God Encounters Today

  • Discerning Between Your Natural and Spiritual Senses

    Discerning Between Your Natural and Spiritual Senses

    God is an emotive God and every dimension of the fruit of the spirit is distinctly filled with emotions. So, it is important to approach emotive discernment with balance, understanding and revelation concerning the realm of natural and spiritual senses. Hebrews 5:13-14 says, “For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of

  • Holiness and the Power of Conviction

    Holiness and the Power of Conviction

    The conviction and conversion experience is the work of the Holy Spirit, sometimes experienced as dramatic and sometimes gentler in nature. In every case, an encounter with the Holy Spirit arouses an emotional response. And such encounters are not reserved for an elite few, such as the Old Testament patriarchs; they are for everyone. Jesus guaranteed that all

  • What Fears Keep You From Your Dreams?

    What Fears Keep You From Your Dreams?

    I want to issue this challenge to you: Dare to dream! We’ve got to be free to see, but we can’t see if we’re bound up in fear. Have you ever been introduced to someone and not caught his or her name because you were so concerned about what you were going to say in

  • 7 Powerful Benefits of Jesus’ Blood

    7 Powerful Benefits of Jesus’ Blood

    In the Scriptures, we find many benefits concerning what the blood of Jesus has done for us. We overcome the devil and his works when we testify to what Jesus’ blood has accomplished. We become like those believers who are already in heaven, having followed Him faithfully all the way: “They triumphed over him by

  • A Call to Mount the Walls for Jerusalem

    A Call to Mount the Walls for Jerusalem

    “I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth” (Isa. 62:6-7, NIV). Could we be living in a historic defining moment

  • Anchor Yourself to These 3 Essential Core Values

    Anchor Yourself to These 3 Essential Core Values

    We all face uncertain times. The book of Hebrews uses pictorial language describing this as an anchor. “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and reliable and one which enters within the veil” (Heb. 6:19). Now, the imagery of an anchor obviously creates a picture of a boat that is

  • Is Revival Lasting Change or a Passing Cloud?

    Is Revival Lasting Change or a Passing Cloud?

    Wisdom is needed for any move of God to be sustained. When revival comes, the presence of these three components determines whether it will bring lasting change or be a passing cloud. They are the Holy Spirit’s: 1. Power, 2. Fruit, and 3. Wisdom. We have had revivals before, haven’t we? We have had moves of the Spirit

  • How to Find the Secret Place Where God Abides

    How to Find the Secret Place Where God Abides

    The gospel is so simple and real. God loves us enormously; it’s as though He has decided to leave us love notes everywhere. But how do you find the secret place where God abides? Whenever you open your heart to see and hear Him, He is there. It’s wonderful to look back over your life

  • Become the Revelation by Incarnating God’s Word

    Become the Revelation by Incarnating God’s Word

    As a prophet and a teacher, I talk a lot about the subject of revelation. But in the pursuit of revelation, it is often easy to miss its purpose. The heart of God is that we become the revelation, and incarnate God’s word—in other words, for us to look like, sound like and act like

  • Contending for the Altars of Worship

    Contending for the Altars of Worship

    Just like in the times of Elijah and Jezebel, today we are contending for the altars of worship. As you may be aware, in the recent Grammy awards ceremony there was a performance that literally portrayed Satanic worship. In 1 Kings 18:21, Elijah is speaking to the people in his famous showdown with Ahab, Jezebel, and the priests of

  • The Billion-Soul Harvest Has Begun

    The Billion-Soul Harvest Has Begun

    In 1983, seer prophet Bob Jones predicted that three key signs would occur as indicators of when the billion-soul harvest, particularly of youth, would begin. I want to review these prophetic signs of the times with you because I believe it is clear: The great harvest has begun! And I want you to exercise faith and

  • What Is Your Prophetic Warning?

    What Is Your Prophetic Warning?

    God wants to anoint you with His grace through your unique prophetic wiring to impact the body of Christ in the place He has called you! He will do that in as many diverse ways as there are people, personalities, and gift mixes across the face of the earth. I cannot emphasize enough how big God

  • Why Christians Need to Declare a ‘No Competition Zone’

    Why Christians Need to Declare a ‘No Competition Zone’

    We’re in the height of sports competition time around the world, aren’t we? In the United States we are getting all ramped up towards the Super Bowl. And then in the basketball world, it’s March Madness. Then somewhere along the way, it’s The Master’s golf tournament, hockey Stanley Cup, the soccer World Cup and don’t

  • How This Sacrifice Can Release Supernatural Power Within You

    How This Sacrifice Can Release Supernatural Power Within You

    Read Time: 5 Minutes 58 Seconds Do you have a special time of fasting with prayer at the first of the New Year? Fasting is a sacrifice and invitation into a divine privilege to partner with the Holy Spirit into His purposes in our generation. The beginning of the year is emphasized, in many church

  • Prophet: It’s the Time of the Teeter Totter

    Prophet: It’s the Time of the Teeter Totter

    Read Time: 2 Minutes 38 Seconds As I have prayed into the year 2023 & beyond, the Holy Spirit has given me a recurring vision of a teeter totter going up and down. I asked the Holy Spirit what I was seeing, and He replied simply, “It’s the Time of the Teeter Totter.” We are

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