spirit, in order to partner with Jesus in prayer that

  • Mike Bickle: We Believe Part of This Bob Jones Prophecy Will Come to Pass This Week

    Mike Bickle: We Believe Part of This Bob Jones Prophecy Will Come to Pass This Week

    Join us by webstream for an historic gathering this week at IHOPKC at ihopkc.org. Around 1,000 Chinese leaders and friends are coming to IHOPKC for four days this week (Sept.19–22, Wednesday–Saturday). The majority of these leaders and emerging leaders are from Asia and North America. I believe that this will be one of the most

  • 4 Pastoral Challenges in the End Times

    4 Pastoral Challenges in the End Times

    Our world is in a season of acceleration toward two momentous events: the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the greatest hour of pressure and trouble in all of history. Isaiah said it clearly: “For the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord shall rise upon you, and

  • Mike Bickle: 4 Prophetic Challenges the End-Times Church Must Face

    Mike Bickle: 4 Prophetic Challenges the End-Times Church Must Face

    Our world is in a season of acceleration toward two momentous events: the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the greatest hour of pressure and trouble in all of history. Isaiah said it clearly: “For the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord shall rise upon you, and

  • Mike Bickle Shares 3 Key Characteristics of the End-Times Prayer Movement

    Mike Bickle Shares 3 Key Characteristics of the End-Times Prayer Movement

    Jesus is not coming back to a prayerless Church, but to one that is operating in close partnership with Him in intercession for the end-time harvest (Rev. 22:17). The Holy Spirit is on the move, raising up a worldwide prayer and worship movement throughout the whole Body of Christ. The outcome will include the gospel being

  • Mike Bickle Answers the 100 Most Frequently Asked Questions About the End Times—Part 2

    Mike Bickle Answers the 100 Most Frequently Asked Questions About the End Times—Part 2

    This is part 2 of a multipart series. Click here to read part 1.  26. When does the final three and a half years start? It is marked by the abomination of desolation (Matt. 24:15, Mark 13:14, 2 Thess. 2:3-4, Rev. 13:12-18). 27. What is the abomination of desolation? This occurs when the Antichrist stands

  • Mike Bickle Answers the 100 Most Frequently Asked Questions About the End Times

    Mike Bickle Answers the 100 Most Frequently Asked Questions About the End Times

    1. Why is it important that we study the and the Book of Revelation? Studying what the Bible has to say about the future empowers us to be victorious in love and power during the most glorious and difficult time in history. It prepares us to actively participate under Jesus in the end-time events and

  • Walk in Victorious Freedom With This Psalm 27 Tactic

    Walk in Victorious Freedom With This Psalm 27 Tactic

    In May 1983, the Lord spoke audibly about establishing a ministry of 24/7 prayer with singers and musicians in Kansas City. (Only twice in my 40 years of ministry has the Lord given me a ministry assignment by the audible voice of God.) The idea of 24/7 worship and prayer was totally new to me,

  • The Only Way God’s People Can Succeed Spiritually in the Days Ahead

    The Only Way God’s People Can Succeed Spiritually in the Days Ahead

    For those reading Luke 21 for the first time, the passage can seem like nothing but gloom and doom. In other biblical accounts of what will happen in the end times, the writers include more positive elements than Luke 21. In fact, many of those passages make it clear that this will be the time

  • Prayers That Change the Course of a Nation

    Prayers That Change the Course of a Nation

    We can be assured that God is ultimately in control of where, when and from whom judgment is withheld and mercy and blessing are given instead. He alone makes it rain on one city while withholding rain from another in a time of drought (Amos 4:7). In fact, one of the most remarkable elements of

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