Michael L. Brown

  • The Biggest Revelation of 2023

    The Biggest Revelation of 2023

    On Dec. 29, on Facebook and X, I asked this question: “What do you personally believe was the biggest revelation in American society in the last year—in other words, the cultural or political or spiritual phenomenon that suddenly became crystal clear?” Naturally, I received a wide range of responses, but more than anything, I saw

  • Faith Obscured: What This 28-Year-Old, Jewish MIT Grad Thought Being a Christian Meant

    Faith Obscured: What This 28-Year-Old, Jewish MIT Grad Thought Being a Christian Meant

    This story might seem hard to believe for some, but I heard it firsthand from a good Christian friend, whom we’ll call Sam. And upon reflection, it’s not far-fetched at all. Sam’s daughter is dating a 28-year-old Jewish man, a graduate of Tufts and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Shortly before Christmas, Sam, who has

  • The Ongoing Fight Against the Jewishness of Jesus

    The Ongoing Fight Against the Jewishness of Jesus

    You would think this would be pretty easy to get right: According to the Gospels, Yeshua (Jesus) was born a Jew in an ancient Jewish city in the historic land of Israel. But no, all this must be disputed, after all, how can Jesus be the liberator of the oppressed if He Himself was born

  • Why I Am Not Discouraged

    Why I Am Not Discouraged

    There is no shortage of bad news today, on both the national and global level. The political scene—in particular, the presidential race—is as muddy as it is muddled, while the division between Right and Left continues to intensify. Anti-Jewish sentiments, both here and abroad, have risen to frighteningly high and deeply dangerous levels, while fears

  • The Pope Cannot Overrule God

    The Pope Cannot Overrule God

    If you have followed my writing and speaking over the decades, you will know that Catholicism has not been a focus of my ministry, either praising it or criticizing it. At the same time, I recognize the important role of the Catholic Church in standing for the sanctity of life and the meaning of marriage.

  • Why I Am Glad to See Campus Antisemitism Revealed

    Why I Am Glad to See Campus Antisemitism Revealed

    The recent revelation of just how deeply antisemitism is embedded in some of our nation’s leading universities is certainly disturbing. But it is not in the least surprising. That’s why I, for one, am glad to see all this coming to the surface. It’s ugly. It’s insidious. It’s inexcusable. But at last, it’s being exposed

  • Modern-Day Scandal: Accusing Israel of Genocide

    Modern-Day Scandal: Accusing Israel of Genocide

    You may believe that Israel’s response to Oct. 7 is disproportionate. You may even believe that, on some level, the Israel Defense Forces is guilty of war crimes. But to accuse Israel of committing genocide is as preposterous as it is scandalous. Yet the word “genocide” is virtually ubiquitous these days, the most common description

  • Why My Sympathy for the Palestinians Is Growing

    Why My Sympathy for the Palestinians Is Growing

    It is true that a recent poll indicated that 75% of Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank supported the actions of Hamas on Oct. 7. It is true that the people of Gaza chose to elect Hamas as their leaders in 2006. And it is true that an alarming number of Palestinians have

  • An Honest Question for Critics of the New Apostolic Reformation

    An Honest Question for Critics of the New Apostolic Reformation

    This article is not meant to provoke or insult or demean or antagonize or gaslight. Instead, it is meant to help readers understand why I continue to say that the New Apostolic Reformation of the critics does not exist. Remember that I freely acknowledge the existence of the New Apostolic Reformation as articulated by Peter

  • Proving the Slippery Slope: The Growing Acceptance of Polygamy

    Proving the Slippery Slope: The Growing Acceptance of Polygamy

    For decades, conservative Christians have been warning about our nation’s slide down the proverbial slippery slope, only to be rebuffed for crying wolf. “There is no slippery slope!” we have been told repeatedly. That’s why, for quite a few years now, I have documented just how real (and slippery) that slope is. For example, in

  • The Anti-Israel Movement: ‘Down With the Evil Colonizers’

    The Anti-Israel Movement: ‘Down With the Evil Colonizers’

    What moved hundreds of thousands of people around the world to support the Black Lives Matter cause? Was it a bleeding heart for Black Americans? Or did something else animate this global phenomenon? Today, we can ask in a similar spirit, “What unites tens of millions worldwide around the Free Palestine cause?” Is it a

  • What John Calvin Got Wrong About the Restoration of the Kingdom

    What John Calvin Got Wrong About the Restoration of the Kingdom

    The book of Acts records that, after the resurrection of Jesus, He appeared to the apostles “over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3c, NIV). This was in addition to the three-plus years they had spent with Him before His crucifixion, sitting at His feet and drinking in

  • A Word of Encouragement for Those Rocked by the Allegations Against Mike Bickle

    A Word of Encouragement for Those Rocked by the Allegations Against Mike Bickle

    It was absolutely shocking to learn this past weekend that serious allegations had been brought against Mike Bickle, senior leader of IHOPKC. (This stands for International House of Prayer, Kansas City.) Mike is a personal friend and, to my knowledge, a beautiful example of devotion to Jesus. He spent hours daily in prayer and the

  • The Myth of Israel Bombing a Hospital Will Live On for Decades

    The Myth of Israel Bombing a Hospital Will Live On for Decades

    The news created shock waves around the world. Those evil, genocidal Israelis bombed a hospital in Gaza, resulting in hundreds of deaths. And this was not just a hospital caring for the sick and the wounded. It was a hospital where civilians were taking cover, including many children. Yet these monstrous Israelis targeted it for

  • Giving up the ‘Occupied Territories’ Is Not the Solution

    Giving up the ‘Occupied Territories’ Is Not the Solution

    There is a widespread belief that if Israel would only give back the territories it seized during the Six Day War in 1967, then peace would come to the Middle East. This is demonstrably false, especially in light of a popular chant heard around the world in recent days. To start, Israel gave back the

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